I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 851 The Flooded Base

"He and the professor were once good friends who shared the same goals. Unfortunately, they had disagreements over a decision-making point and ended up taking two completely different paths."


But the way they deal with problems is sometimes too extreme, so that now they are a group of wanted criminals with a good reputation.

But the power of Magneto and his men is real. There are still many people who want to join them, and there are also many employers who are willing to hire them.

But it shouldn’t be that they are looking for trouble with Wolverine. Although Magneto and Professor X have parted ways, they actually hope that the other can understand them. Wolverine is Professor plan, he had to be controlled.

"Do you have such a friend?"

"I don't know, I can't think of anything..." Wolverine was about to refuse, but his head stung again.

It seems to be the same? No, that seemed to be an enemy. They just faced an enemy together at one time.

"Ah..." The pain in his brain became more and more intense, and Wolverine breathed heavily.

"If you can't remember it, don't think about it, right?" Luo Huai released a weak mental shock to get him out.

"I really doubt you know about my past, and you seem to know a lot of things that are older than your age."

“Who says young people can’t be curious about old stories?”

"But you always bring up key points in my memory while chatting."

"That only means that I talk about it more broadly. After all, there are only so many things I have experienced in life." Luo Huai kept telling lies as he opened his mouth.

"Okay, you win." Wolverine couldn't help him with these reasons.

The location of the hidden base was inferred to be under a reservoir on the edge of the city. Some time after the hidden base was abandoned, it was planned to be a reservoir. Many things were flooded before they could be moved.

If you want to go down, you may have to dive.

"Don't you need it?" Looking at Luo Huai who only wore a blue helmet, Wolverine felt that he was almost getting used to this guy's various unexpected abilities.

"This is enough." Luo Huai knocked on his helmet and jumped down first.

Wolverine followed closely and jumped from the dam. Both of them were very strong, so the height was nothing.

It's quiet underwater.

"Over here." Luo Huai and Wolverine swam deeper through the headphones.

The reservoir is very large. The base was located in a lowland at that time. The entrance was basically sealed and was tightly blocked by the silt underground of the reservoir.

Luo Huai finally built a closed space with blocks at the bottom and filled the water in buckets.

"If you go down here, you should be able to get there directly."

But Wolverine's attention was entirely on the cube Luo Huai placed.

"Are you sure this isn't magic?" Judging from the various abilities Luo Huai has shown so far, it is obvious that this has gone beyond the scope of mutation abilities.

After all, the essence of mutation is that some normal genes have mutated. If you have multiple powers, there will not be many normal genes left, and you may not even be able to form a normal life.

"That's what you think."

Luo Huai was too lazy to explain. As long as you don't say anything about this kind of setting, others will figure it out on their own, and there are few loopholes.

"Forget it, I'd better get my memory back quickly."

The two of them dug five or six meters vertically down, and finally dug something like a metal manhole cover.

This is the protective door from back then. Now it has been somewhat deformed under the pressure of mud and huge water pressure.

"Get out of the way, I'll cut it open." Wolverine only inserted one of his claws into the gap and raised it.

The door suddenly tilted up at a corner, and then he grabbed the edge with both hands and forced the entire round cover open.

"Ouch...it must have smelled a lot down here after so many years." A strange smell wafted out from the dark space below, confusing the two of them.

The wolf's keen sense of smell suffers at times like this.

"Here, the gas mask." Luo Huai dutifully looked after his jingle cat.

Wolverine took it and put it on without saying anything, he was used to it.

In the dark, night vision devices are very useful, and Luo Huai's night vision lens releases energy particles by itself and reflects them back to be detected.

No matter how dark it is, you can see.

Over the past few decades, the facilities here have aged badly. Water vapor from the reservoir has seeped down, causing mold to grow inside.

"Remember something again?" Wolverine must have passed through these passages when he escaped from here.

But Wolverine shook his head, "Even if I had really been here, I wouldn't recognize it in this mess."

Maybe we have to go directly to the laboratory where the experiment was done.

It's just that even the structure of this secret base is kept secret.

The two of them walked around in circles for several times, both confused.

"How did you escape in the first place?" Luo Huai wondered.

This base has more than one floor, and the multi-layer structure suddenly becomes much more complex in space.

"There wasn't such a strong smell here back then. I went out based on my sense of smell." Wolverine said subconsciously.

"Wait a minute." Luo Huai suddenly stopped and turned around to ask, "What did you just say?"

"I said I went out by smell..." Wolverine repeated it again, and then he also discovered the problem.

"How do I know I'm going out by smell?"

Classic question and answer.

"Hey, work harder! You remembered it!" Luo Huai quickly encouraged him.

"..." But he held it in for a long time and became silent again.

"What's going on?"

"I can't remember anything anymore. It seems like as long as I focus, I can't remember anything."

"This..." Luo Huai thought about what he could do.

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"How about you close your eyes and feel the smell carefully, and I'll filter it out for you to remove the excess smell?"

"You can try it."

The fused blood seeps into the filter layer of the mask and begins to filter.

Wolverine closed his eyes and followed the smell...it seemed that there was no longer only darkness in front of him.

Scenes from the past seemed to be pieced together bit by bit in my mind through my breath.

"Do you want to save her? You can't do it now. Look at your bone claws. You can't even scratch the other party's iron gate. What's more, even your claws have been trampled to pieces now."

At that time, he seemed to have experienced some serious trauma.

He saw what he looked like before, not a Wolverine...but just a weak Wolverine. If it hadn't been for the ability to heal itself, he would have been beaten to death long ago with his pair of bone claws. Remember the website address of this website, www. Biquxu. Com for easy reading next time, or enter " " in Baidu to enter this site

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