The Lord of the Black Ape is the perfect controller of the True Realm, although it is only an ordinary True Realm Perfect Master, but he is also a strong person who has been famous for countless years.

And Ye Tian, it is not very long to become the perfect controller of the Void Realm, but now he has severely damaged the Lord of the Black Ape, which is not a little stronger than the Lord of the Black Ape, but much stronger, and the strength has completely crushed the Perfect Master of the True Realm!

At this moment, the Lord of the Heavenly River could not use any words to describe Ye Tian’s strength, he could only say that Ye Tian was too against the sky.

Under normal circumstances, a True Realm Perfect Controller can easily hit the top Void Realm Perfect Controller, and a powerful True Realm Perfect Controller can even wipe out a group of Void Realm Perfect Controllers with a wave of his hand.

The three realms of the Void Realm, the True Realm, and the Extreme Realm, each gap of one realm, the strength span is very large, and it is almost impossible to fight if you want to skip the level.

But now, Ye Tian has done it!

“Lord of the Heavenly River, I just defeated the Lord of the Black Ape by luck.” Ye Tian said modestly.

The Lord of the Heavenly River knew that Ye Tian was being modest, and immediately said, “Endless Lord, thank you for helping me, otherwise I wouldn’t be able to take down this broken Extreme Dao Treasure.” ”

“It’s just a small matter, I’ll go first, if it’s delayed, the treasures will be taken away by others!”

Ye Tian said.


The Lord of the Heavenly River nodded, and immediately left here and continued to search for treasures.


“There is a complete dragon hall here!”

Ye Tian came to a huge dragon hall, which was covered by a magic array.

He tried to attack, only to shake the dragon hall, but it did not tear the magic array apart.

“Can’t open it, no wonder there is no one here, it seems that even the top True Realm Perfect Master can’t break this magic array!” Ye Tian guessed.

Perhaps this magic array is not as good as the one in this time and space fragment, but it does not have the strength of the perfect controller of the extreme realm, and it cannot be opened by brute force, and it will not work at all.

Unless it is to analyze this magic array, you can open the law array.

However, how long it takes to analyze a legal formation.

“Gotta think of something else!”

Ye Tian kept analyzing various methods in his mind, and quickly thought of a way.

“Primordial Black Sea!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

This magic array did not contain the extreme rules of the extreme realm, so he could enter the Primordial Black Sea first, and then calculate the position, come out of the Primordial Black Sea, and the location that came out was the inside of this dragon hall.

“This method is feasible, whether it is the end of the boundary or the extreme deep sea, any location can connect to the Primordial Black Sea, so it can also connect to the Primordial Black Sea here.” The Magic Dragon Tower does not have the strength to shield the Primordial Black Sea, so use this method! ”

Ye Tian carefully calculated the position, and only then did he cross the Primordial Black Sea in one step.

Then, Ye Tian’s body moved slightly in the Primordial Black Sea, and then returned to the fragments of time and space.

After returning, Ye Tian found that he was already inside the Dragon Hall.

“It really worked!”

Ye Tian said excitedly.

Of course, this method can only be used by him, and others can’t use it at all, after all, others can’t enter the Primordial Black Sea!

Inside the Dragon Temple.

Ye Tian saw a lot of good things and collected them all one by one.

This dragon hall should have been the palace of a big man in the original Demon Dragon Tower, but that big man fell in the war, so this dragon hall became ownerless.

Many extreme creatures don’t like to keep all the treasures on their bodies, such as most of the cultivation resources left in their lair, and the same is true of this big man in the Demon Dragon Tower.

Soon, Ye Tian found a lot of resources, all of which had a good effect on him.

“Hey, there are actually three Extreme Dao Monuments!”

Ye Tian was overjoyed.

Defense Extreme Dao Monument, Force Extreme Dao Monument and Wind Extreme Dao Monument, the value of these three Extreme Dao Monuments can be imagined, if they are dedicated to the Wudao Tower, it is enough for the Wudao Tower to cultivate many more strong people.

“It seems that the owner of this dragon hall should be a perfect master of the extreme realm!”

Ye Tian can be sure.

However, he did not see the Extreme Dao Treasure.

Obviously, that Extreme Realm Perfect Master had brought all the Extreme Dao Treasures with him, and it was impossible to stay in the Dragon Hall.

And these resources alone were enough for Ye Tian to harvest a bumper harvest.

Soon, Ye Tian came to the cultivation time and space of the perfect controller of the extreme realm in the Dragon Hall, and the formation here was simpler.

After Ye Tian took a little time to open it, he walked into this cultivation time and space and saw a special treasure.

“What kind of treasure is this?”

Ye Tian was surprised.

It was a black piece of iron, more like a fragment on a set of armor, but this fragment contained the breath of the extreme defense extreme, obviously containing the power of the extreme defense extreme, and the power contained was not less.

This fragment was suspended in the void, bound by a small magic array, and through this magic array, the extreme defense pole contained in this fragment could be sensed.

“That Extreme Realm Perfect Master is using this fragment to comprehend the Extreme Defense Extreme!”

Ye Tian muttered.

However, the other party should not have really comprehended the defensive pole to the limit realm, otherwise he would not stay in this magic formation.

Soon, Ye Tian destroyed this magic array and took this fragment.

“Great harvest, with such a fragment, even if I exhaust the extreme defense extreme power contained in this fragment in the future, I can continue to copy this fragment out of a piece and continue to comprehend, it seems that it will not be difficult to comprehend the defensive limit of the extreme realm in the future!” Ye Tian said excitedly.

For him, the value of this fragment had already surpassed those three Extreme Dao Monuments.

Subsequently, Ye Tian scraped this dragon hall over and over again, and after making sure that there were no treasures, he left the dragon hall.

Time passed slowly, and Ye Tian found many places in this space-time fragment, but the harvest did not exceed the harvest of the Dragon Hall.

Although the space-time fragments were very large, the cultivators who came in were fast, so it didn’t take long for the resources here to be cleaned up.

Thankfully, there is no danger here.

“Let’s leave!”

Ye Tian decided.

Soon, he came out of the fragments of time and space.

After returning to the Wudao Tower, Ye Tian contributed part of the resources he harvested to the Wudao Tower, and also contributed the Defense Pole Monument to the Wudao Tower.

After all, this opportunity was given by the Wudao Tower, and Ye Tian must give some benefits to the Wudao Tower to cultivate the juniors of the Wudao Tower.

If these tower masters of these towers have obtained benefits and do not take them out, how can they have the resources to cultivate those cultivators of the Dao Tower!

And when Ye Tian took out so many resources and a defensive extreme stele, the Lord of No Dao and the Lord of Canggu were shocked.

“Endless Lord, you have obtained so many good things!!!”

The Lord of the Dao is incredible.

He originally thought that Ye Tian might not be able to get many good things by entering that space-time fragment as a perfect controller of the Void Realm, but he never expected that Ye Tian would get too many things.

It would be understandable if all cultivators had such gains, but it seemed that only Ye Tian’s gains were a little much!

“Better luck!”

Ye Tian said.

The Dao Lord did not entangle Ye Tian’s harvest, but only felt that Ye Tian was generous and contributed so many resources.

If he knew that Ye Tian had obtained something better, and there were still three Extreme Dao Monuments, but he only contributed one Extreme Dao Monument, he would have to roll his eyes.

But now, Wudao Tower also has two Extreme Dao Monuments, and both of them were contributed by Ye Tian.

With these two Extreme Dao Monuments, the perfect controllers of the Wudao Tower will be blessed, and it will be easy for them to become super-perfect masters in the future.

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