I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 970: Two hundred seventy four

Chapter 970 Chapter 274: Mystic Sect

After all, Yan Luoyu converged to refine the corpse and left with Tong Dali and others, not because he really believed in Tong Lu's nonsense, but because he had no choice at all.

He had already seen the power of the cyan spiritual skills sweeping the river bank just now. For this group of thugs, even if the corpses were to the side, it would not give him a sense of security. It would be better to wait for the opportunity to move.

And on the way, he also knocked on the side and heard the origins of the three.

It turns out that this Wuyi teaches the snake tooth mountain, which was pulled up by the three brothers Tong Dali, Tong Lu, and Tong Hu. Even these brothers have just gathered in the past few months.

For these words, except for the information of the three brothers, Yan Luoyu refused to believe a word.

The group of warriors with wolf heads embroidered on their chests behind them are mostly mortal warriors, but the spiritual skills that have just swept the river bank have powers beyond the reach of mortal warriors. Although he is not a martial arts researcher, he also understands that just now It must be a combined attack, and how difficult it is to practice combined attack, but he knows better than others.

Because when he was building the base, Brother Wu took a few other Taibaos and wanted to make a combined attack, but when he finished building the foundation, the brothers never finished the combined attack. Listen to those storytellers. , Combat is the greatest creation of ancient sages and sages, and it is also the basis for human beings to defeat monsters. Such a difficult technique, if Wuyijiao can be cultivated in a few months, it really treats people as fools. Up.

It's just that Yan Luoyu would not express this attitude in the presence of the three Tong family brothers, but pretended to be longing for it.

In his mind, if these people are not relying on the benefits of joint strikes, Brother Wu can kill all of them!


Tang Luo who came to Beimang was lost!

He finally understood why martial arts developed to this day, and there still existed a wild land like Beimang.

As a fierce martial artist who can rise from the sky, he always thought that the dangerous and poisonous miasma of Beimeng was nothing to him, but when he really arrived in Beimeng, he realized that he was wrong.

This poisonous miasma rises from the mountains and stalks up, causing the entire Beimang sky to float. There are black clouds or green clouds, layered on top of each other, thick as cotton wool, blocking all sight. Even for him, the visibility is extremely high. low.

And when he fell into the low altitude where the clouds could not be covered, but was blocked by the ridges of the river, he would lose all sense of direction when he walked through countless mountains.

Tang Luo has gone the wrong way many times, and he regrets it in his heart at this time, because the Tang clan sends caravans to Xuanjizong every year to purchase, so they have a very precise road map, but he thinks he There is no need at all, and in the city gate on the road, there are also many selling and marking the road maps of several big cities in Beimang, but he did not think about it.

It's all right now. Tang Luo, who claimed to have remembered the topography of Beimang, was officially lost in the mountains, but it is impossible for him to go back and buy a map!

Boss Luo would never do such a humiliating thing. There are always more solutions than difficulties. A strong man at the pinnacle of dignified fierceness can still get lost forever! ?

As a good young man with extensive books, Tang Luo finally thought of the way to determine his position, which is to ascend to the extremely high sky, and determine his position according to the position of the sun, moon and stars.

In this way, he finally distinguished the south, east, and northwest. In this way, he stumbled in the direction of Xuanjizong, walking alone, strong and brave!

After determining his position based on the astrology again, Tang Luo slightly adjusted his downward direction, approaching the position of the Xuanji Sect.

After ten days of endless trekking, the stubborn Longxi Tianjiao finally came to the Taixuan Mountain!

After seeing the iconic 72 dangerous peaks, Tang Luo sighed and landed on the outskirts of Xuanjizong, outside Tianmen Mountain.

The so-called Tianmen is the entrance of the water flow in the cave, the so-called entrance to the mountain to find the water...Where the water comes is called the Tianmen, if it does not see the source, the Tianmen opens.

There is an old saying: Shuikou is like a tiger lying on the mountain, and no one is allowed to turn around. Highly cutting off the water, this object is called the fairy.

The Waishan Gate of Xuanji Sect is such a fairy seat. From Taotao's Minjiang River, a large mountain was cut in half with supreme power to open the Shuikou Heaven Gate.

At the top of the mountain, there are countless clouds and thunder and lightning entrenched, full of the power and mystery of the heaven and the earth, and there are links between the mountains and rocks at the mountain eyebrows that seem to be broken.

Looking further down, the two walls of the mountain that were cut into the gate of the mountain are also engraved. The left hand book Jin furnace inherits the Taoist formula, the right engraved jade disc Nongxuanji. In just ten characters, the Taoist profound knowledge sect inheritance.

Just standing far away from Taixuan Shenshan, Tang Luo could feel the aura of Xuanjizong that was not angry and prestigious. Think about it thousands of years ago, when the ancestor of Xuanjizong crossed the river and broke the mountain with a sword to become the gate of the sect. What a stalwart spirit.

To show respect, Tang Luo fell outside the mountain gate, stepping on the stone steps outside Tianmen, and climbing up the steps.

The so-called Dao Yan 49, escape one.

Each section of Tianmen Mountain Road is composed of forty-nine steps. After walking through the 64th section, Tang Luo finally came outside the Xuanjizong Tianmen!

At the outer door of Xuanjizong, the door official who was closing his eyes and resting his mind gently touched his hand on the jade dish, and said to the boy beside him: "A guest is here, go to the mountain gate to pick up someone!"

The boy with a blushing face nodded, and when he went out, he climbed onto a large white crane. The lazy white crane flapped its wings, and then took the wind and flew towards the sky.

Tang Luo, who was standing outside the Xuanjizong Tianmen, didn't enter in anxiously, but took a moment to feel the traces of the Xuanjizong sages who spent thousands of years in Tianmen Mountain.

The stalwart Xuanqi that others could only see was a different look in Tang Luo's eyes. This Tianmen was not only the face of Xuanji Sect, but also a mysterious formation.

Every inch of the stone wall is engraved with spirit patterns hand-painted by Master Fu. If you do something well, you will activate this mountain protection formation, and the swirling auspicious clouds will turn into a purple sky and thunder, which will severely damage the rude and evil guest.

Everyone in the world is dangerous and dangerous, but it is harder to climb to the sky. The heavenly gate that the predecessors of Xuanjizong spent great efforts to build is not just for style and beauty!

As a martial arts master, even though Tang Luo does not practice runes, he can still see the extraordinaryness of these spirit patterns. Each rune represents his master’s understanding of runes, and can better express his master’s understanding of the mountain gate. Cherish.

So even after a thousand years have passed, this mysterious sect Tianmen is still intact, just like it had just been cut open yesterday, even the edges and corners of some broken rocks have not been wiped out by the rain and wind. It is wonderful!

When Tang Luo was immersed in the gate of heaven and couldn't extricate himself, a young boy lay on the big white crane and said timidly at him: "Sir, Master asked me to invite you in."

(End of this chapter)

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