“Yes, the current combat power of this Aochen copy body is comparable to the reincarnation of the five awakened Celestial Clan. If the Spear of Ruins Sky is used, it is enough to severely damage the six awakened Reincarnation Celestial Clan, so you can go and explore!”1

Ye Tian muttered.

He has been here for a long time, and his understanding of this place is naturally not comparable at the beginning.

According to the reincarnation Celestial Clan, this place is called the dark realm of reincarnation.

Outside of the dark realm of reincarnation, there are other areas, but he still does not understand it.

Reincarnation Dark Domain is completely controlled by Reincarnation Celestial Clan, with hundreds of slave races under its command.

These hundreds of slave races are also not weak, and they all have many Origin Upper Realm overlords, but due to the lack of high-end combat power, they are naturally unable to resist the Samsara Heavenly Clan.

There are many treasures in the dark realm of reincarnation, but many places are controlled by the reincarnation sky, and those slave races have no chance to find resources there.

It can be said that the slave race has very few places to go, and there is almost no freedom.

But what surprised Ye Tian was that among the hundreds of slave races, there was no Tai-e-cursing dragon race.

Obviously, the area connected to Tai’e Cursed Dragon may not be the dark domain of reincarnation, and he is not sure where it is connected.

There are many treasures in the dark realm of reincarnation, but for a while, he didn’t think about which treasure land to go to.

However, on this day, he discovered that Tunxi had summoned more than a dozen slave races and left Fengyu City.

“What is Tunxi going to do?”

Ye Tian was a little curious.

At the beginning, his red-skull giant clone body was caught by Tun Xi, saying that he was going to take him to a place after a while.

Now it seems that Tunxi has taken action.

Not only Tunxi, Ye Tian also found that many Samsara Celestial Clan had set off, and they all brought many Origin Upper Realm Overlords of slave races, but most of them were Origin Upper Realm Overlords with a bloodline awakening.

Ye Tian has not completely integrated into the circle of Samsara Celestial Clan, nor does he have a backer.

Therefore, it is still unclear to him what happened.

However, he could follow them to see.

With Ye Tian’s strength, if he followed Tunxi and the others, he would naturally not be discovered. Even if he was discovered by the powerful Samsara Heavenly Clan, he would not do anything to him.

After all, his current identity is also the Reincarnation Celestial Clan!

After a period of time, Tun Xi led more than a dozen slave race overlords from the Primordial Upper Realm to a place in the Dark Realm of Samsara.

This should be a newly discovered treasure place in the dark realm of reincarnation, Ye Tian did not know of its existence.

at this time.

In addition to Tunxi, Ye Tian also saw a familiar figure—Xuehao.

At the beginning, what he first encountered was howl of blood, for which he sacrificed the cloned body of the Unsullied Magic Vine.

“Tunxi and Xuehao meet, this will definitely meet the red-skull giant I copied!”1

However, this is not a problem, at most, let Tunxi and Xuehao meet, thus creating a little contradiction.


Tunxi and Xuehao met, and she also saw those Origin Upper Realm overlords brought by Xuehao, and her eyes were fixed on one of the red-skull giants.

“You’re not dead?”

Tun Xi said coldly.

This red-skull giant obviously offended a certain powerful Samsara Heavenly Clan member and was killed at random. How could he live here well?

This is not normal!

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