Years go by.

After a Primordial Era.

Ye Tian finally comprehended the three hundred and sixty-five black texts on the other side of the third level, and successfully passed the third level.

He thought that there was still a fourth level, but it turned out that there was no fourth level.


The dense black text on the other side emerged from nothingness, and then poured into Ye Tian’s boundless will, which was inherited and received by him.

“More than 10,000 other shore black text inheritances!”

Ye Tian was extremely surprised.

I didn’t expect this harvest to be so big!

With so many other shores’ Haven inheritances, he can definitely easily create the other side’s technique, and his strength will be enhanced to a certain extent.

At that time, he has encountered a powerhouse with seven Bone Transformation Boundaries. Even if he can’t beat him, he should have no problem in saving his life.

This is just a place for the inheritance of the other side of the Haven, there is nothing else.

Therefore, he left soon.

After coming out of this hole, he saw the six-headed and eight-bone-transformed Eternal Giant Ape.

These 29 Eternal Giant Apes also asked whether they had comprehended black text, and he answered that he had comprehended two kinds.

If the answer is no, it is impossible to stay for so long.

So, he replied that he realized two kinds.

Anyway, they couldn’t tell that he was lying.

Knowing that Ye Tian has comprehended the two black texts on the other side, these Eternal Giant Apes who have undergone eight bone transitions are very excited.

It seems that they have plans to focus on cultivating him.

Ye Tian was the last one to come out, so after he came out, these Eternal Giant Apes were ready to leave here.

They also did not intend to guard here, because it is too far away from the territory of the Eternal Giant Ape.


They have no way to enter this place of inheritance of the other side of the Haven for the time being, so there is no point in guarding this place.

after a while.

The Eternal Giant Apes have returned to their clan.

At this time, they thought about dealing with the Gujing on the other side, but it was too late, and they couldn’t find any information, and they didn’t even know who the enemy was.


The Eternal Giant Ape Clan didn’t care about this either, they chose to inscribe the other shore black texts on a special material – the other shore stone.

The other shore stone can carry the power of the other shore Haven and can be preserved for a long time.

In this case, other Eternal Giant Apes can continue to comprehend more Beyond Haven.

The most important thing is that the Eternal Giant Apes who have undergone eight Bone Transformations can also comprehend more of the Haven on the other side, thus hopefully creating the technique of the other side.

Ye Tian also gave two other shore black texts, just two other shore black texts, nothing.

Besides, he still wants to join the Eternal Giant Ape Clan to get some benefits!

Therefore, it is also good to put this vest here for the time being.

in the years to come.

Ye Tian kept comprehending one after another black text on the other side.

Although it is difficult to comprehend the black texts on the other side, but after a few more years, it is still possible to fully comprehend all the black texts on the other side.

Moreover, with his current understanding of the other side’s Haven, it should not be difficult to create a technique of the other side, and it is not an ordinary technique of the other side, so it should be quite good.

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