I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 113 Invite Xiubi into the group! Join four new people at once!? (Please subscribe for more!)

It would be great if the underworld could grow flowers: "Uh...don't care about so many details.

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "gogogo, let's play games.

Following Zhao Linger's call, many members of the group went to play games.

The group gradually became quiet.

On the side of Lu Jie's main body, he came to Wu Song's side.

Come over for the cosmic handover work.

Although Lu Jie really wants to save more and then hand over together.

But Wu Song didn't want to do that, so he could only rely on her as a reward.

Soon, the transfer of the universe was over, Lu Jie looked at Wu Song with a rosy face and fell into thinking.

"Xiao Song, it's time for you to break through the multi-level."

Lu Jie spoke slowly.

"lock up...?"

Wu Song looked at Lu Jie in surprise.

"it's time."

Lu Jie tapped Wu Song's forehead and helped her.

Originally, as a super-super-universal avenue, it was not so easy for him to help a pseudo-multi-level breakthrough to multi-level.

However, now he is already considered to be a super-level invincible existence, and he has taken a big step towards the omnipotent level. It is a very simple matter to make Wu Song a multi-level existence.

If Lu Jie doesn't help Wu Song, with the character of this kid giving all his points to him every time, it will be a long time before he thinks he will break through.

"Thank you master for the gift.""

Wu Song felt his own transformation, and said this sentence with a moved face.

Immediately, Wu Song fell into a deep sleep, sublimating its essence subtly.

This process is long, and in a short period of time, Wu Song will not appear in the chat group.

After thinking about it, Lu Jie came to Xu Xinying's side.


The arrival of Lu Jie made Xu Xinying extremely happy.

Later, after Lu Jie and Xu Xinying also handed over the work, they praised her and left.

Finally, Lu Jie came to Hubby again.

"Master~! Would you like some black tea?"

Hubby looked at Lu Jie with a face full of infatuation, and said with a wink.

This is the most frequent conversation between the two.

"Well, drink.

Lu Jie chuckled and replied.

Afterwards, Hubby got out some utensils and made a cup of black tea for Lu Jie.

"not bad."

After drinking the black tea, Lu Jie patted Hubby's head and chuckled lightly.

"Well, the master can be satisfied.

Hubby is very happy.

"Hubby, I want to invite you to a place..."

Immediately, Lu Jie spoke slowly.

Wu Song will not be online for a long time. At this time, it is a good choice to pull Hubby into it.

He had considered Xu Xinying before.

But in the end it was rejected.

Because when it comes to things involving him, Xu Xinying seems very extreme.

It's not good to accidentally kill some Hanhan members who are new to the group. The group atmosphere will become very subtle.

Hubby's words are the existence that listens to his words the most.

Besides Xiaotong, he was the one who accompanied him the longest and trusted the most.

With Hughbi there, there will be no problems.

"Master's will is my will. Master asks me to do whatever I want."

Hubby said.

"Well, that's it."

Lu Jie smiled and explained the existence of the chat group under the Ten Thousand Realms to Xiubi.

However, unlike Wu Song, Lu Jie told the real situation.

Because, Hubby knows everything about him, and is the same as Xiaotong, who is most loyal to his existence, so there is no need to hide it.

"So that's how it is. No wonder Wu Song has been acting a little strange recently."

After Hubby heard it, a strange expression appeared on her face.

However, she was not jealous or anything. The owner's choice of Wu Song to join the group naturally had the reason of the owner, and she would not be jealous.

Whatever the master does is right, this is Hubby's truest thought.

"Next, it's up to you. 35

After Lu Jie kissed Hubby's forehead, he chuckled lightly.


Hubby touched his forehead and nodded happily.

At this time, the chat group was very lively, and everyone chatted about various interesting things.

However, in the next moment, everyone was stunned.

Because the newcomers have joined the group. Not one, but four at a time.

"Ding, master's little maid, join the Wanjie chat group. 35

"Ding, the witch of the gap, join the chat group of the world.

"Ding, golden shadow, join the Wanjie chat group.

"Ding, seventeen-year-old (beag) young girl, join the Wanjie chat group."

Mengmeng's administrator is me: "Hey! There are four new people at one time, welcome and welcome!""

Zhao Linger was surprised.

The witch in the gap is easy to recognize. It should be Nangong Nayue in the world of "Blood Attack", nicknamed Nayue Sauce.

Needless to say, Golden Shadow is one of the most popular female protagonists in the world of "The Queen of Outsourcing".

Seventeen-year-old girl, this nickname is quite subtle.

Immediately, Zhao Linger used administrator privileges to look at the personal information in the background, and could not help revealing subtleties.

Yakumo Zi! It's actually that old witch.

The existence of a seventeen-year-old girl who claims to be forever.

"Even she joined the group."

Zhao Linger couldn't help but complain a little. The group will be more lively in the future.

But who is this master's little maid?

Zhao Linger was very curious.

She couldn't help but use administrator rights and looked at the personal information in the background.

Name: Hubby

Race: Mechanic

Gender: Female

Strength:??? (ps: more than ten stars)

"Pfft! It's Hubby!?"

Zhao Linger was dumbfounded.

Of course, she knows about Hubby in the world of "Game of Life". After all, the theatrical version made her cry.

But this is not the case.

How could Hubby have a strength of more than ten stars.


The chat group system used to be able to evaluate the strength of eight stars, but now even more than ten stars can appear?

Immediately, Zhao Linger looked at it.

Because the group number reached 25, the group system was upgraded again.

You can see the strength level of nine-star and ten-star.

Nine stars: The battle can spread to the entire solar system, and even destroy the combat power of the solar system.

Ten Stars: Possesses the power to destroy the galaxy.


Zhao Linger was frightened again.

What the hell is this!

A ten-star is a galaxy-level combat power.

And this Hubby actually has a power above ten stars, which is too terrifying.

Is this still the Hubby she knew?

Hubby, even Jibril can't beat it... The strength is at most three or four stars...

When Zhao Linger doubted her life, the chat group was very lively.

It would be great to be able to grow flowers in the underworld: "Welcome to the newcomers! It's rare to see four newcomers at once!

I want to be a great writer: "Welcome! Yes, except for adding five at a time when the chat group first appeared, this is the most.

The oldest and strongest godslayer: "Four newcomers, except for the 'seventeen-year-old girl' who looks like an ordinary person, the other three don't look like ordinary people, it's interesting, I hope they can have something to do with them. The existence of the old man's combat power matches. 99

The master of the virtual circle: "Hehe, Marquis, you can't analyze whether you are an ordinary person by a nickname. This is a loss, but I have eaten it many times.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!),

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