I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 302 Wu Song: Just let me be a hero for the last time! (Please subscribe for more!)

"No, Elder Xuan Da, it is impossible for us to continue our research in the main world. The Blue Star Civilization will be defeated, and we will lose everything."

Xu Xinying spoke slowly.

"We can only give it a shot now. If successful, the Blue Star civilization will become the fourth-level star-level civilization. The world observers will also pay attention to us again. All humans in the parallel universe will benefit. 99

After a pause, Xu Xinying's face was firm, and she spoke decisively.

These words made Elder Xuan Da and other high-level human beings speechless.

The plans of Xu Xinying and others were extremely frustrating.

That is, to gather 75% of all human beings, the number of fourth-order powerhouses reaching 6,000, into the body of the star-devouring dragon. The scientists also entered the body of the Star Devourer.

Then, they supply energy together to assist the Star Devourer to form an energy barrier, and then Xu Xinying and other scientists study dark matter and dark energy in the dark universe at close range, making a last-ditch effort.

This is a crazy plan that will wipe out most of the combat power and scientists 14 if you are not careful.

The dark universe is a weird place.

If it exceeds the speed of light, it will enter the dark universe.

In the dark universe, if you think of it, at present, scientists such as Lin Xuyue have only analyzed three methods.

One is that when the 'weird energy' of the dark universe carries the 'dark energy' and infects the creatures to the point of death, it will allow these creatures to do their best to escape the dark universe, and leak the radiation and dark energy of the dark universe out of the host. In the universe, the purpose is unknown.

The 'weird energy' is intelligent. This is a terrifying energy life similar to a ghost. However, although strange, 'they' could not leave the dark universe.

Another way is simple, but humans can't do it.

That is, to become a fourth-order powerhouse with more than 100 stars. Or fifth.

At this level, it is theoretically possible to enter and exit the dark universe at any time.

The third method, let alone talk about it. That is the ultimate purpose of mankind. Research dark matter technology. Developed a dark matter fusion device, as well as a dark energy barrier. In this way, theoretically, like the starship of the 'Nibi civilization', it can freely enter and exit the dark universe.

"I see. I will gather enough Tier 4 powerhouses."

Finally, Elder Xuan took a deep breath and his voice was low.

He is not an indecisive person, but when he heard this crazy plan at first, he instinctively rejected it.

Indeed, only by defending in this way can mankind have hope of victory.

It is necessary to go to the dark universe for research.

Not to mention, there is a magical place in the dark universe.

That is, the time flow rate between the dark universe and the main universe is 10:1. One thousand years have passed in the dark universe, and the main universe is only 100 years old, so it is possible to gain a lot of research time again.

Elder Xuan Da's nod made other high-level human beings feel complicated, and they immediately agreed. Finally, look at these great human scientists with hopeful eyes.

"Thank you elders for your understanding. 99

Xu Xinying's eyes flashed slightly, and she slowly opened her mouth.

The rest of the scientists breathed a sigh of relief.


Lin Xuyue's mood was a little subtle. She obviously doesn't want to do so much for human beings. It was clear that her plan when she was young was to escape with her brother if Blue Star Civilization encountered a crisis.

All I can say is, it's against people.

Following Xu Xinying, inexplicably not affected a lot.

Oh, not right either. She's not even a human.

It's for yourself. By the way, save all mankind.

If he can win this time, the world watcher should be satisfied. Then, the parents will also be resurrected.

Lin Xuyue's eyes became firm.

"System, continue to accelerate the timeline. 35

Seeing this scene, Lu Jie's eyes were subtle.

To be honest, if he succeeded, he really wouldn't be able to refuse Lin Xuyue. If this is not satisfactory, it is too harsh and will affect the motivation to continue research.

Well, if you can succeed, let's give her a bounty.

Then, provide the fourth-order, alien mother worm, and active cells, so that they can continue their research on genetic medicine.

[When the host made a bad idea, a month passed. Elder Xuan reluctantly summoned enough Tier 4 powerhouses. On Xu Xinying's side, he also persuaded the Star Devouring Dragon. Then, the Star Devourer swallowed all these humans and broke into the dark universe. 】

[At the moment of entering the dark universe, the star-devouring dragon propped up a powerful energy barrier to resist 'erosion'. The fourth-order powerhouses of mankind are also collectively shooting to support the barrier. So many powerhouses shot together, and finally blocked the 'erosion' very well, so that the Star Devourer Dragon and all humans were relieved. 】

[At least, for now, the plan is a success. Next, mankind raced against time to start scientific research. In the blink of an eye, a thousand years have passed in the dark universe. Xu Xinying and other scientists have finally analyzed dark matter and dark energy, but they are still stuck at the last point. It made them very upset. 】

[Finally, the scientists came up with a method. That is to experience dark matter and dark energy in person. Then through the mental lock, share the feeling with the scientists. This plan is dangerous. And every time you go out, a scientist will definitely die. And the third-order can't go, go out and dissolve instantly. You must go to the fourth level. 】

[The fourth-order scientists are for scientific research. Fulfill your dreams without hesitation. A month later, the fourth-order scientists died collectively, and it was only a little bit closer to the thorough analysis. 】

[However, among the fourth-order scientists present, only Lin Xuyue, Xu Xinying, and Wu Song were left. In the end, Wu Song decided to sacrifice himself. 】

"Why are you doing this?"

Lin Xuyue couldn't help but ask. For Wu Song, her senses have always been subtle. When she was young, she didn't like the Virgin like Wu Song. But with the research together, she became full of good feelings for Wu Song again.

The charm of this girl is really amazing, full of human flashes, and it is easy to make people feel good.

She also understood the feeling that mankind has regarded Wu Song as the goddess of the whole people for a long time.

Aside, Xu Xinying also frowned slightly and remained silent.

"Why? In the presence, only my scientific research level is the lowest, and in other aspects, I am not as good as you guys. Isn't it natural to sacrifice me? 99

Wu Song smiled lightly and answered naturally.

"I didn't mean this... I mean..."

Lin Xuyue's face was full of confusion.

"Not so much why. Xuyue, I am grateful to you. Because you broke the limits of genetic medicine. My parents don't have to die of old age like parents in other parallel worlds. So, let me do something. It's been a long time. Yes, I want to be a hero once. 99

Wu Song smiled sweetly.

These words left Lin Xuyue speechless. She suddenly felt that she might be a little smarter than Wu Song, but she really couldn't compare to Wu Song.

Aside, Xu Xinying took a deep look at Wu Song.

Living under the sun, my character has never changed.

Next, Wu Song didn't say much, and threw himself into the world of death under the admiration and admiration of the rest of the human race.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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