“The red dragon clan is really unlucky, a blood change realm that was bullied casually turned into an ancient genius who turned into a three-time bone change realm in the later stage, who would have imagined this!

Ye Tian sighed secretly.

It has to be said that the Red Dragon clan is still not good enough in terms of background and luck, otherwise it will not be destroyed.

Knowing the situation of the Yahe Jiejiao, he felt that it was better to infiltrate the Yahe Palace, and there was no need for the other top hegemonic forces to infiltrate.

“Then go to Yahe Palace!”

Ye Tian decided.

And Yahe Palace, as the first top hegemonic force of Yahe Jiejie, has high requirements for members, and it is not easy to join.

However, it was not difficult for Ye Tian to join the Yahe Palace.

No matter how powerful Yahegong is, it will still need immemorial geniuses and world-breaking geniuses!


Ye Tian’s cloned body began to cultivate towards a world-breaking genius and an immemorial genius, and then mixed into the Yahe Palace.

However, his real body didn’t spend much time in the sea of ​​A River, so when his real body was moved out, he might not be able to infiltrate the high-level position of A River Palace.

“You still have to find a way to get some resources and take them away!

Ye Tian thought to himself.

After a period of 29 minutes, Ye Tian’s Gu Lou Tianzu copied his body as an ancient genius and mixed into the Yahe Palace, and then he practiced at Yahe Palace with peace of mind, and soon came into contact with the ancient inscriptions.

I have to say that there are many ancient inscriptions in Yahe Palace, and he has only been able to understand a lot of ancient inscriptions after only touching a small part.

Afterwards, he knew about the resources that Yahe Palace needed to help the nine-time blood change realm immemorial genius to impact the bone change realm.

Yahe Gold Liquid!

Taikoo vine fruit!

Endless golden marrow!

These three resources can help the ancient geniuses complete the last few boundless bones for bone transformation, but even the Yahe Palace does not have many, unless they make great contributions to obtain these resources.

“Yahe Jinye is located in Yahe, which is a special treasure of the Yahe Jiejiao, but it was occupied by the Yahe Palace, and the Yahe Palace was built on the Yahe.”

“The ancient vine fruit is the fruit that bears on the ancient vines. Only one fruit will be born in the 100,000-year-old era. Once it bears, it will be taken away by the Yahe Palace. Don’t even think about it.”1

“As for the endless golden marrow, it is a resource extracted from the endless ancient gold. The endless ancient gold is found in all the territories of the Yahe Boundary Seam, but the extraction requires the help of the Bone Transformation Realm.

Ye Tian thought about it carefully, and the most promising thing was the Endless Golden Marrow, followed by the Yahe Golden Liquid.

But if he wants to transform one of his infinite bones, he needs a lot of endless golden marrow, which means that he needs to collect a lot of endless ancient gold.

However, the boundless ancient gold in the borders of the Yahe Boundary is scattered, and it is good to be able to trade a few pieces. If you want to buy a lot, only the Yahe Palace can do it.

“Yarhegong’s control of resources is too ruthless, even if other top hegemon-level forces want to cultivate an ancient-level genius-level Bone Transformation Realm, it is almost impossible, and even ordinary Bone Transformation Realm is difficult to cultivate. .” Ye Tian muttered.

In this case, it is difficult for him to gather a resource, and he must think of other ways, and the conventional method will definitely not work.

Just then, a message came.

A branch of the Yahe Palace was attacked, a large number of Blood Transformation Realm creatures were killed, and a Bone Transformation Realm elder fell, and all resources were attacked.

Hearing this news, Ye Tian immediately thought of the Lord of the Void.

“It should be the backbone of Dongxu, and only he has the strength and courage to dare to attack Yahe Palace!”

Ye Tian secretly said.

At this time, a Bone Transformation Realm of Yahe Palace was disturbed and vowed to hunt down and kill the Lord of the Void.

Since this incident, the entire Yahe boundary has become a little chaotic.

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