I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 972: Two hundred and seventy six

Chapter 972 Chapter 276: Yudie Peak

Since he didn't know, he went to ask anyone who knew it. Tang Luo simply found a quiet room with few people, and under the dumbfounded expressions of a group of people, he pushed the door directly in.

Different from the noise in the main hall, when entering the quiet room, it was like coming to another quiet world, but before Tang Luo sat down, the young Taoist sitting in the quiet room said impatiently: "Hey, I say you, Are you illiterate? Look at the words on the crystal wall before entering the room. This is all a prefecture-level task. You little guy with no hairs can join in the fun, go out!"

"Is that so? Do not rush to chase people away!"

Tang Luo was stunned, and asked in harmony: "Actually, I'm a bit confused. I want to know why there are only tasks on the crystal wall, but no task rewards?"

The young Taoist glanced at Tang Luo and explained: "For specific rewards, you have to talk to the Taoist who issued the task after receiving the task. Generally speaking, the higher the task level, the greater the reward. You are the first time. Come to Xuan Ji Sect?"

"Yeah!" Tang Luo nodded and asked again: "Then I would like to ask Dao Master, if I want a foreign magical power as a reward, what level of quest might I have to take?"

"Why do you young man have so many problems?"

The young Dao elder made an angry accusation, but still explained: "It depends on the level of the supernatural power you want. If it is a yellow supernatural power, take the task of the profound level; if it is a supernatural power, it must be grounded. Level quests, of course, this is not absolute. For example, there are some particularly difficult mysterious level quests. If you have a good talk with the Taoist leader who issued the quest, you can probably get a secret technique!"

"That's it!"

Tang Luo thought for a while, and then asked the young Taoist: "Are there any requirements for the grounding level mission?"

After just observation, he was probably able to come to the rules of the mysterious sect's release of tasks. Some tasks seem simple, but they are extremely exhausting. Some tasks seem dangerous, but as long as they are strong, they are simple and convenient.

There is no lack of such seemingly dangerous but simple and convenient existences in the prefecture-level missions. You can get the secrets of the big and small by doing a part-time job in the mysterious sect, and then find a deep mountain retreat. Thinking of this, it is quite cost-effective.

But after listening to Tang Luo’s question, the young Taoist didn’t answer, but instead gave him a dissatisfied look and warned: "It’s not over yet, right? I can tell you that there is no fierce level of cultivation, prefecture level. Don’t touch the quests of ‘’s quests, ten deaths and deaths. Even if it’s an ordinary aristocratic family, it’s a lifetime of nine deaths to retrieve the land-level quests. You see those people wandering outside the house, many of them are pretentious Beiman warriors. Even the leaders of a clan, they dare not come to me, so I advise you not to be boring, go back and practice, and wait until you are strong in the future before you consider taking ground-level tasks!"

"Uh," Tang Luo shrugged helplessly: "Actually, I am quite strong. It's not as good as you tell me that there are more magical powers on the peak, so I will leave after the task."

"You don't listen to what you say!" The young Taoist said dissatisfied: "I said that the prefecture-level tasks are fierce."

As soon as the spiritual pressure was released, the young Taoist was stunned by the fierce spirit. Tang Luo said with a smile: "Look, Dao Master, I should meet the criteria for accessing the prefecture-level mission. Tell me which place Level tasks are more suitable for me?"

The young Taoist swallowed, and tremblingly asked Tang Luo, "How old are you?"


Tang Luo grinned.

"You are Tang Luo!!"

The young Taoist stood up screaming as if he had seen a ghost, pointing to Tang Luo and reconfirming: "You are the youngest warrior of the fierce realm in history, the best Longxi Tianjiao, right!?"

"Uh, I'm right."

The first time someone pointed his nose to praise, Tang Luo was very uncomfortable and said: "Do you know me?"

"Sect disciple, who doesn't know you?"

At this moment, the young Taoist seems to be a different person, and his body is full of enthusiasm: "Since the Longzhou martial arts conference is over, everyone has been guessing where you will travel when you get into a bottleneck in Longxi cultivation, many people say I would go to Yuanzhou or Zhongzhou. Who would have thought that you would come to Beimang? This is really great! Huh!? No, didn’t you hear that you were going to marry the third lady of Xuanyue Jianzun’s family a few days ago? , You are not in Longxi, why did you come to Beimang?"

Who knows that Xuanjizong has his own little fan, and he is still such a gossip little fan. After touching his nose, Tang Luo said with a guilty conscience: "Hehe, let's talk about the task first, first talk about the task, do you have any What is suitable for my prefecture-level mission?"

"Why is Tianjiao so polite? I am a disciple of the 26th generation of "Chong" in Longmen Mountain. Tianjiao calls me Chongxin!"

With that said, the young Taoist named Chongxin opened the huge recorded book on the table: "I will find Tianjiao and see if there are any simple and convenient tasks!"

This attitude can be described as heaven and earth compared to just now. Tang Luo burst into laughter and could only say politely: "Then trouble Chongxin Dao long!"

There are no simple and convenient prefecture-level tasks. The Seventy-two Peaks of Xuanji Sect, each peak has special skills, and the stars are all-encompassing.

This Yu Difeng put it plainly, that the entire world family and warriors are regarded as Xuanjizong workers, and they pay some wages to let these warriors do their dirty work for them.

Even if he came to Xuanjizong for the first time, Tang Luo could probably see the business model of Xuanjizong that stood for a thousand years.

Kelaifeng is the place to purchase raw materials. For example, the family took out one hundred thousand catties of minerals and replaced them with a hundred sets of yellow-level spirit armor.

Or thousands of soul jade, replaced by dozens of mysterious jade, or more than 10,000 magical medicine and precious herb, replaced by hundreds of pill.

Because of the existence of the mysterious sect, the aristocratic family can enjoy the same resources as the sect, such as medicines, spirit armor, battle equipment, and even mountain guards.

But in the same way, what the aristocratic family paid was the mine’s profits for several years or even decades. After these resources were handed over to the Xuanji Sect, within a few years they would become new objects in exchange for a certain family for several years or even Resources accumulated over the past ten years.

If there are inventors in this world, then there is no doubt that they are these Taoists on the 72nd Peak of Xuanji Sect.

While Tang Luo was thinking about it, Chongxin sorted out a few task lists, "Tianjiao, you said that you want to change magical powers and secrets, right? In the thirty-six peaks of the inner gate of Taixuan Shenshan, with Qianshengfeng and Ziyun Peak, Jixian Peak, and Nine Women Peak have the deepest studies of martial arts and the most magical powers. This is the mission of these mountains. Which one do you want to pick up?"

"Thank you Chongxin for the long way."

Tang Luo smiled and took over several task lists from the young Taoist and took a detailed look.

(End of this chapter)

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