Chapter 958 Chapter 262: Freedom

Countermeasures? How can there be any countermeasures? The bride from Yuanzhou is gone now, and even the groom who stayed in Lanshan City is gone. It is obviously a happy event, but it has made such an embarrassing appearance. This is the first time the elders have encountered such a situation in their long lives.

But as Tang Zhi said, even if he is no longer dissatisfied, he still has to find a way to solve it. At this time, the best way is to find a reasonable excuse to cancel the feast.

The reason why everyone was entangled was because they couldn't think of any good way at all. The date was the auspicious day set by the Zong. In order to make this day free, the Zongsuo informed all the old matchmakers in Lanshan City. On the best day of the year, there was only a couple of newcomers.

Regarding heaven and earth, how can we manage weddings and funerals. If other people did this, it would have aroused public outrage. But because it was the marriage between Longxi Tianjiao Tang Luo and Yingcheng Qingyue Princess, all the families expressed their willingness to cooperate. Even more eagerly waiting for this big day, ready to celebrate the whole world.

After so much preparation work, the scene is so big, now that I want to look back, it is no longer simple.

The third elder Tang Zhenghao watched every voice of the crowd, and said: "Or, tell the people the truth about this matter, and say that the young lady of Yuanzhou Xu's escaped marriage, so this marriage was cancelled?"

As soon as the voice fell, Tang Hongjun's voice sounded beside the voice: "No. At this time, the Xuanyue Sword Sect and our clan still have room for maneuver. If this is the case, the news of Xu Qingyue's escape from marriage will be confirmed, and there will be no restoring the relationship. may."

"If you don't repair it, then don't repair it." Tang Zhenghao said with a cold face: "Xu Qingyue is marching like this. It is clear that Tang Luo is not in his eyes. It is enough to show the attitude of the swords of Yingcheng to our clan. Do we have to endure it? Shame, hot face and cold **** can't be done!?"

"Three elders calm down!" Sixth elder Tang Gaomin said in a timely manner: "If Xuanyue Jianzun really looks down on my clan, he will not break the rules of clan girls not to marry, and even prepare a generous dowry. According to each captain. According to the information sent back, Xuanyue Jianzun's dowry this time is even more than that of some Sword Saint's prostitutes. It can be seen that he really wants to be married to my clan. This matter, it should be. It was Xu Qingyue's own idea."

"Well, even if you're right, it's only Xu Qingyue's own idea to escape the marriage. Is it because of this that my clan's Optimus Jade Zhu can marry such a woman who doesn't obey such a womanly way!" Tang Zhenghao said coldly: "Maybe Xu Qingyue already has a part in her heart, otherwise she would risk such a big failure to escape the marriage. I think Zong Suo should come forward and send back the marriage certificate to return the marriage for Tang Luo!"

"It's better to wait for the first seat of Sen and Mrs. First to come back to discuss this matter. I still think about how to relieve the influence of this matter!" Grand Elder Tang Siyuan said: "This matter is about the face of the Lanshan City Sect. You will be ridiculed by all races, and you need to find a valid reason to erase the impact of this matter."

"What the Great Elder said is extremely true."

The great elder spoke out, and several elders had to suppress their anger and began to think about countermeasures.

At this moment, Tang Feng, the wind agent chief of Lanshan City, suddenly broke into the chamber, still holding a piece of information in his hand.

"There is news from Yuanzhou that Xuanyue Jianzun has already given orders to all the peripheral forces of the Xu clan, and used the power of the Dutianwang patrol, and talked to Longzhou: He will personally take Xu Qingyue in two months at the latest Sent to Yuanzhou, I hope that the Tang family can postpone the wedding period and will make a face-to-face apologize when that time comes!"

The world of swordsmanship originated from Yuanzhou. If you ask about the place with the most swordsmen in the world, Yuanzhou is undoubtedly. And Xu Piao, as a swordsman, will come to Longzhou in person, all showing the sincerity and solemnity of the other party, even the most disgusting Xu at the beginning Tang Zhenghao, the third elder of the scoop, lost most of the anger in his heart.

But the key question now comes again. Even if Xu Piao can really bring Xu Qingyue to Xiling two months later, where can they find Tang Luo, it is impossible to wait for Xu Piao to come over and tell him that your daughter has escaped. Once we get married, our children also run away. Is this fair?

"It seems that at the moment, we are not only trying to figure out a way to postpone the wedding, but more importantly, we have to get Minister Luo back first, or wait until Xu Piao really brings her daughter to Longzhou, it will really turn the sky!"

"If the order continues, we will use all the wind power to track down Minister Luo's whereabouts. You must find Minister Luo before Xu Piao and Xu Qingyue come to Longzhou."


After stepping through the Tianmen group to avoid the immortals, from now on the walker is not free.

You will know how much time you can have in your life, and you will not know until you mature. Real freedom is not doing what you want, but not doing what you don’t want.

The former is just to indulge one's own desires, while the latter is the insistence of rational thinking and independent will.

So Tang Luo can cooperate with the task assigned by the clan, but when this task conflicts with his free will, he will stand firmly on his side, this is his great freedom.

If I let others dominate my life, then what is the point of cultivation? ?

Tang Luo, who broke through the air, did not nostalgia. Right now, he just wanted to find a quiet place to continue the research on Blood Fiend.

Longxi must not be able to stay anymore, thinking about it, and Beimang is the most suitable for him. Come on, it’s full of mountains and mountains, and the land is sparsely populated. Secondly, there are supernatural powers in the Xuanji Sect that he urgently needs .

And half a year later, Wang Chan should have gone back to Tiannan long ago. It was when he was dispatched.

After flying north through the Lingjiang waters overnight, Tang Luo landed in a small town named Lianguan in Chengzhou.

The long road is long. He doesn't want to waste all his time on the road. He is not in a hurry to go back anyway. It is better to find a carriage and wander around freely, so as to admire the great rivers and mountains in Halong state!

Just thinking of doing it is one of Tang Luo's advantages, so he directly found the tavern in the city and slapped a fist-big gold on the table in front of everyone.

"You need a guide who can speak Beimang dialect, a chef who can cook delicious food in the wild, and a cook who can make delicious food in the wild! If you find it, bring it over, and be hired, this piece of gold is yours!"

Tang Luo confirmed that everyone in Lianguan could understand Mandarin, because in addition to the aborigines, most of Longzhou were pioneers who immigrated from Zhongzhou thousands of years ago, so the roots of the local dialects of Longzhou are Zhongzhou Mandarin.

Obviously he could speak Mandarin and understand Mandarin, but no one signed up. Instead, they formed a circle, staring at the Chi Jin on Tang Luo's table, and the desire in his eyes was not concealed.

(End of this chapter)

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