I Can See the Combat Prowess

Chapter 914: Two hundred and eighteen

Chapter 914 Chapter 218: Controlling the power (please ask for more votes~)

"Put away this hypocritical apology. You don't think you are wrong, nor do you think that this seat is correct. You are just afraid of the power of this seat and need it. So, don't be fooled, or talk about why you become a wasteland. The Pope."

Tang Luo, who had finished speaking, sat down and said lightly towards Jiuda: “The Emperor Xiu is the most powerful Shura of the non-tian family. I don’t think that with what you just showed, you have a chance to defeat him. If there is only this level, what qualifications does he have to be respected as the most powerful non-heaven in the world, the Asura King known as Rahu?"

The world of warriors, after all, still has to use strength to speak, and it is not a teacher and apprentice. The reunion drama of the father and the son subverts the original power. Jiuda always has to come up with some convincing strength. Does it rely on outsiders? A crooked melon and cracked dates.

"It seems that the husband did enough homework before coming, which makes Jiuda more confident."

Jiuda shook off the wood ashes on his body, sat down and smiled and said, "Perhaps Jiuda's slight cultivation level is not seen by her husband, but in this generation of non-tians, there are only two Asura kings, one It is Emperor Xiu Shi, and the other is Jiuda. And the temple cannot be without a pope for a day. As long as Emperor Xiu Shi dies, this seat will be the rightful successor pope. Does the gentleman think so?"

"It's a light thing. The Emperor Xiu lives in the imperial palace of Ned City, the base camp of the Feitian clan, and there are thousands of big Feitians beside him, not to mention that there is a Buddha in Ned. Great Zen Master of the country, why do you kill him?"

Although the information before coming is simple, the most critical part of Ned is still very detailed. Although the erosion dominates life, the non-day generation is inferior to the generation, but because of the population base, the standing armed of the non-day race should not be underestimated. Tang Luo didn't think that a reckless assassination would achieve any good results. His initial goal was to get Emperor Xiushi to allow him to enter the Temple of Vita and visit the statue of Ashura by resorting to force.

Jiuda explained with a smile: "The Pope’s dispute is a single fight. The place is in the Shura field in the city of Ned. Jiuda challenged the Emperor Xiushi in the name of King Ashura. Then he will leave. A heavily guarded palace. Jiuda knows what the gentleman is going to say. Even if it is alone, the chance of Jiuda defeating Emperor Xiushi is not more than 30%, but has the gentleman heard of the ancient blood building?"

It was just an ordinary name but with an infinite chill. Tang Luo behind the mask couldn't help but stunned: "If you think about it, the presiding officer of the Klaho Temple has even got in touch with the newly emerging killer organization in Zhongzhou. Eye-opener."

In the past ten years, the biggest excitement in Zhongzhou is the killer organization that seems to appear out of thin air. No one knows where the roots of the ancient blood building are, and no one knows which force behind the ancient blood building is supporting. The killer organization has an unimaginable deep foundation. Even an ordinary warrior can increase his combat power several times as long as he enters the blood building for two years. The endless secrets and techniques give this organization a mysterious veil. .

And the famous work of the Wild Ancient Blood Building was to kill an patrol angel from An's. That battle shocked Zhongzhou and let the world see how crazy the killers of the Wild Ancient Blood Building were.

The enraged King Dutian patrolled the three strongholds of the ancient blood building, only to find that there was no one inside, leaving only a letter from the host of the blood building.

No one knows what the content of the letter is, only that the Governor of the Dutian King spit out a large mouthful of blood after reading the letter, which is about to uproot the ancient blood building.

But more than ten years have passed. The intelligence organization of the dignified sacred place backed it. There was no way to take a killer organization. It broke the sand several times and made the reputation of the ancient blood building become more and more famous. There is actually the world's first killer organization. taste.

The Buddha Kingdom in Zhongzhou and the An family in Zhongzhou are in the same spirit. As a member of the Zen Buddhism, the Feitian clan colluded with the ancient blood building. This really surprised Tang Luo.

"At the time of the Xiuluo field competition, the strong of the ancient blood building will take the opportunity to sneak attack, but the cultivation base of the Emperor Xiu can not be clearer. Even if the strong of the blood building makes a shot, it is difficult to kill. Therefore, Jiuda also needs a top powerhouse to ensure that this matter is foolproof!" Jiuda looked at Tang Luo with piercing eyes, and said seriously: "Mr. Jiuda has been waiting for ten years, the top powerhouse!"

It is a joke that the Buddha disciple and the killer collude, so let him sneak attack with the killer? Tang Luo leaned back in his chair, his eyes full of inexplicable encounters with lunatics: "Why do you think that this seat will agree to such an absurd request in order to remove the blood evil from the body?"

"Because, this is the only way for Mr. to see the statue of Asura." Jiuda smiled and said: "Emperor Xiushi is the most powerful King Asura, and also the most proud and jealous King Asura. Feeling the blood evil in your husband, Emperor Xiu can also."

"Once upon a time, there were so many wonderful and brilliant non-worlds in the Xiu clan because the blood evil was stuck at the step of the incarnation of the incarnation. He couldn't move forward and died with resentment. For the Xiu clan, there is nothing more than Looking at the top martial artists, it makes them happier that they can't incarnate the flesh because of the blood evil deep into the bone marrow. This is Feitian's hatred of the martial artists."

"With Mr.'s strength, since he can find the wasteland, it means that other methods are not effective on the deep-rooted blood evil in Mr.'s body, and changing the front means that if things can't be done, they will not hesitate to make a strong decision. Now Mr. knows, Jiu Why do you think Mr. Ding will accept this proposal?"

Most of the misunderstandings in the world started from "I thought". Of course, Tang Luo would not explain that he was easily shrunk and wore a mask, mainly because he did not involve his family.

Although one of the Xiu clan is not the heavens, one of them is counted as one, and death is not considered wronged. The death of Jiuda or the death of Emperor Xiu will not change the future of the deserted courtyard in the slightest. But this doesn't mean that Tang Luo will be threatened by Jiuda to be a spear for the hypocritical **** stick.

"Since you have put forward your own requirements and suggestions, let us mention one too!" Tang Luo, wearing a gouchen mask, slowly stood up and said lightly: "Bring this seat into the Nedevita Temple. , I won’t kill you, let your grand plan have a chance to display."

Thirty-five falling Yu Yuan magnetic beads "shoo" open, forming a huge power grid behind the tall and thin man in star robes, making Tang Luo look like a demon.

Jiuda's face finally turned gloomy. He didn't expect Tang Luo to turn his face when he turned his face, and he didn't expect that the other party would not be threatened at all: "Aren't you afraid to have a bad relationship with this saint, and there will be no chance to enter the Temple of Vita in the future? !?"

"Speaking of breaking the sky, Ned is not worthy of this jealousy of Emperor Xiushi and the Great Zen Master, but this jealousy is just to waste more hands and feet." Tang Luo in a star robe slowly clenched his fists, tiger and leopard thunder in his bones. Yinjiang revealed his identity as the master of martial arts: "But there is no great Zen master here, and it is the weak point of the sacred formation. You are only a few meters away from this seat. Believe it or not, this seat can kill you with three punches!?"

Hmm, there will be updates on weekends, are you very touched~~~ Thanks to book friends 1612042223106784, the boss for two bowls of noodles, a special trumpet for the boutique, call me Wuhen, no books, no fat, etc. Love you guys-the author is fat!



(End of this chapter)

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