Returning to the Punishment World Asylum, the first thing to do is to board the chat room.

Wood Ghost: "Big boss, big boss! Call the boss!"

First, see if there are any bosses who are idle and have a hard time, and let them point out a clear way to improve their strength.

It doesn’t require much, just a decent death.

Both Mr. Ge and Shen Jing Bing hung up, and no one responded for a while.

Luo Huai had to call a few more times, but it didn't work, so he had to go out and try on his own.

However, there are still many idle bosses.

Enma who loves bathing: "Why are you so noisy here, why are you calling me?"

Butterfly Die (looking at her face): "I heard that there is a guy asking for torture? Where is he?"

Both of them are big bosses who are always in the chat room.

Luo Huai quickly stated his purpose.

Wood Ghost: "I want to become stronger!"

Balrog who loves bathing: "..."

Butterfly Die: "If you want to be more specific, there is no one here who doesn't want to become stronger."

Mugui: "I'm looking for a place to practice! Does the boss have anything you can recommend?"

Enma who loves bathing: "You are welcome in my home."

Butterfly immediately broke up the trouble: "Don't listen to this guy, his house is an active volcano, and it is grounded to the core. If you go there, mosquitoes will fly into the fire pit."

Luo Huai: Why do you use mosquitoes as a metaphor for me?

Wood Ghost: "I desperately want to become stronger, and I hope the boss can show me a clear way."

Butterfly said: "This... is difficult to handle."

Enma who loves bathing: "We have always heard about your strength. To be honest, with your strength, it is useless to go anywhere, you will just die."

"As long as you can die with dignity!" Luo Huai expressed his bottom line.

He didn't believe it. In this huge world of punishment, couldn't there be a place where he could die peacefully?

"In that case, there is one." Butterfly found a place in his vast memory that was almost forgotten by him.

"[The Serpent Temple] copy, the monsters there are not very strong physically, they are only good at using poison."

Wood Ghost: "Does that mean it's possible for me to get through there?"

Butterfly Die: "No, even if those little snakes are not strong physically, they can still chop down a big tree, but their poison is very good and takes effect very quickly. They kill you in one second, which can guarantee that you will die before you lie down on the ground. Absolutely decent.”

Wood Ghost: "..."

It turns out that there really are snakes that can chop down big trees.

"I remember that your shelter is in the Badlands, and the entrance to the copy is not far from your place."

Wood Ghost: "Where exactly?"

Butterfly Die: "You go north, walk to the seaside, and then take the sea route to the northeast. It won't take long before you encounter an archipelago with jungles on it. If you go in and get lost, you should be able to get in."

"Ah? Do you still want to take the sea route? Not long ago, several big bosses were killed by killer crabs in the sea."

"Don't worry, with your numerical value, no matter how stupid Killer Crab is, he won't waste his hard-earned ultimate skills on you."

"Oh!" Luo Huai felt for the first time that being a weakling also had an advantage.

"Besides, those guys from Killer Crab know how to stay there all day long, and they don't even know to look up. Look..."

Butterfly sent a photo, which showed a sea surface and dark shadows under the sea surface.

Luo Huai always felt that he had seen her before, and sure enough, Butterfly's next step began:

"...I've flown around this sea several times, and they still don't move at all. They don't threaten me at all."

The input words stopped abruptly, and not long after, Butterfly's head turned gray.

Wood Ghost: "..."

Haha~? Is the boss still alive?

Enma who loves bathing: "Dead."

Wood Ghost: "I can see it."

"I'm going offline first." Balrog, who loved taking a bath, hurried away. He always felt that this newbie was a bit evil, so it was better to be careful.

If an elemental killer crab suddenly jumped out, he would also suffer.


The big guys were scared away.

Luo Huai had no choice but to pack some things and set off for the entrance to the [Viper Temple] instance.

The first problem encountered on the road is the lava lake. Even a semi-cooled lava lake is not something that people can step on.

So Luo Huai used wheat cubes to build a straight track in the air and raised a handful of the ashes of the gravity scientist.

Jumping back to the solid ground, Luo Huai began to travel far.

The Badlands were indeed a Badlands, and beyond the lava lake it was even more desolate than he had believed.

Not to mention weeds, there was nothing in sight, just endless flat land as far as the eye could see.

There is a thin blue line in the sky in the distance, which is the ocean.

The closer he got to the ocean, the more Luo Huai felt an invisible pressure.

Where the three bosses died one after another, the remaining pressure seemed to weigh heavily on their hearts.

Walking to the beach, there is no beach, only cliffs.

The bad land is actually not a small land level with the sea level, but a protruding plateau. The entire plateau is almost composed of one rock.

Luo Huai glanced down the cliff, where the raging waves were crashing against the rock wall.

He stepped back a few meters, then trotted two steps, and jumped down without any hesitation.

No fear of falling into the water!

Like an osprey fishing for fish, it rushes straight towards the water.

call out!

It enters the water smoothly and is almost invisible. The water splash can be scored at least nine points.


A hard object unexpectedly hit his head. UU Reading Luo Huai's eyesight went dark and he was lost for a moment. He was slapped on the rocks by the waves.

The blood volume dropped by 90%.

The waves receded, and Luo Huai, who was hanging on the reef, appeared in preparation for the next wave of attack.

There is an exaggerated big bump on the top of the skull, but it is not broken.

The E-level physique is terrifying.

Raising the stone pick tremblingly, Luo Huai dug a two-cubic space under his body before the next wave came, climbed in, and immediately blocked the top of his head with a block, thus avoiding being hit by the waves. end.


Luo Huai curled up on the ground sideways, covering his head, his pupils trembling.

It's not that almost dying was scary, but Luo Huai saw what he hit in the water.

That's a crab!

He subconsciously thought it was the legendary killer crab.

But obviously, he thought too much. It was just an ordinary passerby crab, or a killer crab that had not yet developed.

Ding! Kill a [Rock Crab]

Obtain the drop {Plump Crab Legs}

Listening to the beep, Luo Huai took out the crab legs that he had sucked into his backpack at some point.

The three sections of crab legs are mixed red and white, each section is half a meter long, making this small space even more crowded.

"A big guy with such a big crab leg was smashed to death by me just like that? Am I so powerful?"

Luo Huai touched the big bump on his head, and it no longer hurt. It seemed that it was not a wound, but a medal.

As soon as he returned to the world of punishment, Luo Huai's self-confidence was really gone, and he placed himself at the bottom of the food chain without saying a word.

Now I happened to kill a minion, and I felt as happy as anything.

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