I Can Deduce The Future

Chapter 108 Human, arrogant, ignorant, weak, pitiful and pathetic! (5/4 Plus for subscription!)

"Brothers, I'm also a fan of the World Observer!"

After Wu Yan and the others were dumbfounded, they also licked it without hesitation.

Well, the real name is naturally not revealed, because that would be too embarrassing.

Immediately, Wu Yan and others flipped through the posts again and found that many people were talking about Beast Ear Mother. To this end, they all showed a gentleman's smile.

Next, Wu Yan turned to the analysis post again.

"One thing to say, this movie made me quite happy. Because through these two movies, we can see it. It is indeed because of the interest of the World Observer that humans make various medicines, but he treats Lao Zhao's His attitude has obviously improved. Although his attitude towards human beings has not changed much, and the status of human beings in his heart is not even comparable to that of Blue Star, this is always good news! However, I also have doubts. That is In the second part, why did World Observer set off a biochemical apocalypse? No matter how you look at it, this is a meaningless act of "seven-three-three"... I don't understand, I don't understand. 95

"Actually, this is indeed a very strange place, can anyone analyze it?"

"Well, on this point, I have a guess. Aren't the world observers very interested in the 'beast transformation potion', which means that he may be a cute animal ear girl? Hehe."

"Uh, saying this upstairs, my impression of the World Observer suddenly changed a lot... But, it's really possible! Beast Ear Girl, but a man's romance. He may think that since he created it" The veterinary medicine '3.0, is it a pity that it has been hidden and not released to the public?"

"Hey, maybe it's really possible.

Seeing this, Wu Yan and others couldn't help but laugh.

If this is the case, the image of the world watcher is indeed less dark. Beast-eared mother-in-law (roar)

"You guys stop thinking about it...go and watch the new video... ugh."

At this time, a comment appeared, which made Wu Yan and others stunned.

Immediately, Wu Yan switched pages and returned to the main page of the Observer website. He found that there was one more video.

The name was written in bloody font with 'The Law of the Dark Forest', giving people a shocking feeling.

At the very least, Wu Yan and the others had goosebumps instinctively when they saw these words, and a cold air rushed to the sky from the soles of their feet.

Next, Wu Yan and others clicked on a new video with an uneasy heart. They found that the video was only less than three minutes long, and couldn't help looking at each other.

Then, they looked seriously.

They saw that hundreds of human starships were wandering in the universe.

Next, they saw that in the past thirty years, dozens of starships have been destroyed for various reasons and become space junk.

The plot and the screen slide quickly. Another two years have passed.

At this moment, Wu Yan and others' pupils shrank and they felt chills all over.

In front of the human starship group, a small starship appeared.

This peculiarly shaped small starship immediately began to gather energy without saying a word.

Although the human starship group has already warned, but it has no effect.

In less than a second, countless lasers directly penetrated the nuclear power plant of the human starship group.

All human warships have turned into space fireworks and become space junk.

The screen stopped abruptly, and the screen went black.

Just when Wu Yan was speechless because of the shock of the scene just now, a series of blood-red fonts began to appear on the screen, making Wu Yan and others pale, and the cold air rushed to the sky from the soles of his feet again, making him chill and tremble. Not only that, but fell into a deep panic.

"The universe is a dark forest, every civilization is a hunter with a gun, sneaking in the forest like a ghost, gently pushing aside the branches in the way, trying not to make a sound of footsteps, even breathing must be careful: he Be careful, because there are hunters like him everywhere in the forest, and if he finds another life, there is only one thing he can do: shoot and destroy it. In this forest, other people are hell and eternity Threats, any life that exposes its existence will soon be wiped out, this is the picture of cosmic civilization.

These bloody fonts made Wu Yan and others pale.

In addition, in the previous movie, dozens of human starships were instantly destroyed by the starships suspected of being alien civilizations, which made them deeply terrified and horrified.

"Dark Forest... The Law..."

Wu Yan and the others trembled. As smart people, they think a lot in a flash.

The picture of the universe, the law of existence of the universe is the "law of the dark forest", which can be used to explain the Fermi paradox.

It can also explain why humans are targeted by alien civilizations. Why do alien civilizations want to destroy them.

Because they humans exposed their position.

And he still took the initiative to reveal his position stupidly. He took the initiative to expose himself as a prey to the hunter. The other party will not destroy you, who will be destroyed?

However, when Wu Yan and others were thinking pale, there was another blue font below the red font on the black screen...

"Human, arrogant, ignorant, pitiful, and pathetic.

Wu Yan, his dormant, and people all over the world stared blankly at the blue font on the black screen, unable to return to their senses.

"Humans...arrogant, ignorant, weak, pitiful, and pathetic.

A few minutes later, Wu Yan closed his eyes, his eyes were sore, his voice was weak and humble, and his body was trembling.

Is this what world watchers really think about humanity?


Humans are indeed arrogant, ignorant, weak, pathetic and pathetic.

Take the initiative to expose your position in the universe, and hope that alien civilizations will come to Bluestar in a friendly way and share civilization technology.

It's ridiculous. There is such a naive and ridiculous idea in this universe of the "law of the dark forest".

It is clear that in the history of mankind on the Blue Star, you hit me and I hit you.

Weak, will be invaded. If you are weak, you will be bullied abroad.

Now, it is a ridiculous idea to think that a young child and an alien civilization with a shotgun can coexist peacefully and sit at the diplomatic table.

Arrogant, ignorant, weak, pitiful and pathetic.

Human inferiority.

No, not just that.

The world watcher is mocking human self-righteousness.

When human young children see ants on the ground, they will be curious and wonder why they carry food in groups and act together.

But when the ants climb up on the human body, the human will slap and die mercilessly.

It will even trample the 0.1 ant colony without caring.

Stepping on an ant to death doesn't matter to human beings.

Perhaps, in the eyes of world observers, humans are also like ants.

If you are interested, just watch the performance and development of human beings. No interest, it's no big deal to step on to death at will.

If there are special 'ants' with collectible value, they may be collected like humans and appreciate a little. But that's all.

Humans actually want to climb up the pole and adjust their status. Even want to be sheltered by world watchers?

Hahaha, what a ridiculous idea. What an arrogant idea!!!!

The guinea pig, the guinea pig, at least still has great research value. And what about a group of ordinary ants?

Human beings, laughing at themselves that they are guinea pigs, are overestimating themselves.

Wu Yan held his head, his face was pale, and his face was full of pain and sorrow.

(ps: ask for customization, ask for everything, QAQ~!).

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