Ye Tian broke through the fourth floor, and the Huanyu Pagoda directly released the confinement of this area.

The Great Ancestor Zhenxuan, who survived the catastrophe, ran away immediately, lest he would be pulled in by the Huanyu Tower again.


A message was transmitted to Ye Tian.

At this moment, he has the true inheritance authority of the Huanyu Tower.

True fax authority is much higher than core authority, and you can directly obtain three Universal Orders.

Moreover, the True Inheritance authority can freely view the lower authority, as well as view the information and information of all the Great Ancestors of the One Universe Alliance.

In other words, the Great Ancestor of the True Inheritance Authority is the true high-level of the One Universe Alliance.

“The Great Ancestor of Huanyu thought that all the Great Ancestors of the Huanyu Alliance were the same, but they are actually different!” Ye Tian thought to himself.

At this moment, the Great Ancestor invited Ye Tian to enter the Universe Time and Space Network.

“It is the ancestor of phosphorus-free!”

Ye Tian directly entered the universe space-time network.

In a grand hall of the One Universe Alliance Time and Space Network, one after another figures took their seats one after another.

In the blink of an eye, twenty-three great ancestors arrived.

“Congratulations to Endless Great Ancestor for obtaining the True Inheritance Authority!”

“Congratulations to the Great Ancestor Hentai for obtaining the authority of the true inheritance!” 280

“Congratulations to the Great Ancestor Hentai for obtaining the true inheritance authority!

These great ancestors congratulated each other.

Phosphorus-free Great Ancestor also said: “Endless Great Ancestor, these are the Great Ancestors who have passed through the fourth floor of the Huanyu Tower and have the authority of True Inheritance. We are also the Great Ancestors of a circle. Originally there were 26 Great Ancestors with True Inheritance Authority, plus You are 27 on the Great Ancestor of Endless, but some of them have not been contacted yet, so they did not come.

“I have seen you great ancestors!

Ye Tian said hello.

They invited Ye Tian to participate in such a meeting this time, just to get acquainted, and it was considered that they had drawn Ye Tian into this circle.

The purpose of everyone is very simple, that is to become the ancestor.

Of course, most of the invincible-level fifth-stage ancestors still want to become the world-breaking fifth-stage ancestors first, and then become the heavenly ancestors.

At the meeting, everyone chatted casually without any restraint.


Ye Tian asked: “My ancestors, I want to trade some Red Dragon True Water, Void Shadow Liquid, and Indestructible Boundary Stone, can you have any?”

“Endless Great Ancestor, do you want to practice the Heaven Slaughtering Blade?” Wu Phosphorus Great Ancestor said.


Ye Tian nodded (cjfj).

The Phosphorus-Free Great Ancestor said: “I have also obtained the inheritance of the Heaven Slaughtering Blade, but unfortunately I do not meet the conditions. After becoming the fifth-stage Great Ancestor, it is unrealistic to want to upgrade the Infinite Bone to super quality! Are you? Are there only three resources left?


Ye Tian admitted that there was no need to hide it.

Hearing this, the Phosphorus-Free Great Ancestor became envious.

Ye Tian is collecting the materials needed for the Heaven Slaughtering Blade. Maybe Ye Tian meets the conditions for cultivation. If he successfully collects all the materials, he may have the hope of cultivating the Heaven Slaughtering Blade’s limitless supernatural powers.

“Endless Great Ancestor, it is too difficult for you to trade these three materials within the One Universe Alliance. We don’t have them. However, you can go to Falcon Dragon City!” said the Phosphorus Free Great Ancestor.

“Falcon Dragon City, where is this?”

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