“This is the area!”

Ye Tian began to search for traces of the True Dragon Insect Mother in this area.

After a while, a Heavenly Ancestor came here.

“Golden Light Ancestor!”

Ye Tian said hello.

Jin Guang Tianzu asked: “Endless Great Ancestor, are you sure that the True Dragon Insect Mother is in this area?

Ye Tian said with a smile: “Golden Light Tianzu, I used a special method to determine the opponent’s presence in this area, but I can only determine the approximate range, and I can’t pinpoint the exact location. However, there is no other way at the moment, I can only try to find it first. .


Jin Guang Tianzu thought about it carefully, and decided to look for it in this area, in case he found it~!

Immediately, he also began to search for the True Dragon Insect Mother in this area.

This area covers a large area, including ten realms, thousands of special treasures and dangerous areas, as well as countless dens of countless ruins.

Therefore, even if it is Tianzu, it is very troublesome to search this area.

Not long after, another ten or so Heavenly Ancestors came.

Although they don’t quite believe in the result Ye Tian deduced, but now there is nothing they can do, they can only look for a wave here.

Time passed slowly.

As these Heavenly Ancestors are here looking for the True Dragon Insect Mother, the movement is not small.

And Wutong Tianzu did not do anything, he had already set up many secret monitoring small circles in this area.

These monitoring small circles are very common in many realms, and many forces like to set them up, and when they do not contain their own imprints, no one knows who set them up.

Through these monitoring small circles, he knows that there are many ancestors looking for traces of true dragon insects here.

“Sure enough, the approximate location is still exposed!”

Indus Tianzu said helplessly.

It was the last thing he wanted to see, but it happened.

He did not choose to flee immediately, but was still waiting slowly. If these ancestors left after a while, he still had hope.


As the years go by, these heavenly ancestors are still searching.

At this speed, he is really likely to be found.

“You must find a way to escape this area!”

Indus Tianzu secretly said.


There are now more than a dozen ancestors in this area. If he flees now, he can’t hide his aura. Even if it is a long distance, he may still be discovered by them.

Therefore, he wants to lead these Heavenly Ancestors away.

After much deliberation, it seems that there is only one way.

“Mother of True Dragon Worms, give your true dragon worms an order to gather them together and occupy a large and innumerable ruined monster’s lair, preferably a more secret one, and then create an unintentional fifth-stage great ancestor. Find it, and then guide the other party to go there, so that the other party mistakenly thinks that it is the lair of the true dragon and insect mother. Remember, you have to kill the great ancestor later.” Wutong Tianzu ordered.

In this way, those Heavenly Ancestors would mistakenly believe that the True Dragon Insect Mother was discovered, and would definitely rush over there as soon as possible, for fear that the True Dragon Insect Mother would escape.

And then, it was a good time for him to escape.

Infinite Realm Ruins.

In a relatively hidden large-scale immeasurable ruins monster lair, batches of true dragon worms came here, killed all the immeasurable ruins monsters in an instant, and successfully occupied the place.

Immediately, several true dragon worms began to wander around the nearby area.

As time passed, finally on this day, these few real dragon bugs were tracked.

“Six fifth-stage great ancestors!

This is not what the real dragon insect perceives, but the real dragon insect mother has strengthened her perception of these real dragon insects, and spy on the surroundings from the perspective of the real dragon insect mother.

Just doing this, it is easy to expose the existence of the true dragon insect mother.

But right now, he can’t care about that much, and he has to find a way to lead those ancestors away.

Then, under the order of the True Dragon Insect Mother, the few True Dragon Insects began to move towards the nest, deliberately making a lot of circles during the period, and then they arrived inside the nest.

Far away from the lair, the six fifth-stage ancestors saw the lair, and there were even some true dragon worms coming in and out, and there were a lot of them.

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