At the same time, the controlled nuclear fusion technology was also developed by the Blue Star Federation.

Looking at the human leaders in the movie, the human elites were extremely excited, and when the ordinary people were at a loss, they couldn't help but feel complicated. However

, the human leaders made two plans. One was to rely on the phantom god to attract the attention of the whole people, and then quietly plan to smash the meteorite or escape after the plan failed. Before escaping, use the phantom god to collect the consciousness of the players as much as possible and save it in the phantom god.

This development made Wu Yan and others look at each other in bewilderment.

This plot looks so familiar. Isn't this what Kayaba Akihiko did in Sword Art Online?

However, Wu Yan and others didn't say much and continued to watch silently.

The subsequent development was not as expected by Wu Yan and others.

The new nuclear bomb failed to solve the meteorite crisis. Humans were forced to use high-frequency lasers to burn the brains of a large number of players, and a small number of players saved their consciousness..

After getting these, the human leaders began to wander in the universe through the space survival station, watching the blue planet being attacked by a huge meteorite, forming a terrifying explosion and shock wave.

Brilliant, but dangerous.

Then, the movie ended.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and others breathed a sigh of relief.

The ending of Skynet Storm: Phantom God was much better than Skynet Storm: Zero and Skynet Storm: Space Wanderer.

This time the ending was acceptable.....

At least, mankind has spent 64 years of peace and excitement, and finally preserved the fire of human civilization.

After sighing, Wu Yan and others couldn't help but glance at the comment area.

They found that there was nothing to pay attention to in the comment area this time.

In addition to the enduring discussion about the world observer, there was also a comment that was pushed up.

About Sword Art Online and Phantom God.

Many people are jealous and want to play.

Some people even said that if they can play it, it is worth dying, which made Wu Yan and others laugh and cry, but somewhat agree.

After all, if it goes on like this, the hope of mankind solving the meteorite crisis is really slim. It would be nice if you can play this kind of game before you die.

Many people didn't realize that they had actually given up hope in their hearts and felt that they were dead.

Countries around the world didn't pay much attention to this movie. Because there is really nothing important in it. If you have to say that there is some important content, it is the template of future technology.

But that is also being studied by all countries, not a new concept. It can only be said that the future has really been created, that's all.

Compared with the new movie, what countries around the world are preparing for is the upcoming world conference.

Leaders of all countries began to head to the meeting place of the Blue Star Federation.

Although Skynet Storm·Space Wandering and Skynet Storm·Phantom God both showed that even controlled nuclear fusion technology could not solve the problem of the meteorite crisis, the formation of the Blue Star Federation was still necessary. Technology sharing is also necessary in the eyes of Star Country and other countries.

Even if the hope is slim, you have to struggle. If you don't even want to struggle, then you are really disappointed.

Not to mention, even if you want to wander in space better, the energy brought by controlled nuclear fusion technology is also necessary.

However, at this moment, a terrifying breath suddenly appeared on the Blue Star, causing the entire Blue Star to tremble slightly.

Everyone knelt down on the ground under the instinctive trend.

Even the people who were driving instinctively stopped the car and knelt down on the ground.

For a time, all humans were horrified, but they couldn't think of resisting at all, and they didn't even think of standing up again.

Even the great elders of Xuan Country and others were horrified and couldn't understand what was going on. They would kneel down for no apparent reason. Another strange saying is that their souls were trembling.

"What exactly is going on!?"

"What on earth happened!?"

In the World Conference Room, the faces of the leaders of various countries changed constantly, but they could not think of resisting. Instead, they looked at each other with horror and confusion in their hearts.

However, this extremely abnormal situation came and went quickly.

They suddenly felt their bodies lighten, and then they felt that the inexplicable oppression disappeared, and they could stand up.

However, even if they stood up, these beings at the top of humanity had gloomy faces and extremely ugly faces.

Humiliation, too humiliating, they actually knelt down inexplicably, and even at that time, their minds were filled with... The thought of complete submission was not even the thought of resistance.

Not only them, but people all over the world also had different reactions. There were all kinds of bizarre reactions, such as panic, fear, resistance, anger, fanaticism, curiosity, etc.

There were even fanatics who thought that this was a miracle, a phenomenon caused by the gods coming to the world. It was proof that humans should worship and then save them.

Of course, there were more disasters.

Although they would stop what they were doing before kneeling down, so as not to cause a huge disaster.

But there were still a small number of unlucky people who died suddenly in accidents such as car accidents.

"I advise you not to have any thoughts of investigation or revenge."Only the Great Elder of Xuan State looked serious but remained calm."If you think about it, you will understand who can do such a bizarre thing."


As soon as these words came out, the elders, kings, and queens of all the countries including Star Country and Bear Country all changed their expressions and took a deep breath.

"Is this a demonstration against us humans?" The Great Elder of Xingguo said with an unpleasant expression.

"Demonstration?" The great elder of Xuan country glanced at the great elder of Xing country with a strange expression."Do you think humans are worthy of letting that one person make a special demonstration?"

"If not, what's going on?���"The Great Elder of Xingguo gritted his teeth and said

"Haha, I personally guess that this is just an unconscious behavior. Even if it is an unconscious behavior, we humans cannot resist it. It's a very normal thing."

The elder of Xuan State laughed at himself.


As soon as these words came out, everyone fell silent, and then they all smiled bitterly.

After that, no one discussed this sensitive and depressing topic, and began to prepare for the start of the World Conference.

At the same time, the entire Observer website exploded again. At the same time, it also swept across major platforms.

This time, everyone speculated that the bizarre phenomenon was caused by the World Observer.

Because only he has this terrifying ability.

For this reason, further discussions were launched about the purpose of the World Observer doing this.

Wu Yan and others also participated in it.

Only Lu Jie restrained his breath, quite helpless. He had just evolved, and he was still immersed in the strange feeling after the evolution, which resulted in him not noticing the problem of his breath, and he leaked it out unconsciously, causing chaos on Blue Star.

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