Chapter 1053 Chapter 357: Quarrel 9 paragraphs

Shaking the rag in his hand, Tian Ge'er smiled triumphantly: "Oh, this rag is really easy to use. I really have to keep a few pieces at home in the future!"

Seeing Tang Luo's murderous gaze in a blink of an eye, Brother Tian knew that it was a bit too much, please cough, and then asked: "I stayed here well, why suddenly want to leave?"

"Because there is someone here, I can't meet him, otherwise there will be catastrophic disaster!"

"I said how can you cause trouble so much!"

Brother Tian was so angry that he wanted to press the rag on Tang Luo's face, but he restrained it: "If you provoke the king's rune, the arbitration house, and the superintendent's tour, even Zhongzhou Buddhism will not let it go? Are you It’s not that martial arts practice is stupid, is it really happy to be an enemy of the world!"

"The Holy Land dominates the secrets of the upper-level exercises on all continents, and the sects dominate the magical medicine and treasures of the sacred mountain and the spring. In such a world of controversy, if you are at ease as a turtle, you can naturally shrink your head and live your own little life. Sun Lingbo gathers into waves, and under the cover of the nest, there are no eggs!?"

It's not impossible to gag and talk all the time, but Tian Ge's kindness to himself after all, so Tang Luo feels that he can treat each other sincerely on some points, because he can be sure that Tian Ge can understand.

As a descendant of the Yun family, if he didn't even have this ability to understand, then Tang Luo could really doubt the meaning of Brother Tian's staying in Chaochang!

In many cases, understanding does not mean agreeing. Hearing such words, Brother Tian is dissatisfied again: "I said, do you martial arts practitioners only have muscles left in their minds? The Human race finally drove the demon race. Let’s go, it’s only a few years after my birthday, so I want to scream and kill again? Without the upper-level exercises, I can’t study myself? Without blessing, Dongtian can’t be exchanged at the same price? You have to kill the heads and corpses all over the field to stop. Right?"

"This is the truth of the merchant, but not the way of the warrior."

The sound of spiritual collisions has no ups and downs and emotions. Calmness is like a narration on the stage: "When a person has a hammer in his hand, everything looks like a nail. It is easy for you to convince me, but how can I convince those who control the force? The sect of the sect, the green forest is strong? Many things in the world are not justified, and you have to have the power to turn the truth into reality! I naturally don’t want to be enemies of the world, but I also hope that when the tsunami is coming, I can have shelter. The power of the family!"

"You still protect the whole family, first think about how to protect yourself!" Tian Geer "slapped" Tang Luo's chest with a slap, dissatisfied: "Regardless of whether Luo Tang is a real name or a pseudonym, but your life already belongs to Mine, the kindness of the family, you have changed it! So don't think about any glory or shelter in the future. Those have nothing to do with you. If you can survive, it will be a big help to support yourself!"

After speaking, Tian Ge'er stood up angrily, turned his head and left the quiet room, preparing to depart to Yan Shan.


On the other side, the three soldiers who sent people from Jijiang City to Chaochang did not return immediately after receiving Yanshan's handwriting, but decided to enter Chaochang for a few days before leaving.

Said to be refurbished, but in fact I intend to relax in this world-famous golden city, the city of freedom.

After all, the legend of Longzhou is full of beautiful words about the ancient city of Chaochang. The giant city located on the coast of the South China Sea is the first port of Longzhou longing for trade. Legend has it that it is sitting on the rare treasures of all continents. As long as it can afford the price, Chaochang is the real bliss.

Every day, new businessmen and wealthy individuals are born here, and there are also old ones who fall, and those standing under the spotlight will always be the top figures in the states.

Want to taste the most fragrant drinks? Go to Chaochang.

Want to kiss the most beautiful woman? Go to Chaochang.

Want to make a big bet to change the city? Go to Chaochang!

Here you can know what it means to be drunk, spending money like dirt;

Here you can also know what it means to think of heaven and hell.

This is the golden city of freedom, romance, chaos and order, Longzhou Chaochang!

And the three clans warriors naturally did not have the big dream of becoming billionaires. They just wanted to know if Chaochang was really as free and unrestrained as the rumors, and tasted Siam's good wine by the way.

After all, just after the famine in Longxi, the food was under the control of the alliance, and each wine stall could only supply limited amounts of wine, even the brothel prostitute.

It's hard to get to the mission, and you have to make all the gold and silver you bring, and then go back and blow off the prosperity of this prosperity with your brothers!

When the three of them came out of the Siam Liquor Store in Dongshikou, it was already three days later.

Just like all drunkards, as long as those who enter the Siam liquor store and don't drink all the Yuntai Eight Immortals, they will not come out.

And Siam's spirit wine is truly unique in the world, even if it is the same wine, the taste of each sip is different, and the taste of the first product and the slightly drunk is also unusual.

The three drunks who had been suffocated kept shouting that the money bags had bottomed out, and then came out drunk, ready to rush back to Longxi by the passenger ship.

After all, Longxi is developing rapidly nowadays. A large number of craftsmen from Chaochang want to go to Longxi to see if there is any work. There is almost one merchant ship sent to Longzhou every day.

It is precisely because of this convenience that the three of them will slowly forget about the return journey and stay in Chaochang.

The three people who came out of the wine shop set off from Dongshikou to Lingjiang, but they were shocked in a cold sweat as they passed through the Caishikou Hu.

Although the three of them were slightly drunk, their reactions were more acute under the effects of the spirit wine, and they were able to notice details that were not normally noticed.

One of them saw with his own eyes a person walked out of a dead end with a wound number on his back, and walked into the house.

Although the person behind the back lowered his head and didn't see the appearance clearly, the man on the back of that person gave a startled glance, which looked like Tang Luo!

"Big brother, the man who just entered the house, especially, very much like a big son!"

Among the martial arts fighters in Jiejiang City, there were many fighters who were once Xiling Martial Arts fighters, and many of them were the small banners of the Beishan garrison commander in Tang Luo.

In order to reflect the closeness to this Longxi Tianjiao, many fighters would call Tang Luo the Grand Young Master. Later, it was spread that when the fighters of Jijiang City Wutang mentioned Tang Luo on their backs, they all referred to them as Grand Young Master, and Linghuo Tianjiao is called the Second Young Master to show respect and love to the two outstanding men.

The news of Tang Luo's escape from marriage is currently known only to the Zong, as long as the Wu Zongs in the joints will not spread it everywhere, so all the Tang clan fighters think that Tang Luo is still in Longxi.

So the man who was called to be the eldest brother turned his head and said dissatisfied: "What nonsense? The eldest son is practicing in Mount Alan at this time. How can he come to Chaochang? Besides, this is such a broken place. Even if the eldest son wants to come, he will go. In the city, drink and have fun with the top figures in the state capital. How can you condescend to come to Xiacheng?"

(End of this chapter)

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