I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 940: Two hundred forty four

Chapter 940 Chapter 244: Bite your head

When Gu Han heard the young man's words, he hurriedly said with a smile: "Master Chen, don't want to get angry, the monk just got up, his head is not sober, please temporarily store the Yasha and the spirit pill in Beimang, and the monk will come to pick it up again when the storm passes ."

Now that the periphery of the blood building has been cleared, most of the resource supply comes from the Ji family in Beimang. If Ji Chen is offended and Ji Xuanyuan's love for his son, the future supply of the blood building will not be discussed.

It is because of the characteristics of his cultivation technique that he is very dependent on resources. The so-called people have to bow their heads under the eaves. If someone sees the dead monk in the epicenter state and even smiles at a young man, he still doesn't know how many eyeballs he will be surprised.

But Ji Chen felt that it was a matter of course. After waving his hand to indicate that he would not care, he said indifferently: "It's not safe to go outside. The master will come back to the house with me first. There is a treasure Xuan Ming in the warehouse. As long as the master hides inside, An Yuanxi He Wang Chan has great abilities and cannot find a master."

"It's all arranged by Young Master Chen."

The five-big and three-thick corpse monk rubbed his hands and smiled. There is no such thing as a strong man, just like a flattering villain.

Ji Chen couldn't bear to look straight, turned his head and walked, the great monk followed suit and disappeared into the dense forest of Beimang.


Longzhou, Lanshan City

Tang Luo stood on a peak of Alan Mountain, looking at the battle in the battlefield in the city from a distance of tens of miles.

Seeing Xiaozheng fighting too hard to defend himself, he couldn't help rubbing the temples on both sides.

Not everyone can bear the title of the No. 1 God Child of the Ten Thousand Clan, at least Tang Luo felt that he was not qualified for such a great reputation now.

It's not that his strength is incompetent, but that the Tang family can't afford it. The first **** son of the ten thousand clan can only be born from the top few ten thousand clan families. This is a very simple truth.

Except for the sacred land and sect, the Tang family’s strength is placed in the entire world, probably not even the top 100. Not to mention the martial arts sacred sites like Zhongzhou and Yuanzhou, there are seven great clans in Longzhou. Not to mention some veteran families that have passed on for thousands of years, and the disciples of these families, how can they be convinced.

Perhaps in Wang Chan's design, he was eager for Tang Luo to play one by one, or two to play a pair, so that he would stand on the opposite side of all the families of this generation.

But Tang Luo was not as good as he wanted. He had already thought about it. When the archway was built and the monument was erected, he looked for a fraud, then pretended to be ashamed to see people and retreat. Walk the world.

It's just this candidate. He hasn't thought about it yet. After all, sect disciples will not surrender themselves and come to challenge. And the arrogance of the Zhongzhou family, to be honest, it is quite disappointing.

It's not that these people are incapable of cultivation. After all, compared with the wealthy Tianjiao seen in Wu Shengshan, the challengers in Zhongzhou are obviously more than one grade higher at the moment.

But after the martial artist reaches a certain level, the difference between them is not very big. For example, most physical masters can achieve the combination of three strengths, and then go up, it depends on luck.

For example, all warriors in the fierce state will become the pinnacle of the fierce state, but it is not known whether they can complete the spirit incarnation and establish the true meaning of martial arts.

The combat power is also the same. Many people will fall into a bottleneck and then be unable to make progress. At this time, he realized that this is limited by talent.

Only a very small number of people with great perseverance can break through the boundaries of their own talents, and most people will be stuck on the boundaries of their talents for years or even decades.

These young people are at such a level. Those challengers at the pinnacle of metamorphosis should have not improved for a long time. In their opinion, the next improvement is when they break through the fierce state, so they are not agitated.

But the group of fierce realms is just the opposite. They have countless ways to improve, but they stubbornly refuse to execute them, still holding on to the eccentric fighting style and martial arts knowledge.

Maybe it's because they haven't adapted to this upheaval change, or maybe it's because they can't accept that they have finally broken through the fierce state but have to start over again.

After all, not everyone is like Tang Luo, who can quickly and purely use a set of spiritual skills. Normal martial artists have to cultivate a set of spiritual skills to the extent that they can fight the enemy, and don't know how much hard work it takes.

Reluctance is the biggest obstacle on the road to martial arts. I don't know how many wandering martial artists are still using Huang-level or even human-level techniques to the extent of the fierce state.

This habit is of course no problem when it is bullying. After all, with soul power blessing, even human-level spiritual skills will look good, but when it comes to the same level, it will be judged.

The reason why Tang Xing was able to fight these young people back and forth was because this kid did not have the habit of reluctance. He has now removed the hard-trained Wu Luo finger from the attack list and replaced it with a complete set of seals. Cooperate with occult.

Only half a month after returning from Wu Sheng Mountain, Tang Xing's combat power has been several times stronger. Naturally, there are Buddha-like effects in this, but more of it is Tang Xing's own understanding.

I thought that after Yankong's ravages, the little guy would have been decadent for a while, but now it seems that worry is really superfluous.

At the end of the First World War, Tang Xing defeated it again. The fighting field rang out loud cheers, and Tang Luo, who had watched his younger brother's progress, also planned to leave and return to the retreat to study Shura's spiritual heart.

Just about to get up, he saw a fierce warrior stepping onto the ring, leaving Tang Luo with a black line.

"Among the challengers in Zhongzhou, is there such a shameless guy?"

In the martial arts arena, Tang Xing, who had just won a match, saw another challenger coming onto the stage, so he sat down cross-legged, planning to fight again after molesting, only to find that he was locked by a tyrannical spirit and could not move.

With a sigh of relief, he raised his head and found the playful eyes of the challenger on the opposite side.

With his hands on his back, the man carried his hands, and behind him a phantom of the howling moon and fierce wolf rose with snow-white fur. His fierce eyes made Tang Xing unable to move. He said lightly: "My master has watched enough of the competition. It's far away, not to come to see the kids fighting, call your brother out quickly, don't waste your young masters' time!"

A warrior who has not reached the unity of spirit and will has no means of resisting the aura of the fierce state, not to mention the condensed spirit of the wolf, who is known for its cruelty, such as the first second son of the ice cave, but there is no fear, coldly snorted. : "If we have the ability to put away the spirits, we use spiritual skills to compete, and the realm to suppress people, what is the ability!?"

"Boy, you are not worthy to fight with this young master, quickly call your brother out, otherwise don't blame me for bullying the younger."

If he could, the man didn’t want to be on stage like this, but the Transcendence Realm that came to Longzhou was already in the hands of Tang Xing, and he was unwilling to return to Zhongzhou like this. The soil buns in Longzhou know how high the sky is and how thick the earth is.

If he leaves now, in the future, he will not be able to raise his head in the clan, even if he knows he is bullying the small with the big, he can only bite the bullet!

(End of this chapter)

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