Xiaoxue lowered her head and had no cavity.

She naturally knew that rescue was only two days.

But the question is that it is unknown whether it can be alive in the past two days.

Otherwise, there will be no so many people who go out and collect materials.

In other words.

Rescue is just an opportunity to survive, but not everyone can live to rescue.

Especially now, the battery life of mobile phones has become a great problem.

For the various rescue information released by the state, it cannot be received on time and exactly.

She has no radio, and the only mobile phone has no electricity in the morning.

It can be said that it is completely broken with the outside world.

The only thing that knows is the date of rescue released in the early days, and the Ganba waits.

Lin Qin just took two steps forward, and Xiaoxue kept up again.

“I just stay for two days, and we can leave together when the rescue comes.”

“Don’t you go to the rescue base with me?”

Lynch Lyon lived without speaking.

He has never been to this rescue base, but he has heard of it.

It seems that the result is not very good …

However, the specific Lin Qin didn’t know what it looked like or what the subsequent results were.

He belongs to the one who missed the troops, and found that hiding in the garbage station can hide the taste of his body well and avoid the attack of the zombies.

But there is indeed a foundation base in the future. As for whether there are any conditions after joining.

Lin Qin can’t know.

After thinking about it, Lin Qin didn’t speak, but just moved forward.

Two days are actually fast.

Coupled with the things in his room, except for the solar power board in the yard, everything else is normal.

And solar power generation boards are still in the backyard.

As long as you don’t go to the backyard, you can’t see it.

As for the window of the backyard.

Lin Jinton paused.

If he doesn’t, he can carry these things on the top of the building.

But it’s okay.

And for two days, the subsequent specific situation has nothing to do with him.

Xiaoxue’s eyes saw hope, and immediately hugged Lin Qin’s arm.

“Mr. Lin, I am a weak woman, and I can’t threaten you.”

“In this way, as long as you take me, let me deal with me in the past two days, as long as you want me to give.”

The opponent has a bow and arrow in his hands, and the accurate head is very good.

Following him is definitely safe.

If you just see a acquaintance before, you want to keep up with peace of mind to avoid these two days and wait until the rescue.

So now, this is not the case.

This is definitely a capable big man.

Even if they follow the rescue staff to the temporary base, they can follow him for a long time.

Xiaoxue quickly followed, and kept coquettish.

Lin Qin couldn’t help but let go.

“Forget it, come with me.”

Xiaoxue was ecstatic.

Follow Lin Qin to his villa.

Looking at the height wall, the heavy iron gate and the anti -theft windows like prison cover the whole villa.

Xiaoxue took a breath.


Lin Qin opened the door and looked at Xiaoxue.

Hesitating, Xiaoxue still walked in.

It was dead outside, and it was dead.

Shouldn’t the previous situation of this customer be the case?

Take a deep breath, she walked in, watching Lin Qin closing the heavy iron door.

Opening the door of the villa along the way, followed.

Except that the outside looks a little uncomfortable, the layout inside is exactly the same as the villa.

Moreover, it is not very crowded.

Xiaoxue was cramped, but at the moment of entering the door, the cold air in the house overflowed, and the dryness of the sun was swept away.

Xiaoxue’s eyes were slightly bright, and then walked in quickly, looking around.

It’s air conditioning!

Isn’t it the power out of power? How can he still have electricity and air conditioner?

After Lin Qin closed the door, he took off his shirt directly.

After walking outside, the clothes were soaked by sweat.

Sticky and uncomfortable.

Xiaoxue beating her heart, watching this scene a little shy.

Dare to look at Lin Qin.

Is it so fast?

Although I did say that everything can be done, of course, it also includes some aspects.

But now it is a bit too fast, she is not ready.

Just when Xiaoxue was tangled, Lin Qin strode towards the bathroom.

Closing the door, Lin Qin directly removed the storage space, and the bucket filled with hot water was taken out and poured into the bathtub.

Hot water was released from the bathroom shower before, and the temperature was rated at 50 degrees.

Cold water is ordinary cold water.

Nowadays, shower is definitely not used, after all, the current tap water is all broken.

It can only be bathing in the most primitive way.

Fortunately, I bought two large buckets before I had a lot of water.

Lin Qin only needs to take out the two buckets of barrels to fill the entire bathtub.

But Lin Qin was only used in half.

After all, it will overflow too much.

Lying off your clothes in the bathtub, let alone how comfortable it is.

Lin Qin also cleaned his hair by the way.

It didn’t take long for it to come out in a refreshing manner, only a bath towel on his body.

There was a movement from behind, and Xiaoxue turned around.

I saw Lin Qin’s naked upper body, and the water droplets on her hair slid down the collarbone.

Then flowed in a towel wrapped in the lower body.

Xiaoxue couldn’t help swallowing, watching.

Although Lin Qin said that her body was not very good, she was a bit thin.

But he has abdominal muscles, abdominal muscles! Intersection Intersection

Especially somehow, Lin Qin who took a shower had a very special charm.

Xiaoxue lowered her head immediately.

Lin Qin was unknown, so she just wiped her wet hair holding her dry towel.

Seeing Xiaoxue’s movement, he thought she wanted to wash.

While rubbing his hair, Lin Qin said, “If you want to wash it for a while.”

“After washing, come upstairs to find me.”

The water in the bathtub should be put in a while, and the water can be dried.

And that bucket of hot water, Lin Qin used only half.

There are also half buckets of hot and half buckets of cold water.

He, he doesn’t like the hot water of the dead.

After Lin Qin finished speaking, he went directly to the bedroom upstairs and lay down.

In addition to the basement, the entire villa is not worthwhile to read the book www.uukanshu.net.

Not to mention something like food, it is naturally in Lin Qin’s storage space.

He will not place such important things in the house at will.

Xiaoxue nodded, and it was not until Lin Qin’s figure disappeared into the sight that he relaxed a lot.

Back in the bedroom, Lin Qin opened the monitoring on the phone.

Through monitoring, you can clearly see Xiaoxue’s every move.

At first, it was still cramped. After confirming that Lin Qin did not move, he got up and went to the bathroom.

There are also monitoring in the bathroom.

Lin Qin can see her every move.

I saw that after opening the shower to confirm that there was no water inside, she reached out and touched the bucket next to her.

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