
Ye Tian began to copy the Space-Time Pole Dao Monument.

In an instant, a little breath of the Space-Time Pole Dao Monument permeated out, and began to condense into a phantom shadow of the Space-Time Polar Dao Monument, which slowly became solidified.

“Can be copied!”

Ye Tian said excitedly.

However, the speed of copying is very slow, apparently because the grade of the Space-Time Pole Monument is too high, so it is not easy to copy.

Moreover, when copying the Space-Time Extreme Dao Monument, the power on Ye Tian’s body was consumed quickly, and if he maintained this copying process, he had to prepare a lot of resources, and it would take a long time.

Otherwise, it cannot be copied at all.

“I thought I could replicate it in an instant, but I think too much.”

Ye Tian muttered.


Ye Tian began to consume a lot of resources just to successfully copy the Space-Time Pole Dao Monument.

Time passed, a lot of resources were consumed, and some of them were Extreme Dao resources, because Ye Tian’s own Extreme Dao Origin Power was also rapidly consumed, and if it was not replenished, it would affect his own foundation.

He didn’t want to give up, so he only spent money to replicate the Space-Time Pole Dao Monument.

“As long as the copy is successful, it will make a lot of money, and this resource is nothing!”

Ye Tian said.

Thirty million eternal years passed, and Ye Tiancai finally copied the complete Space-Time Extreme Dao Monument.


The complete Space-Time Extreme Dao Monument stands in the Terran territory of the Origin Realm Sea, and the incomparable aura of the Extreme Dao emanates from the mysteries, even if those Terran people cannot comprehend the Extreme Dao, but in such a link, the cultivation speed must be very fast.

Ye Tian blocked the Polar Dao of Time and Space layer by layer, not daring to leak it out, otherwise something big would happen.

In the future, even if the Terrans want to comprehend the Space-Time Extreme Dao Monument, they must at least be half-step perfect masters, otherwise they are not qualified to comprehend.

“The space-time polar monument in the Polar Dao Demon Ape Cemetery is exactly the same, and the new ability to copy talent is indeed too terrifying to copy everything, and even the space-time polar monument can be copied.”

Ye Tian said in surprise.

Of course, once the Space-Time Extreme Dao Monument is lifted, it will be gone, so Ye Tian will not lift the Space-Time Polar Dao Monument for a long time, even if he can’t copy other treasures, it is worth it.

Moreover, he does not need to refine the Space-Time Polar Dao Monument, but only uses the Space-Time Polar Dao Monument to comprehend, so the Space-Time Polar Dao Monument will not disappear, and if he copies the resources of the Polar Dao Golden Fruit, it will be of little use.

Only the auxiliary treasure of the Space-Time Pole Dao Monument can truly exert its ability to replicate all things.


Ye Tian sat on the Space-Time Pole Dao Monument and began to comprehend the Spatial Pole Dao.

With this realization, countless mysteries about the Spatial Pole emerged, and the speed of comprehension was far faster than before.

“Such a terrifying comprehension effect, no wonder even those Extreme Dao creatures who are perfect controllers of the True Realm are desperately trying to snatch the Extreme Dao Monument of Time and Space!” Ye Tian muttered.

With such a space-time polar stele, he can definitely cultivate the spatial polar path to the Xiaocheng realm or even the Dacheng realm in a short period of time.


Ye Tian was also using those Extreme Dao Golden Flowers and similar Extreme Dao Treasures to attack the Extreme Dao Chains, striving to break more Extreme Dao Chains.

In this way, Ye Tian’s replicating bodies were all working hard to cultivate.

After millions of eternal years, Ye Tian had actually cultivated the Spatial Pole Dao to the Xiaocheng realm, and such a cultivation speed was too fast.

Subsequently, Ye Tian began to comprehend the Time Pole Dao, he had the Time Pole Dao Ancestral Endowment, coupled with the Time and Space Pole Dao Monument, his speed in comprehending the Time Pole Dao reached an incredible level.

Therefore, his comprehension of the Polar Path of Time was many times faster than that of the Polar Path of Space.

If he wants to comprehend the spatial pole path to the Dacheng realm, he will need at least hundreds of millions of eternal years or even more, but if he goes to comprehend the time pole path, I am afraid that he only needs tens of millions of eternal years to comprehend the time pole path to the Dacheng realm.

Basically, no one wants to cultivate an Extreme Dao to the Dacheng realm among the super perfect masters, because it is too time-consuming, and it is not much help to impact the perfect masters of the void realm, after all, the small achievements of the extreme path meet the conditions, and cultivating to the Dacheng Extreme Dao is completely redundant.

But Ye Tian cultivated the Time Pole Dao to the Dacheng realm, it didn’t take long at all, and in the absence of other opportunities, it took more time to cultivate other Extreme Dao to Xiaocheng than it took time to cultivate the Time Pole Dao to the Dacheng realm.

Therefore, he naturally had to give priority to understanding the Pole of Time.

Once he comprehends the time pole to the Dacheng realm, his strength will also be greatly improved, so spending tens of millions more eternal years can make his strength skyrocket, and he is naturally willing to spend this time.

In the following years, Ye Tian worked hard to comprehend the time extreme.

I have to say that the Time Pole Dao Ancestor Fu with the Time and Space Extreme Dao Monument has a very good effect!

The years are like a shuttle, and more than 30 million eternal years have passed.

This day.

Ye Tian’s Time Pole Dao finally broke the shackles and realized the Dacheng realm.

The space-time pole of the Dacheng realm far exceeds the space-time pole of the Xiaocheng realm, and if it is combined with the time-type polar control technique, the effect is extremely terrifying.

At this moment, Ye Tian’s strength skyrocketed.

At the same time, Ye Tian used those Extreme Dao Golden Flowers to break several Extreme Dao chains.

Now, he has broken the eight polar chains, and for other super-perfect masters, being able to break the eight polar chains is already an incomparably exaggerated amount.

In addition, Ye Tian also consumed a lot of resources and extreme treasures, constantly advancing his cultivation to the extreme of a super-perfect master.

Whether it is the Endless Extreme Dao Perfect Ancestral Body, or the power of the Extreme Dao, the Extreme Dao Will are greatly improved, although the strength of this improvement is not much, but it must be improved, otherwise there is no way to impact the Void Realm Perfect Master in the future.

According to this cultivation speed, it would not take too long for Ye Tian to attack the Perfect Master of the Void Realm.

In the following years, Ye Tian’s Void Sparrow copied his body and continuously condensed Extreme Dao Coins and purchased more Extreme Dao Golden Fruits in the Xuandao Trading Area.

Anyway, the 100 million eternal era is opened once, which is not too long.

With enough Extreme Dao coins, Ye Tian didn’t care at all when he bought things.

With sufficient resources, Ye Tian’s cultivation strength naturally improved quickly.

Before you know it, more than 900 million eternal years have passed.

At this time, Ye Tian had already broken the thirteen polar chains.

Not only that, Ye Tian also cultivated the Space Pole Dao to the Dacheng realm, and also cultivated the Defense Pole Dao to the Dacheng realm.

In fact, most of them were cultivating defensive extremes.

He was able to cultivate the defensive extreme path to the Dacheng realm entirely because of the existence of the Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu, which was conducive to comprehending the defensive Extreme Dao.

Otherwise, Ye Tian would not be able to cultivate the Defensive Pole Dao to the Dacheng realm at all.

I have to say that without a treasure like the Space-Time Pole Dao Monument, it is indeed too slow to comprehend the Extreme Dao.

If you go to the extreme path of fire and ice, if you want to cultivate to the Xiaocheng realm, you need a billion eternal years, and if you want to cultivate to the Dacheng realm, you can’t do it without tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of eternal years.

“It would be great if you could find more treasures like the Space-Time Extreme Dao Monument!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

Even if he can’t find it, let him find some more Extreme Dao Ancestral Fu, then it’s okay!

This day.

Another piece of good news came.

That is, the super perfection of the Nine Rivers Void has not only completely become an extreme treasure, but is also about to be completely conceived.

Immediately, Ye Tian blocked this area to prevent the vision from attracting powerful creatures in the realm.

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