I clicked on all the treasure drop rates

Chapter 344 Cracking the corpse

"This knife...is weird!!"

Xiao Shi stared at the bloody sword in the corpse's hand.

Not only because of the blood-sucking ability of this bloody long knife, but also because of the crisis warning that this bloody long knife brings to oneself!

He actually felt the crisis from the bloody long knife in the opponent's hand!

This means that this bloody sword can threaten yourself!

Xiao Shi didn't dare to be careless at the moment.

He decisively took out an ice crystal blade without a handle.


【Ice Domain Hell Blade】!

The reason why he chose to use [Ice Domain Hell Blade] instead of [Charming Martial Evil Flower] was because Xiao Shi knew that even if he passed [Charming Martial Evil Flower], the corpse in front of him would lose its power and lose its fighting ability. , he also has to face another corpse.

After beheading Guan Zhihong with another corpse, he immediately set his sights on Xiao Shi.

He rushed toward Xiao Shi quickly.

What Xiao Shi faced at this moment was not just one corpse, but two corpses flanked by two corpses.

In this case.

If you use [Charming Martial Evil Flower], unless you use the remaining two petals at the same time, you will still face a greater threat.

the best choice……

Just use [Ice Domain Hell Blade].


Then Xiao Shi took out the [Ice Domain Blade].

He raised his hand and pointed toward the ground.

call out!

The entire ice crystal blade, as thin as a cicada's wing, suddenly drew an icy blue arc in the air.

A chirping sound.

Stung into the ground.

In an instant.

Centered on the location where the [Ice Domain Hell Blade] pierces.

The thick cold air quickly spread in all directions, freezing everything along the way. The ground, rocks, cliffs... were all covered by the diffuse frost.

In an instant.

Centered on the location where the [Ice Domain Hell Blade] pierced, the bloody atmosphere turned into a frosty land that resembled the previous level.

Just one breath of the air here can cause permanent damage to the lungs.

At the moment this ice field was formed.

A layer of frost instantly condensed on the three corpses located in the ice field.

Their speed and mobility were all affected, making them slow.

However, this slowdown in mobility will not be the greatest slowdown at the beginning, but will gradually slow down as time goes by.

Therefore, although the three corpses in the ice field were affected, they still swung the bloody swords in their hands and slashed out a bloody sword light.

However, in the ice domain, even the bloody sword light was greatly slowed down.

After Xiao Shi felt the threat posed by the bloody sword, he naturally would not confront it head-on.

When the bloody sword struck him, he had turned into an afterimage. Through teleportation in the red tiger form, he teleported directly to the side of the corpse fighting Zhou Hong, perfectly avoiding the bloody sword. of slashing.

At the same time, Zhou Hong decisively used exclusive items as soon as he faced the corpse in front of him.

The exclusive items he uses.

It is a huge frost shield.

When the blood-colored sword in the corpse's hand struck the giant frost shield, countless frosts immediately condensed from the blood-colored sword.

In an instant.

The bloody long knife in the corpse's hand was completely frozen by this layer of frost.

Not only that.

The frost also spread along the bloody knife to the corpse holding the knife, and also froze the entire corpse into an ice sculpture.


But at this moment.

Cracks suddenly appeared in the giant frost shield in Zhou Hong's hand. These cracks spread at an extremely fast speed and spread all over the entire frost shield.

There was a bang.

The giant frost shield in Zhou Hong's hand exploded on the spot.

This shocked Zhou Hong.

This exclusive item of his...

But it can withstand three attacks, and can bring about freezing frost during the resistance.

But now he only resisted once and was killed by a sword! !

Obviously, the blood-colored sword in the opponent's hand was no worse than the giant frost shield in his hand in terms of level.

Xiao Shi witnessed this scene.

It also confirmed that the bloody swords in the hands of these corpses were extremely powerful.

Fortunately, Zhou Hong froze the corpse with a special item, and Xiao Shi only needed to get rid of the remaining two corpses.


Xiao Shi's figure flashed.

He continued to teleport and teleported behind one of the corpses.

And in the process of teleportation.

He decisively used the [Handle of Ten Thousand Mirrors] to form a mirror image that inherited all of his own strength and was controlled by himself.

Let the mirror image perform the same actions as yourself.


This mirror image immediately teleported behind another corpse together with him.

Both of them burst out powerful attacks at the same time.

Directly, two huge holes were blasted out of the backs of the two corpses.

However, due to the powerful healing of the corpse, the holes in the corpse immediately began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

And during the recovery process, both corpses turned their bodies at the same time and slashed at the enemies behind them with their swords.

However, the movement and speed brought by the ice domain slowed down.

This caused the corpse's turning speed to become extremely slow.

When the two corpses turned around and slashed at Xiao Shi and his mirror image behind them with their bloody swords, Xiao Shi and his mirror image had already teleported to the other side of the corpse and launched an attack.

The speed and movement slowed down by passing through the ice field.

Xiao Shi and Mirror Image can easily avoid all attacks from the corpse.

While dodging the attacks, they continued to attack and bombarded the two corpses wildly, resulting in the two corpses being passively beaten and unable to fight back.

Even as the body stayed in the ice for longer, the frost covering the body continued to thicken, causing its mobility to become worse and worse.

Eventually he was completely frozen and unable to move.

But even so.

Xiao Shihe's own mirror image still did not stop attacking.

This confused Zhou Hong who witnessed this scene.

With the two corpses currently frozen, they could already evacuate, but Xiao Shi had no intention of evacuating, and instead attacked the corpses frantically.

This made Zhou Hong confused about the meaning of Xiao Shi's actions.

Xiao Shi's approach...

Obviously not just to pass here, but to completely destroy the corpse!

Even to speed up the destruction of corpses.

Xiao Shi did not continue to attack the two corpses separately from the mirror image. Instead, when the two corpses were frozen, he and the mirror image concentrated on attacking one of the corpses.

Originally based on the powerful recovery ability possessed by corpses.

Xiao Shi wants to completely destroy it.

It will take a long time.

But the freezing brought by the ice domain not only freezes the speed and movement ability of the corpse, but also freezes the corpse's recovery ability.

As a result, the recovery speed of corpses has been greatly reduced.

In addition, Xiao Shi and Mirror Image continued to attack.


After some bombardment.

boom! !

This corpse was completely destroyed by Xiao Shi and the mirror image.

As the bodies exploded.

Xiao Shi grabbed the only intact bone after the corpse exploded, held it in his hand, and stared at it carefully.

He clearly saw...

On this bone, there are some obscure runes that are quickly fading and disappearing.

The moment these runes disappear completely.

The bone in Xiao Shi's hand suddenly could no longer remain intact and shattered and exploded.

Xiao Shi thought deeply about this.

The reason why he struggled to destroy this corpse was to find out the secrets of these corpses!

He needs to know...

How on earth do these corpses move and fight without being controlled by their souls!

Just figure this out.

Only he can deal with these corpses in the best way!

Xiao Shi knew it very well.

In this level, corpses appear through the lot.

The area where they are currently located may be the middle part of the valley, or it may be the back part of the valley.

If this was the middle of the valley...

That means they will inevitably face a batch of corpses again!

So far, they have used exclusive items harvested in the first two levels to deal with these corpses.

Even though Xiao Shi's exclusive items currently still have a number of uses, if they continue to be used, these exclusive items are likely to be consumed.

After all, whether it is [Ice Realm Blade] or [Ten Thousand Mirrors Handle], they can only be used twice.

Xiao Shi didn't want to spend all these exclusive items on this level.

Therefore, he needs to find a way to get rid of these corpses without using exclusive items.

"If this is the middle section of the valley, the difficulty of the later section of the valley will probably be doubled!"

Xiao Shi glanced at the dead Guan Zhihong.

Knowing that the level here will not cause death due to the martial arts realm in the level, lower the difficulty.

It will only increase the difficulty.

He had to prepare for the worst.

Fortunately, after exploding the corpses and observing the bones inside the corpses, Xiao Shi realized that there were some strange runes carved into the bones of the corpses.

These runes are apparently the reason why the corpse can still fight on its own without being controlled by a soul.

When these runes are combined together, it seems to form instructions one after another, prompting these corpses to still fight alone without souls.


The powerful recovery ability of these corpses and the strength of their physical bodies are also derived from these runes.

As long as the runes in his body can be solved...

Then even if you don't use exclusive items, you can still deal with these corpses.

At the same time, Xiao Shi also wanted to study the bloody knives in the hands of these corpses.

After all, this bloody sword posed a greater threat to him than the corpse itself.

As a result, it was found that after these bloody long knives broke away from the corpse's palm, they spread out automatically and could not be touched at all.

Xiao Shi realized from this...

This bloody sword is probably a kind of corpse soldier!

It is a weapon that can only be touched and used by corpses.

After having a certain understanding of the corpses here.

Xiao Shi and Zhou Hong continued to move forward with a group of guards.

After Guan Zhihong's death, the bodyguards that originally belonged to him were all transformed into the bodyguards of Xiao Shi and Zhou Hong.

At the same time, Guan Zhihong's demon clone that was sealed in the box, like the martial demon realm that Xiao Shi had killed before, turned into black smoke and merged directly into the box that sealed Xiao Shi and Zhou Hong's demon clones.

But because it’s an equal split.

Therefore, the black smoke did not condense into black beads on the neck of the demon body clone.

However, it further strengthened the previous black beads.

When they led a group of guards and marched forward for a certain distance, they entered another part of the valley again.


“There’s so much more to this valley than just two lots!”

Xiao Shi narrowed his eyes slightly.

The coffins in this area are red gold in color, and the style of the coffins is noble, just like the coffins of emperors and generals!

At the same time, the ground here is no longer an ordinary ground.

Instead, it is paved with gold bricks.

Full of splendor and grandeur.

Just from the style of this location, you can feel that this place is extraordinary.

To this.

Zhou Hong looked solemn.

"I no longer have exclusive items..."

he said bitterly.

Originally, the giant frost shield he took out before could be used three times in total, but after it was chopped into pieces, he no longer had any exclusive items that he could use.

Xiao Shi thought for a while.

He gave Zhou Hong the last exclusive item that Guan Zhihong had not had time to use until his death.

As a member of the Four Elephants Shenwu Cult, Xiao Shi would still take care of him within his ability.

With this exclusive item, I believe it won’t be a problem for Zhou Hong to protect himself.


They stepped into this golden area.

Same as the previous two lots.

When they enter here.

Blow by a strong wind.

The coffin on the cliff suddenly shook violently.

Amid bursts of roaring sounds.

The golden coffin lid flew away.

Four tall figures rushed out from the four coffins.

There were four corpses wearing golden armor and golden war helmets.

They were like four mighty generals who were sitting on one side. Even though they had become corpses, their heroic and powerful aura still existed.

The scariest thing...

After they burst out of the coffin.

Then they made the same movements as the corpse in the previous section, and pulled out a long knife from the ground!

But what is different from the previous section is that the long knives in their hands are no longer blood-colored, but red-gold.

Not only are they different in color, but the sense of crisis these golden swords bring to Xiao Shi is also stronger.

When Xiao Shi faced these golden swords, he couldn't help but feel terrified.

In addition to the golden swords in their hands, the golden armor on their bodies is also impressive!


Zhou Hong's expression suddenly changed.

"How come there are four!!"

Obviously when Guan Zhihong was alive before, there were only three corpses.

He couldn't understand why there were four corpses here now.

"Obviously, after the death among us, the difficulty of the level doubled, so the number also increased accordingly."

Xiao Shi didn't find it strange.

Although the difficulty has increased.

And the corpses in this area are obviously stronger than the corpses in the previous two areas, but Xiao Shi has now thought of a way to deal with these corpses.

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