I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 53 Airdrop of TNT

"This thing...is causing harm to both the enemy and us."

For ordinary players, this magic prop has both good and bad qualities, causing harm to both themselves and others.

But here comes the problem. If you don’t spawn monsters in the battle royale dungeon, this prop is considered useless.


Suddenly, a green head appeared.

"Oh! Jiang Si~ I almost forgot that I brought my own monster spawning buff."

The monsters in the wheat blocks are still spawning, so this prop will be useful.

The zombie walked toward Luo Huai with its naive square head, but the ruins had been dug into ruins by Luo Huai. The sun shone in from the outside and shone on the zombie.


The burning characteristics of undead creatures when exposed to sunlight caused the zombie's whole body to burst into flames. It was staggering under the blazing heat.

Luo Huai took two steps back and avoided the zombie's flame collision, which reached half a meter per second.

If he is hit by a burning zombie, his body will also catch fire, and the fire is the fire in the wheat cubes. Even if he is wearing a suit of iron armor, he will still be ignited.

There was only one piece of iron armor and its durability was limited, so Luo Huai put it into his backpack.

The same thing happened when he was playing with wheat cubes. He obviously made a suit of iron armor, but he couldn't bear to wear it, so he relied on a shield to get around.

The zombie walked very slowly. By the time it reached Luo Huai, it had been burnt to residual blood by the flames. Luo Huai just knocked it casually, and the zombie fell to the ground and turned into white smoke.

Get {Carrion x1}

The place where the zombies appeared was the last remaining remains of the ruins, the only dark place.

As long as it is dark enough, the monsters in the wheat blocks will have a chance to refresh.

Halo effect props can also take effect when placed in a backpack, as long as they are set to on.

During the day, Luo Huai planned to search for supplies on the ground, and at night he would escape underground.

Like most players, Luo Huai prefers to find technological supplies.

Magic props are everywhere in the fantasy world, so there's no way to play with guns that you can't usually afford.

As for guns, Luo Huai had actually played with them a lot before traveling through the fantasy world.

After Ye Kuang traveled through the fantasy world, he would bring back some of his collection from time to time, including guns and the like. The orphanage was very close to the suburbs, so when the three of them got tired of staying in the room, they would often run to the suburbs to shoot guns.

Speaking of which, the gun models that Ye Kuang brought back were really lifelike, and their power was exactly the same as those in the video. If Ye Kuang hadn't refused to admit it, he and Qing Lin would have suspected that those were real guns.

Luo Huai's ability to dodge bullets was developed at that time.

"It's not easy for me to survive till now."

Sneaking through the woods, Luo Huai always maintained a semi-stealth state.

This forest happened to be located in a sunken depression. If someone caught him setting fire, it would be useless no matter how much he could dodge bullets.

It's one thing to be able to withstand the bite of a dinosaur, but one's teeth are no match for a sharp blade, let alone a bullet.

As long as you haven't reached A-level physique or above, you don't dare to go head-to-head with bullets.

Even if you really have A-level physique or above, you can barely resist the most common bullets. If you encounter special bullets or guns, you will still have to GG.

Therefore, firearms invented by intelligent creatures are really buggy.

Fortunately, metals for making high-end firearms have always been scarce, and firearms are almost impossible to enchant. Therefore, although thermal weapons have a high starting point for combat power, they actually have many restrictions and cannot be widely used.

On the flat land outside the woods, there is a small town, consisting of several three- and two-story small bungalows. A group of players are fighting here.

"Da da da!!……"

The firelight flickered in the alley, and the bullets were released as if they were free.

"Brothers! The bullets in the copy are free of charge! Shoot me to death!"

Players form teams of two or three.

The player who just shouted had a machine gun on the balcony on the third floor, and he would shoot wherever he saw signs of people.

This arrogant attitude does not take the opponent seriously at all.

The players at the lower level were indeed overwhelmed by the firepower and could not lift their heads.

Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. An unlucky player who didn't even have a gun rushed out holding his only grenade.

As soon as he stood up from behind the wreckage of the wall, the muzzle of the machine gun immediately turned around. He rolled and dodged the first round of bullets, then pulled the grenade tab, risking his own death to kill the machine gunner on the opposite side. , the grenade was thrown violently by him and rolled down to the opposite balcony.


The machine gunner fired GG, and the player who threw the grenade was shot in the head by a sniper in the dark after his position was exposed.

Luo Huai originally wanted to sneak into the town secretly, but after seeing this scene from a distance, he gave up the idea of ​​taking the land route.

He couldn't determine the location underground, so he decided to take the empty route.

Building roads in the sky has been a traditional skill of wheat nugget players since the beginning of time.

He found a dead zone in the angle of view that was not easily noticed by the players in the firefight, and Luohuai padded the square to a height of 100 meters.

In the middle, Luo Huai relied on his improved physique and used two square ejections. He didn't have to worry about being seen raising the pillars left behind.

After several jumps in the air, Luo Huai arrived above the town without anyone noticing, with a clear view of the player's position on the roof.

As for the players, they are all busy fighting and having fun, UU reading www. uukanshu. net Who has time to look up at the sky?

Luo Huai lay down on a four-square-meter round stone platform, eating some food to restore his health after being bounced off by the block.

After almost replying, Luo Huai began to adjust his position so that his head was just above the head of a player.

Then, he took out a piece of TNT! It's the one you got from the Desert Temple.

Place it next to a standing cobblestone. The unignited TNT cube is not affected by gravity, but after it is ignited with a flint and steel, it is different. It flashes white and makes a burning sound as the fuse falls down.

"Da da da!!"

After the player with the machine gun was killed, he triggered [Near Death Teleportation] and left the dungeon, and his teammates quickly took his place.

"Finally it's my turn to have fun." The player excitedly held up the machine gun that had been blown out of shape. When he checked that it was still usable, he was overjoyed.

But before he had time to fully experience this man's romance, a large white square suddenly fell in front of him.

He was startled, "What is this!"

But it would take a few seconds for the TNT to explode, so players would not subconsciously regard such a square object as a bomb.

So Luo Huai, who was lying in the sky, saw such a scene of human confusing behavior:

The player put his face up, and in the flickering white light, he saw the words above and murmured them.


The player instantly understood what it was and quickly wanted to retreat, but it was too late.

An explosion sound effect unique to the wheat cubes sounded.


The shock wave of the explosion had a loving hug with the player.

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