I come from the world of punishment

Chapter 48 Kunpeng spreads its wings and soars 0 miles

Rowing a small wooden boat, Luo Huai drifted across the ocean, and then successfully lost his way.

After several consecutive days of gloomy weather, the sun and moon, pointing tools that could be used for free, disappeared.

Besides, this is a punishment world, and the directions represented by the celestial bodies are not yet certain.

"Fortunately, I have a compass." Luo Huai took out the magic weapon for returning home and took a look.


The compass was spinning so fast that Luo Huai's eyes could hardly keep up.

The compass is useless again.

"Sure enough, I didn't put it together with my own hands. It's so frustrating."

He should be in the dungeon now, and the dinosaur continent is also part of the dungeon.

After all, dinosaurs are ancient versions of creatures. How could they still appear here? Moreover, the time flow in the Punishment World is relatively slow. It stands to reason that ecological changes will only be faster, but they are not much different from the fantasy world and the mortal world. many.

"That means I have to either die or find the treasure to clear this dungeon?"

Luo Huai faced the same difficult choice as the last desert copy.

"I will not fall if I die..."

At this thought, thoughts of seeking death instantly occupied his brain.

No loss, fast and convenient.

"No, last time it was too weak and there was no way to kill it, but this time it's different. The creatures in this copy seem to be just stronger ordinary creatures (non-supernatural creatures). If you be a little more careful, you can even kill them. Easy!"

Luo Huai once again found confidence in the world of punishment. In other words, he was a little drifting after being killed by dinosaurs for several months.

Since it is floating, according to the rules of the punishment world, it should be beaten severely.

While he was still thinking about how to act, he didn't know that the seabed below the small wooden boat was covered by a shadow, making no sound.

It was a black shadow so big that the edges could not be seen, but even with such a large size, it did not make any waves on the sea.

It wasn't until all the sea area around the small wooden boat was covered in black shadows that Luo Huai finally noticed the abnormality.

"Why did the sea water suddenly turn dark? Did I enter a new area again?"

Before Luo Huai could figure it out, the sea turned blue again.

"Disappeared? The direction in which the black water faded..." He looked along and saw a horrifying scene.

"Again? It's a sandstorm in the desert, but it's a tsunami here?"

The sky... no, the sea level suddenly began to tilt, like water in a bowl, being dumped in one direction.

"Why haven't you gone down yet?"

Luo Huai rode the sloping sea surface and kept rising. He thought it was just a bigger wave, but the sea water showed no intention of stopping.

Something huge is rising from the sea, pushing the water upward! And because the size is so huge, it creates the illusion that the entire sea level is being lifted up!

But soon Luo Huai discovered that it was not as if, but the entire sea level was really being pushed up!

This can no longer be described by simple adjectives such as huge and huge.

It was like the entire seabed had been lifted up.

An eagle's cry pierced the sky.

"What came out of the sea...is it a bird?"

A mountain-like back rose from the bottom of the sea, and a pair of wings that could be described as vast were spread out. When unfolded, they could be as big as the sky.

The upturned seawater turned into a waterfall and fell from the mountain-like back, and was pushed away by the unfolded wings.

Luo Huai happened to be in the sea water that was pushed away.


In my ears, the speed of the wind suddenly broke through the sound barrier and increased to a higher speed.

Luo Huai and the sea water around him were pushed out for several miles in an instant, and they were still flying with no intention of stopping.

There was a burning sensation on the skin, which was actually caused by the friction of the air, and the sea water had even vaporized.

If Luo Huai's skin hadn't become much thicker, his skin would have been directly burnt.

In the turbulent wind, Luo Huai opened a slit in his eyes, trying to see clearly who the person who pushed him away was.

Yang eyes open! The Eye of Destiny (the second form of the Dagger of Destiny) opens! Because it was too far away, Luo Huai was afraid that he wouldn't be able to see it, so he opened all his special eyes.

But soon, he found that this worry was unnecessary.

If you want to see the bird clearly, you only need to raise your head, because the sky is already covered by the giant wings. Even if it is still flying far away, you only need to raise your head.

"The southern bird spreads its wings thousands of miles..."

Kunpeng! Isn't that a mythical existence?

Luo Huai's heart was also filled with turbulent waves like the sea.

The world has always thought that the myths of the ancients were exaggerated and abstract metaphors, but now he knows... this is realism!

Here, after raising the wings of the sky, they lowered again.


Luo Huai didn't even have the chance to continue being surprised. The huge air flow hit him straight down with the drooping wings... like the sky falling.

Connected to the sea water, Luo Huai was flattened directly in the water by the wind pressure, and died...

In chaos.

"Punish the world, it's so literal..." Luo Huai's consciousness sighed in the settlement space of the dungeon.

He was wrong, even a purely physical monster was not something he could despise.

He had a hunch that he would sigh like this countless times in the years to come.


Without waiting for the prompt to sound, Luo Huai took the initiative this time.

What will be the result? Is this copy a failure?

But I have been killing monsters for so long, so I should give him a somewhat sympathetic evaluation, right?

Or is it like last time, a test?

【Ding! proceed to checkout. 】

"Well, there is actually a reward." Luo Huai said unexpectedly.

The beep continues.

[Exploration Mission] Failed!

[Copy Evaluation] F

[Reward] The strengthening effect caused by the copy environment is retained. UU read www.uukanshu. net

"What? I've been fighting monsters for so many months, why am I F? There is no credit but hard work, right?"

[Since players spend 95% of the time near the least dangerous entrance after entering the dungeon, they cannot unlock more achievement improvement evaluations. 】

The prompt tone actually answered Luo Huai's question.


Luo Huai didn't dare to speak. Are you telling me that those dinosaurs are actually just little monsters guarding the door?

In fact, I haven't even really touched the main line of the copy?

The self-confidence he finally gained was ruthlessly wiped out once again, leaving not even a scum left.

If you don’t dare, don’t dare. Whoever tries to be more aggressive in the future will be a fool.

[Settlement is over and the copy will be officially exited soon]

There was an illusion in front of his eyes. When he came to his senses, Luo Huai returned to the sea again, but Kunpeng had disappeared.

Take out the compass. Now its pointer points clearly, exactly in the direction of the sun.

The position of the sun has barely changed compared to when Luo Huai entered the dungeon, and it is still near noon now.

Luo Huai sorted out his harvest on the road.

"The rewards in this dungeon are so strange. What is the enhancement brought by retaining the dungeon environment?"

Suddenly, he clenched his fist and found that it was still as strong as in the copy.

Could it be that the strengthening gained after the body adapted to the air environment of the copy was retained?

"Even if I return to the original environment now, I will still have this increase."

And Luo Huai doesn't feel any shortness of breath now.

This reward is worth it, the body's mobility and explosive power are much stronger.

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