Chapter 981 Chapter 285: Reappearance

It’s good to be at home for a thousand days, and everything is hard to go out means that as long as you go out, you may be brutally beaten in the real world. In this environment, no one will let you, and no one will accommodate you, everyone is fighting. All are robbing, greed and desire bring about stupidity and fearless bravery eager for quick success.

It's like before joining Wuyi Sect, this person in front of him was a good wandering warrior at best, but after joining Wuyi Sect, he still dared to speak wild words in the face of Tang Luo's existence. This was brought about by belief in brainwashing. courage.

Before the coat of myth was punctured, believers always thought that as long as they shouted dogma, they would be invincible.

Tang Luo, who was bothered to retreat twice, got really angry and decided to teach Wuyi a little bit of color.

The Xuanwu Faxiang fell from the south of the sky, and the thick legs like the great pillar of the sky stepped on the cliff, and the mysterious snake wiped out all the fish that had slipped through the net under the blow.

The phantom shadow of the Tianlong scrolled lightly, and the zealous believers turned into a cloud of blood.

Tang Luo expressionlessly spit out thirty-six brand-new Fallen Yuan magnetic beads from his mouth, as well as a gouchen mask and a set of star robes with black background and gold patterns.

Tang Luo, who had dispelled the giant's image, put the gouchen mask on his face, and used his full strength to shrink the bones. Amid the crunching of bones and muscles, blood and water vapor were discharged from the body, and his body as strong as a bear became shriveled. Dead wood.

Thirty-six Falling Yuan Magnetic Beads whirled straight into the sky, attracting the black clouds and poisonous fog in all directions, and the storm of Yuan Magnetic Thunder was gestating above the valley.

The demon Lord Gou Chen, came to destroy religion!


Auxiliary Peak of Sheya Mountain

Tong Dali gathered his wives and children in the room, divided the gold and silver saved over the years into several parts, and distributed them to his wives and concubines.

"You leave here with your children, the sooner the better."

"Master, what's going on?"

The wife holding her little daughter asked puzzledly: "General Yunhu is here, and the days of She Yashan are getting better and better, why are you leaving?"

A muffled thunder sounded in the summer afternoon, illuminating the gloomy face of the former leader of She Ya Shan in the dark room, and scared several women to tremble.

"Don't ask, don't worry, go south, remember that the wealth is not clear, if I haven't caught up in three days, I will find a place to live and raise the child. Remember, several boys are surnamed Tong, remarriage is fine, if they have different surnames If you do, Lao Tzu will come to the door no matter the ends of the world, cut your hands and feet, and throw them into the snake cave!"

Tong Dali smiled swiftly, showing yellow and white teeth, like a ghost who chooses someone to eat. The scared women hurriedly swearing and swearing, they walked out.

Outside the house, the dark clouds pressed against the top of the thunder, and it looked like a heavy rain was about to come. Tong Dali straightened his Seventh-Rank Xiong Feng military uniform, walked out the door, and his eyes became extra firm.

The sky of Snake Tooth Mountain suddenly darkened, as if night had fallen ahead of schedule. An impermeable black cloud covered the entire mountain, making people invisible. Thunder collided and interacted in the storm. The sound of the tremors shook people's hearts and souls, and various levels of chaos occurred in the various camps of Wuyi Sect.

Because the scene in front of me is like the scene of the foreign demons destroying the world with thunder in the scriptures, many believers even knelt on the ground and began to chant the doctrine, hoping that the omniscient and omnipotent Emperor Nan Tian came to rescue them.

The reaction of the leaders in the main camp was not unpleasant. They walked out of the camp to the school field almost as soon as it got dark, but faced the scene of the dark clouds pressing down on the city, they had to look at each other, not knowing why.

Only Fan Yong looked at the dark clouds in the sky without changing his color, and shouted: "Pretend to be a god, look at the knife!"

The wind of the wind of the Sunda stream rose into the sky as a cyan wind haze, and the crescent-shaped blade light bucked the trend, attracting everyone in the camp.

Just when everyone thought that this knife would cut a bright universe, the originally calm black cloud suddenly became irritable, and countless thunder fell, turning the night into day.

The blade light blessed by the spirit blade did cut through the black cloud, but the camp at Snake Tooth Mountain could not avoid the fate of being baptized by the thunder.

For ordinary warriors, the thunder in this storm is deadly enough. In just one round of blows, hundreds of wolf soldiers died under lightning strikes.

These are the brothers of the Wuyi Sect, and Fan Yong, as the leader of the infantry, can only watch them die in front of him at this time.

The angry General Yunhu soared into the sky, and Xunliu Zhanfeng turned into a thousand green blades, slashing towards the black clouds and thunder cloak in the sky.

With each knife, a blue blade light rose up into the sky, tearing the black cloud to let the sun shine, countless knives tearing the black cloud out dozens of densely packed holes, bunches of sunlight on Fan Yong's body, making the clouds General Hui is like a heavenly man.

But in the face of thunderclouds that obscure the sky, this light is just a drop in the bucket, and every second more people die under lightning strikes.

"Everyone left the school and hid in the cave camp. Without my order, they are not allowed to come out!"

Seeing that things couldn't be done, Fan Yong finally thought of giving the order, but in the thunderous rolling, even the sound of the spiritual power shocking vocal cords could not be conveyed.

Seeing his subordinates scurrying by the thunder, General Yunhu hated him. If there were three generals Yunhu here at this time, a combined attack could break the black clouds in the sky. How could he be so passive!

Knowing that the order could not be delivered, Fan Yong soared into the sky, and while slashing Thunder with a green blade, he shouted towards the sky: "I am the fifth-tier Yunjun general of the sacred religion, Fan Yong. Where is the sky? Collect magical powers temporarily and talk with Fan!"

Self-reporting is a signal for peace. It is generally not a big feud, and the offensive will be postponed to enter the negotiation process. This is also an unwritten rule of the Beimang land boundary.

But after Fan Yong declared his identity, the opponent did not withdraw his magical powers, but the falling thunder became even more violent.

Since joining the Wuyi Sect, General Yunhu has never met such a person who is so incompetent. Even the veteran force in Beimang, he will be courteous to three people when he hears the name of the Wuyi Sect. Isn't this person Beimang? Warrior?

With doubts, Fan Yong rushed into the dense black cloud, wanting to ask someone for an explanation, but who would have thought that as soon as he plunged into the black cloud, he was attacked.

The swift meteor's falling Yu Yuan Magnetic Beads slammed into the visitors with a thunder arc, and Fan Yong, who sensed the danger, drove the Xunliu cut the wind across him, and only heard a "ding"!

I don't know that something hit his spirit blade, and the violent force drove him away with a knife, making Fan Yong feel terrified.

Immediately afterwards, he felt the thunder and explosions in all directions, which was ten times more than just now.

Before he could hesitate, Fan Yong resorted to his unique skill, Flowing Wind Slash, whose spirit blade Sunda Flowing Slash Wind seemed to turn into cyan rays, protecting his whole body.

No matter from which angle the Luoyu Yuan Magnetic Bead approaches, it will be knocked off, and Fan Yong is like a lone tree in the sea, shaking back and forth in the sound of clanging.

(End of this chapter)

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