When the great ancestors who were present saw the treasures on the list, they were all full of longing, and could not wait to obtain all the treasures above.

Ye Tian also took a look, and the treasures above were almost all treasures or opportunities that were of great use to the fifth-stage high-order immeasurable beings.

For example, there is a treasure called Infinite Glass Heart, which requires 1 million contribution points to be exchanged.

The above also introduced the use of the immeasurable glazed heart, which can assist in the impact of the Tianzu realm, which can probably increase the success rate by 20%.

But even if the success rate is only increased by 20%, it is still an unimaginable treasure for these fifth-stage high-level immeasurable beings, and it cannot be exchanged at all.

This kind of treasure is placed on it, that is, to attract the great ancestors present.

Ye Tian watched carefully, looking for the most valuable treasure to him.

“The technique of immeasurable supernatural powers – immeasurable feather armor, 300 contribution points!”

“The technique of immeasurable supernatural powers — escape from the world, 500 contribution points!”

Ye Tian saw that there were a lot of immeasurable magical powers above, and the value was around a few hundred contribution points.

“Can the Infinite Divine Ability still be sold?

Ye Tian was a little surprised, wasn’t the technique of immeasurable supernatural powers born from immeasurable bones?

“The fifth stage high-level immeasurable life form should have secrets that I don’t know. It seems that I have to buy an inheritance, and these 267 things will not make detours!” Ye Tian secretly said.

And there is inheritance on this list, and the value is not very high.

For example, the inheritance of Tianzu’s practice does not contain any inheritance of immeasurable magical powers. It only contains experience, and it needs about 500 contribution points, which can be said to be very cheap.


Ye Tian spent 500 contribution points to directly exchange this inheritance.

Immediately, he integrated this inheritance.

After the fusion, Ye Tian had to admit that this inheritance was very pitiful, and there was not much substance.

And he finally understood the situation of the technique of immeasurable supernatural powers, the fifth stage high-level immeasurable beings can indeed breed the technique of immeasurable supernatural powers in the infinite bones.

The birth of an immeasurable magical power is the fifth stage high-level immeasurable life form.

However, if the technique of immeasurable supernatural power is naturally conceived, the technique of immeasurable supernatural power that is born will be weak.

Therefore, after the fourth stage high-level immeasurable beings have completed more than nine whole body tempering, they can start to intervene in the technique of immeasurable supernatural powers, thus giving birth to a specific technique of immeasurable supernatural powers.

Just like Infinite Feather Armor, the Boundless Divine Ability, its defensive ability is terrifying, and it is definitely a top-notch defensive Boundless Divine Ability. Once it is used, it will be difficult to break through any number of fourth-stage high-level infinite life forms.

If it goes with the flow, the technique of immeasurable supernatural powers bred may be several grades worse than that of Infinite Feather Armor.

In a word, the inheritance of this immeasurable supernatural power is the top immeasurable supernatural power technique tested by countless fifth-stage high-level immeasurable beings, and then the method of intervention was researched and created by the ancestors.

And the method of intervention can be practiced and inherited, so I came up with it!

“It can be exchanged for an inheritance of the defense of immeasurable magical powers, an attack class, a speed class, and an augmentation class, it should be almost the same!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

So, he chose a few immeasurable magical powers and exchanged them directly.

Whether it is the technique of immeasurable supernatural powers, or the cultivation and inheritance of the ancestors, it is not worth mentioning in this list.

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