The leader of this group of blood Kun clan is the master of Quantum.

At this time, he stared at the seam of the territorial sea and said: “The Bone Transformation creature should be the creature of this special world, and you can’t enter it without understanding this world.

“Check the personality and rules of this world.

The Lord of Quantum said.


The other Blood Kun Clan Bone Transformation Realm nodded slightly.


They started to check.

There are many special worlds on the other side of eternity, and places like the territorial sea and boundary seam also belong to a special world in their eyes, and there is no difference.

Soon, the test results came out.

“Lord Quantum, it has been tested that the void inside this world is very large, far surpassing other worlds, and the personality has also reached the standard of the sixth-level world! The suppression of the outside world has reached the seventh level.”

A Bone Transformation Realm said “Three Six Zeros”.

“The inner void is very large, and it should belong to the multi-void world, and it is also more common in the land of eternity!”

The Lord of Quantum murmured.

The Multi-Void world is also the mainstream of the Eternal Beyond.

Like many cultivators and blood change races, they came out of the multi-void world and gradually took root in the land of eternity.

The multi-void world of the sixth-level world is not very powerful. It belongs to the ancestors who can give birth to the Bone Transformation Realm, but it is difficult to give birth to a powerful Bone Transformation Realm.

For them, the only trouble is that the suppression has reached the seventh level.

Seventh-level suppression, after they enter this multi-void world, their strength will be suppressed a lot. The higher the cultivation base, the greater the suppression.

For example, he is a world-breaking genius with seven bone transformations. Once he enters this multi-void world, his strength will be suppressed to a world-breaking genius with only five bone transformations.

In this way, he can’t even defeat the Lord of the Ruins who has undergone six bone transformations.

When they enter the Bone Transformation Realm, all of them have to die!

However, it is impossible for them to let go of the Lord of Ruins.

“Then let the clan send a clan member to bring the eternal delimitation pillar!

Quantum decided.

The Eternal Delimitation Pillar is a very important treasure. It can be brought into a special world and fixed in the source void, so that they can exert their full strength, but they cannot last for long.

The sixth-level multi-void world can just be at the suppressed level.

If the status of the territorial sea boundary seam rises by another stage, they really have nothing to do!

After the notification, the Lord of Quantum and the others were waiting here.

Time passed slowly.

Seeing that the Blood Kun Clan had not come in yet, the Lord of the Ruins thought that the Blood Kun Clan had given up, so he breathed a sigh of relief.


He is no longer worried.

Then, he learned about the situation of the boundary seam in the territorial sea.

“What about the true dragon master?”

The Lord of Hunxu asked about the bone transformation of Hunxu Cave.

At this time, a Bone Transformation Realm said: “The Lord of the Ruins, the Lord of the True Dragon, and the True Dragon Cave Heaven are all gone, and they were destroyed by the Lord of Endless!”

“The Lord of Endless?” The Lord of the Ruins is stunned, does the Lord of Endless still have the strength to destroy the True Dragon Cave?

How is this possible!


The Bone Transformation General gave a brief overview of the situation, which completely shocked the Lord of the Ruins.

“The Lord of Endless has also entered the land of the other side of eternity, and he has mixed well, and has cultivated a large number of bone transformations for the entire human race?” The Lord of the Ruins was shocked.

“Yes!” The Bone Transformation Realm nodded, “As for how many Bone Transformation Realms have been born in the human race, I don’t know, and I don’t dare to enter the Wanlong territorial waters to investigate!”

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