After occupying the Nine Dust Territory, Ye Tian erased the imprint of the Dawn Ancestor in the Nine Dust Territory.

At this point, this Nine Dust Domain completely belongs to Ye Tian.

For the five ancestors, the real value of a watershed is not to cultivate the glazed holy hood, but to use it as his own private base and cultivate secret forces.

Ye Tian naturally wouldn’t practice the colored glass holy hood in this watershed. After all, he has already practiced the colored glass holy hood, and this sacred technique is useless to him at all.

Of course, for the ancestors of the five layers, there are also sacred arts that are of great use, that is, the supreme sacred arts, but the cultivation is more difficult.

For example, the upgraded version of the glazed holy cover, the streamer holy cover, requires thirty-six watersheds to practice.

This is so much more difficult!

After all, you have to rely on luck to get one watershed, how can you find thirty-six watersheds!

Therefore, the five original ancestors did not plan to practice the streamer holy mask, it was too difficult!

Moreover, even if it is the streamer holy mask, the power is still the same, and it is still inferior to Ye Tian’s supreme primordial control skill.

“With the token of the original shrine, copy the body of the original ancestor of Jiuchen, and cultivate for a period of time to ensure the strength of this copy body, and then participate in the original shrine’s assessment, you should be able to mix into the original shrine.” Ye Tian thought.

As long as he mixed into the original shrine, he could find the headquarters of the original shrine and the many treasures he mastered.


With his current strength, there is definitely no way to destroy the original shrine by himself, but there is no problem in robbing the many treasures of the original shrine.


Ye Tian quickly copied the body of the original ancestor of Jiuchen, which was no different from the original ancestor of Jiuchen.

Then, Ye Tian began to cultivate, to improve the strength of this replica body, and use various extreme extremes to cooperate with tempering techniques to temper the body again and again.

With the passage of time, Ye Tian, ​​the original black beast’s ability to replicate the body is also getting stronger and stronger.

After tens of thousands of Yuanyuan eras, Ye Tian was finally ready to take part in the assessment of Yuanjin Palace.

So, he used the original black beast to replicate the body to activate the token.

At this time, he felt a guide, and then immediately went to the destination through this guide.

Soon, Ye Tian sensed a small watershed.

This small watershed is just a transfer station, Ye Tian entered this transfer station, a primordial black beast at the half-step five-layer primitive level confirmed that Ye Tian was fine, and then gave new guidance to let Ye Tian go to a medium-sized watershed.

And the location of the assessment is in that medium-sized watershed, as long as you complete the assessment, you will be eligible to join the original shrine.

“The original ancestor of Jiuchen, this is the original shrine tower. With your half-step five-layer original ancestor’s cultivation base, you can pass the sixth level, and after a period of inspection of the original shrine, you can join the original shrine!”1

A primordial black beast at the half-step five-layer primordial level said.


Ye Tian entered the Yuanshen Pagoda and participated in this assessment.

This kind of assessment is very easy, but Ye Tian still showed a not too strong strength, otherwise, the strength of the original ancestor of Jiuchen would suddenly become extremely terrifying, then there would be a problem.

In the end, Ye Tian showed that he was lucky enough to pass the sixth level, and then left the Yuanshen Pagoda.

“The original ancestor of Jiuchen, you only passed the fourth level last time, but I didn’t expect you to pass the sixth level now. It seems that there is some chance! You go back and wait. After a period of time has passed, we will notify you of the result through a token. .” said the primordial black beast.


Ye Tian went back.

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