Chapter 86 Save people

He turned his head and ran quickly.

Seeing the situation behind him, he immediately kept up.

However, there was a corner of the cross road, and Lin Qin’s figure was not seen on the street.

“Brother Lin, let the boy run away, the group has researched such a total!”

“This guy, no wonder dare to steal it, it turned out to be a gang.”

The three stopped at the corner of the street and stopped.

One of the men fucking a less fluent Chinese.

“What are panic, contact the progress over there to see if the reinforcement does not move.”

The man named Lin was wearing military green clothes and a black vest.

There is a black face on their faces with a biopharmaceutical.

Shoes are characteristic leather boots.

This dress is like the costumes of those terrorists seen in TV.

“Brother Lin, Wickes, will it have been injected?”

“Impossible, the side effects of the reinforcement agent are so large. If there is no drug support to weaken the side effects, he dare not inject it at will.”

“Otherwise, how could he run into the hospital.”

“Contact the other side first, see what’s the situation, go!”

The captain of the speaker is Lin Sheng, the deputy captain in this team.

He looked at the unmanned street in the distance and reached out.

Running forward again, he left here.

Lin Qin hid on the tree, and did not worry after the group of people left.

The person who had just met in the hospital turned out to be Wax!

He is the first person.

However, Lin Qin had to be interested in the four big words of these people in these population and the four words behind them.

It looks like there is a company behind Wax.

Reinforcement is not a coincidence.

He jumped from the tree and immediately followed the few people over there.

Only with these people can we find Wax.

The sky gradually darkened, and the light around was not very good.

At this time, it was almost dusk, and the darkness was very fast.

Lin Qin kept a distance not far away.

Along the way, it followed a deserted land to be built.

The land to be built in the city is surrounded by low fences. The soil piles in it are one by one, which is directly covered with weeds.

I have to say that this is indeed a good place to hide.

Lin Qin followed them through them, but there were many weeds around. He had to be careful, otherwise it would be easy to discover his traces in front of him when he stepped on the dead branches.

This group of people walked through, and soon facilitated teammates to gather together.

Lin Qin pulled away a gap in the weeds and secretly aimed.

There are 5 people in total, the middle should be Wax.

I saw two people holding the escape Wax and fell to the ground.

Surrounded by a team of people.

Wickes lying in the middle did not have any room for escape.

I could only watch someone take away the password box in his hand.

“Wickes, the things in this password box did not belong to you. And what’s the use of a semi -finished product?”

“If you know the phase, take it out of those research records you destroyed!”

“We can keep up with the above, and we can leave your life.”

“Everyone is a colleague, and I won’t do so well.”

Wicks on the ground was injured, and even it was a bit strenuous.

He shook his lips and said, “No backup!”

“This kind of harmful thing, you even delusional experiments on people. Now there are zombies outside the outside. You also want to study zombies and make them a weapon, lunatic!”

“These zombies are lively and dead, and there is no pain in itself. You want to take this half -finished product to inject on the zombie and find someone to study, not what a lunatic is!”

Wax was lying on the ground, and his voice was weak.

“I have put garlic here less. Did n’t you always contribute to the early research investment, why have you found it now?”

“What’s more, these zombies have been on the road of stronger, and we just studied his strong trend.”

“Only developed such a semi -finished product.”

“Now the research institute is gone, but you can’t take things away.”

Lin Shengli snorted, watching Wax, who had lost half of his life on the ground, was not afraid.

He looked at the other people behind him, and his eyes indicated.

Immediately, the crowd began to punch and kick on the ground.

Lin Sheng squatted on one side and watched the beaten Wax said: “Is it really true?”

“No, it’s all destroyed.”

Lin Sheng was a little surprised, but Wax was hanging at this time, and he would not deceive them.

He waved his hand and stopped everyone.

“Look, you really don’t.”

Lin Sheng kicked up, and Wickes rolled out of control.


Lin Sheng got up and left in another direction.

Today, Wickes are all injured and have the ability to walk.

Lying here will not be discovered and it can’t take long at all, the bloody taste will attract the zombies.

At that time, there is no corpse.

It is not necessary to waste the only weapons and bullets in their hands.

When everyone left, Lin Qin came out of the be behind weeds.

There should be no enhanced potion in the password box taken by this group of people.

Otherwise, there will be no later Wax.

However, I did not expect that the only half of Wax left with the only half -leaving the reinforcement.

But it should be soon, and this group of people will find that the reinforcement is not inside and goes back.

To get a reinforcement agent, Lin Qin must get it before the group of people coming.

The surrounding was dim, and Lin Qin couldn’t see clearly in front of Wax’s standing.

He squatted down and turned on the flashlight function of his phone.

Entering the eyes, on the face of Wax’s face, all of them were sticky blood.

This is not light.

“Where is your enhancer?”

The strong light was dazzling, and Wax opened a gap and closed his eyes.

“UU reading book what are you talking about.”

Lin Qin laughed and said again, “Don’t pretend. Didn’t you encounter me in the hospital today?”

“I heard what those people just said, but how could you bring you with this kind of thing.”

“Let me guess, should be still in the hospital?”

Wax coughed.

He was not beaten lightly, and the blood in the throat reversed.

It can be said that there is no bone that is not painful.

“Little brother, this thing is not a good thing with you.”

“I know, but I remember that this reinforcement seemed to cooperate with something to come. You go to the hospital … What can a normal hospital can help you solve this effect?”

“I can’t think of it, unless there is any medicine?”

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