I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 258 The pattern of galaxies around the Baihe system! Supernova plan!? (2/4 for subscription!

"The intruder is not necessarily the powerhouse of Santong Civilization.""

Wang Gabika of the Silver Horn Civilization glanced at the crowd and said slowly.

"Not necessarily the powerhouse of Santong Civilization? However, in the surrounding galaxies, other than Santong Civilization, who can send so many Tier 4 powerhouses?"

Second General Kuaka frowned.

Inside the Andromeda Galaxy, a huge mechanical empire and Santong civilization coexist. However, the mechanical empire is the real overlord. Although Santong civilization is also very strong, even stronger than Silver Horn civilization, but their life is not very easy.

Santong civilization has always been oppressed by the mechanical empire. If not for the strategic weapon of the 'black hole bomb', the Three Eyes Civilization would have been wiped out by the Mechanical Empire.

The reason why the Three Eyes Civilization invaded the White River System is because they can't get along in the Andromeda Galaxy, and they want to occupy the White River System for development and leave a way for themselves.

And the reason why Santong Civilization did not dare to invade the White River System, it was also because of the fact that after they fought, they did not expect that the White River System actually had the strategic weapon of 'Black Hole Bomb'.

For this reason, it is difficult to ride a tiger. There is the oppression of the mechanical empire inside, forcing them to continue to fight, and outside there is the angry resistance of the Silver Horn civilization of the White River System.

Therefore, in order to fight for a way of life for themselves, they can only quickly destroy the Baihe system to find a way out for themselves.

In fact, Santong Civilization also thought about letting Yinjiao Civilization give up a site for them to develop, and then jointly fight against the mechanical empire.

But how could the Silver Horn civilization give up its own territory, and still give it to a tiger who could eat itself at any time.

So far, Silver Horn Civilization has been at war with Santong Civilization until now.

In fact, by now, both sides have the idea of ​​acting.

Because only if this stalemate continues, can the mechanical empire sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

The Mechanical Empire also understands that if they really dare to do something, the Three Eyes Civilization and the Silver Horn Civilization may join forces to deal with the Mechanical Empire.

In addition, both sides have 'black hole bombs' that can destroy the entire galaxy, so no one dares to trigger a real war.

For this reason, the Machinery Empire has always maintained a silent attitude, forcing the Three Eyes Civilization and the Silver Horn Civilization to perform a tug-of-war, a war of attrition.

No one wants to get to the end, and everyone perishes together.

And in the Big Myron galaxy with a diameter of 20,000 light-years around, there is indeed a civilization, or even only one civilization.

Just because there is only one civilization is scary.

Because he is the well-deserved overlord civilization of the galaxy, he controls the entire galaxy in the true sense, and its existence history is older than the Silver Horn civilization and the Santong civilization.

Even the Silver Horn Civilization and the Three Eyes Civilization cannot touch his strength.

It is estimated that only the Machine Empire can figure it out. Perhaps this is one of the reasons why the Mechanical Empire did not go to war.

"Wait, are they the powerhouses of the Big Myron civilization"?"

Second General Kuaka thought of this, his pupils shrank, and he said with a heavy expression.

"It's possible, but not absolute.

Wang Gabika of Silver Horn Civilization shook his head and said faintly.

"The Great Myron civilization, after so many years of investigation and inference, we have basically determined that they are in a state of secret rivalry with the Mechanical Empire, and the possibility of intervening in a war between us is very low.

As for Santong Civilization, it is impossible to tear up the agreement. They also don't have the ability to send so many strong men to our side to attack us under our noses.

Wang Gabika of the Silver Horn civilization spoke slowly.

These words made many high-level executives ponder.

"The other party, maybe ran out from an unexpected place.

Immediately, Wang Gabika of the Silver Horn Civilization spoke meaningfully.

"Wang, you mean, the Myron galaxy?"

The first general narrowed his eyes and said.

"Well. General Feika was forced to use a two-way foil that was enough to reduce the dimension of the entire Myron system, and then he couldn't communicate for so long. It means that he encountered a powerful civilization there and was killed. Just use it before death. Out of the two-way foil.

Since the other party did not upgrade their dimensions and restore their own civilization, it means that the other party does not have that ability. The technology level of the other party has not yet reached the level of the galaxy-level overlord.

But there are definitely a lot of fourth-order powerhouses on the other side. It is estimated that the individual potential is very prominent, but the intelligence is not high civilization. 35

Wang Gabika of the Silver Horn civilization analyzed.

"If we calculate this way, the possibility that the other party is from the Myron system is very high. We sent a reconnaissance fleet over, and it is estimated that they annoyed them. General Feika is not the kind of impulsive person. If he can make peace, he will definitely make peace. But this is still destroyed by the other party. It also shows that the other party is that kind of irritable race.

Maybe there's something else I don't know about. In short, the other party, now this is to seek revenge on us. "

After a pause, he sighed.

"Wang, your calculations are very reasonable. 35

Second General Kuaka nodded, but his expression became even more serious.

In the palm-sized place of the Myron galaxy, the available resources are too few, and there has never been any powerful civilization, so they did not pay too much attention to it, but simply monitored it.

After all, they didn't even rule their own White River system completely, and they didn't clean up the civilization in the White River system, how could they have the intention to strictly guard against the Myron system that had not had civilization before.

Until thousands of years ago, not a single star or planet died abnormally, which shows that there is no sign of higher civilization in the Myronian galaxy.

In this case, they open the space wormhole and send civilized sweepers to it, which is completely overkill and wastes a lot of resources, so they have been simply monitoring.

Who knew this shit would happen.

The other party actually has a higher civilization, and it can still threaten their individual potential type of higher civilization.

Sure enough, you can't relax your vigilance at any time...

(Mano's) ~ The origin of the other party is almost guessed. So back to the original question, how do we fix this big mess?"

The third general said with a frown.

Since the other party is very vengeful and grumpy. Wouldn't the situation be more sinister.

This kind of guy probably won't care if you die together. After all, they have even done a straight dash to their home planet.

"Let's talk about the situation of the surrounding galaxies first, and try our best to pull them to our side."

Wang Gabika of the Silver Horn civilization spoke slowly.

"If not, then start the 'Supernova Project' and destroy them all."

After a pause, Wang Gabika of the Silver Horn Civilization showed a ruthless expression and spoke slowly.


These words made all the senior officials of the Silver Horn civilization shrink.

Project Supernova!?

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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