
On one side of the main battlefield, this is the main residence of the demonized creatures in the dungeon.

When dawn appears, the demonic creatures are preparing to look up and feel the beauty of the sun.

Even though their race is [Demon], they actually like to bask in the sun.

The warm sunshine is very comfortable, especially when they see the clear sky at dawn, their hearts can find a rare peace of mind throughout the day.

This is also one of the spiritual comforts they have been fighting for for many months.

But all that was broken this morning.

At the beginning, a flaming... bird flew over from the beast tribe on the opposite side? Anyway, that thing was hovering above their heads like a fly.

this! able! Tolerate?

That’s obviously not possible!

The sentry on the sentry tower immediately sounded the air raid siren.

For a moment, fireworks were everywhere in the Demonized City, although in their minds this thing had never hit its target, let alone one that was so flexible...

Bang...a huge fire bomb hit the "big fly".

Hey! What day is it today?

The demon gunner who fired the cannon looked at his hands in confusion, tears rolling down from the corners of his eyes.

After so many years, this random fate has finally arrived.

The amazing thing is that the "big fly" didn't die after it fell to the ground, and its skin wasn't even broken. It just fell into a coma.

After the judgment of the demons.

"This fly is from the Beast Clan, and her strength is not low. She might be an important person. Put her in the dungeon first."

If you are in trouble, throw yourself into the dungeon and wait for the city lord to solve it. This is their rule.

Similar to human guilds, demons also have their city lords and lords, and such beings are generally responsible for the wisdom of the entire city.

To put it simply, this is the only person in the whole city who likes to use his brain.

The living environment of the demonized people makes them not like to use their brains on things other than fighting.

God knows how they survived.

But put all these aside for now, it is really beautiful to feel the first ray of sunshine, and the clear sky...

Damn it! What is that big horizontal bar?

I don't know when a straight road suddenly appeared in the sky. It was as abrupt as it was, and it was as annoying as it could be.

The demonized people looked along the straight path towards its source. Over there was the endless sea, and they didn't know whether it led to the sea or the sky.

What the hell? Is this a magical heavenly road?

Wait, there's something up there!

The powerful vision of the demonic people allowed them to discover a four-limbed creature, and every time that thing waved its arms, the straight path would lengthen a little.

"Air strike!"

The sentry at the watchtower sounded the alarm at the slightest disagreement.

Huge fire bombs erupted again.

"What's going on? Why are there so many big fireballs all of a sudden?"

In the sky, Luo Huai, who had been traveling all night, was in a strange state of semi-dementia and semi-automaticness. The sudden appearance of a fire bomb startled him.

Perhaps it would be more appropriate to say that it caught his attention.

He lay down and stretched his head out from the edge of the stone path.

"Oh~ After a whole night of riding, I was finally allowed to ride to the main battlefield... But the people down there don't seem very friendly."


Without any chance, three large fire bombs hit Luo Huai from three directions, and the explosion formed a huge smoke ball in the air.

The next moment, Luo Huai, whose whole body was charred, fell from the sky with a long smoke tail.

It's not that he didn't dodge, or that he couldn't react, it's just that the fire bomb was so big that even if Luo Huai instantly used a block ejection on himself, he couldn't escape from the range.

The power of city-level artillery shells cannot be underestimated, and Luo Huai lost consciousness in the air.

The Eye of Destiny was not opened either, because there was no room for maneuver, and this was beyond the support's ability to bear.

But perhaps it was the love of heaven, or the courtesy of a miracle, that Luo Huai fell into a pool in the Castlevania and did not fall to death.

The Eye of Destiny was activated instantly, and Luo Huai's consciousness began to return to its original position quickly.

The moment his vision came into view, Luo Huai saw the demons coming up from all sides. He immediately held his breath and pretended to be dead.

In fact, except for his conscious state, he is no different from dead in other places.

The demon soldiers surrounding him moved Luo Huai's arm, but the latter was helpless and at his mercy.

"Looks like it's cooked."

"Not only is it cooked, it's already burnt."

"Then throw it into the dungeon and treat it as extra food for the little ones."

The little guys here refer to the mounts and pets that demonize people.

Anyway, if you are indecisive, just throw yourself into the dungeon.

So a demonized soldier dragged Luo Huai's "corpse" into a downward passage.

Luo Huai saw himself being dragged into a tunnel. On both sides of the tunnel were cells one after another. A faint green candle was burning at the top of each cell. It was the only source of light here.

He didn't dare to act rashly. He had too much blood and was not full enough to repair his injuries.

All the limbs were broken, and they were so soft that they seemed to have no bones. He couldn't even take out food to eat.

If he is thrown into some kind of pet room later, he may be dismembered or eaten alive in a matter of minutes.

After thinking about this, Luo Huai simply gave up on saving himself.

There is no hope, just wait to die.

Sigh... He sighed inwardly. Ever since he passed through the illusion world, he has been going through this day and night without stopping.

The burning pain seemed to not exist for him. He glanced at the status bar and saw that [Radiation Resistance] was shining brightly.

If it is not strictly defined, the scope of this radiation is really wide.

Passing by the empty cells along the way, heavy breathing began to appear in the darkness ahead.

The pet room has arrived.

Through the dense iron bars, Luo Huai saw pairs of scarlet blood pupils behind them. UU Reading www.uukanshu.net

There are animal pupils like wolves, and insect compound eyes like spiders, but no matter which type, there is endless bloodthirst.

Judging from the size, the owners of these blood pupils are demonic beasts that are at least two stories high.

Luo Huai couldn't help but want to struggle again. If he was cut into pieces and eaten by that kind of monster, just thinking about it would make his hair stand on end and give him goosebumps.

"What should I do? Is there any way to save myself?"

"Roar!" A pair of blood pupils hit the iron pole, and Luo Huai was able to see the monster's information.

It has a wolf-like head, but has the compound eyes of a spider. It also has a pair of jaw blades on both sides of its mouth that resembles a wolf's kiss.

[Parasite Spider Demon] (rare)


【Introduction】Don’t be bitten by it, if you don’t want to become one.

Unlike demonized humans, monsters of this demonic race are the real source of inspiration for the evil creatures in film and television works.

Abnormal, evil, filthy.

Just like people would be afraid of monsters that are also [ferocious beasts], the demonized soldier who dragged Luo Huai in was already afraid. Being so frightened, he turned around and ran away.

Luo Huai was left in the aisle, surrounded by hungry demons and monsters on both sides, who smelled the aroma of burnt meat.

Tentacles and claws, these organs that can reach through the iron rod, are grabbing at Luohuai, but every time they are about to catch it, they are blocked by other attacks from the other side.

The demonic beasts are trying their best to fight for this only delicious food.

It's only a matter of time before this continues.

Luo Huai looked at the sharp claws that were suddenly far and near, thoughtfully.

"Monster... maybe I have a solution."

Slight red ripples spread to all directions...

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