Soon after, Ye Tian finished reading all the information about the Extreme Deep Sea here.

The information here only covers some basics, but more details are gone.

In fact, the powerhouses of the Dao Tower do not enter the Extreme Deep Sea and do not necessarily really understand many things.

Through these materials, Ye Tian knew one thing, that is, the end of the realm did not want to provoke the Extreme Path Deep Sea, and Wudao Tower was not qualified to provoke the Extreme Path Deep Sea.

But it is undeniable that there are really many resources in the Extreme Deep Sea, and it is also the easiest place to give birth to Extreme Dao treasures.

Countless powerhouses in the end of the realm are afraid that they all want to occupy the Extreme Deep Sea, but unfortunately their strength is not good.

“I entered the Extreme Deep Sea as the Void Sparrow, as long as I keep a low profile, I don’t enter the sight of those Extreme Realm Perfect Masters Extreme Dao creatures, or attract attention, it should be very safe!”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

As long as he stayed in the extreme deep sea, the benefits he would gain were absolutely unimaginable.

In particular, he also befriended the Lord of the Ice Phoenix, which was a good start.


Ye Tian browsed some other materials here, such as how many eternal heavens and earths there are in the end of the realm, and there are many eternal heavens and earths similar to the Origin Realm Sea, which are not worth mentioning.

But there are dozens of Eternal Heavens and Earths that can reach the level of the Eternal Ruin, and eight of them are even more powerful than the Eternal Ruin.

“The Eternal Market ranks in the ninth Eternal Heaven and Earth, and it is not bad in the end of the realm!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

And the most powerful Eternal Heaven and Earth is the Extreme Dao True River, the Extreme Dao True River has been integrated into an extremely powerful Extreme Dao Supreme Treasure, so the entire Eternal Heaven and Earth exudes a trace of Extreme Dao aura, and many Extreme Dao Treasures have also been born in the Extreme Dao True River, and the cultivation environment is very good, so there are more Extreme Realm Perfect Controllers born.

There are only thirty-four Extreme Perfect Masters of the Eternal Ruin, but there are hundreds of Extreme Perfect Masters of the Extreme Dao True River, and their strength is much stronger than that of the Eternal Ruin.

Extreme Dao True River is also the only Eternal Heaven and Earth where the Extreme Realm Perfect Controllers have reached hundreds, and the number of Extreme Realm Perfect Masters in other Eternal Heavens and Earths is in the dozens.

“Looking at it this way, the number of perfect masters of the extreme realm of the end of the realm is quite a lot, and it must have exceeded a thousand! If you add the Extreme Realm Perfect Masters among some special creatures in the End of the Realm, as well as scattered cultivators, maybe the total number is close to two thousand! ”

Ye Tian thought to himself.

And the number of Extreme Realm Perfect Controllers in the Extreme Deep Sea may exceed two thousand, or almost, the gap between the two sides at the level of Extreme Realm Perfect Masters is definitely not large, otherwise they cannot compete.

However, the Extreme Realm Perfect Controllers of the Extreme Deep Sea belong to the Extreme Deep Sea Palace, and the Extreme Perfect Controllers of the End of the Realm belong to the major forces, which is somewhat chaotic.

Time passed slowly, Ye Tian read almost all the information here, and the whole person’s vision was raised to a level, as if he had broken away from the previous level and jumped to the level of the end of the realm.

“My strength is still very weak, only by becoming a perfect controller of the extreme realm can I be considered a real strong person!”

Ye Tian sighed with emotion.

Subsequently, he went back.

Next, he had to work hard to become the perfect master of the Void Realm.

How to become the perfect master of the Void Realm, he also knows it now.

First of all, it is necessary to raise the cultivation to the limit of the super-perfect master, that is, the perfect ancestor, will, and control power are all raised to the limit of the super-perfect master.

And in other words, it is him, that is, he has to raise the Endless Extreme Dao Ancestral Body, Extreme Dao Will, and Extreme Dao Power to the current limit, and he is far from achieving this step at present.

After reaching this step, the next step is to improve the pole.

Ye Tian broke through with the Endless Pole Dao, then he could use the Endless Extreme Dao to impact the Perfect Master of the Void Realm, and at the very least, he had to raise the Endless Extreme Dao to the Xiaocheng Realm.

The polar path is also divided into four realms: entry, small completion, great completion and perfection, and the difficulty of improving the pole path is very large, especially with the perfect controller of their own pole path breakthrough, the difficulty of improving their own pole path is very high.

However, once it breaks through, the increase in strength is naturally terrifying.

It’s like a perfect controller of the extreme realm who breaks through with his own extreme path, and the strength completely crushes other extreme perfect controllers, and it is normal to achieve a second kill in an instant.

This is also why countless perfectionists of the Extreme Realm are eager to comprehend their own Extreme Dao, not for the present, but for the future.

Everyone wants to be invincible, and if they want to be invincible in a realm, it is necessary to comprehend their own extremes!

“My Endless Pole Dao wants to be elevated to the Xiaocheng realm, which is very difficult, but it’s not impossible, it just takes some time. The Endless Pole Dao currently dominates the other Extreme Dao, and if it is to improve the realm of other Extreme Dao, it will naturally improve the realm of the Endless Pole Dao. ”

Ye Tian said darkly.

This is the benefit of comprehending one’s own polar path, and there is no need to specifically improve one’s own polar path, but only to improve other polar paths.

It’s just that Ye Tian’s Endless Extreme Dao is composed of a large number of Extreme Dao, so he needs to comprehend more Extreme Dao, and naturally needs more time.

Fortunately, he devoured the Void Sparrow, and it became easy to comprehend the Extreme Dao, otherwise he didn’t know how many infinite years he would have to spend to improve the Endless Extreme Dao!

“Let’s comprehend the spatial pole first, if I first comprehend the spatial pole path to the Xiaocheng realm, my strength can also be improved a lot!” Ye Tian said darkly.


In the following years, Ye Tian went all out to comprehend the Spatial Extreme.

As for Ye Tian’s replicating body Void Sparrow, he was also looking for resources in the Extreme Deep Sea, such as the Extreme Dao Treasure that could transform the Perfect Grade Ancestor.

I have to say that although such extreme treasures are also precious in the deep sea of the extreme road, they can still be bought.

It’s just that many extreme creatures don’t dare to swallow such extreme treasures, in case they mutate their talents and become weaker, it will not be good.

Therefore, there are very few extreme creatures that dare to mutate their own perfect-level ancestors.

In a short period of time, Ye Tian purchased a lot of extreme treasures that could mutate the perfection-level ancestral talent, but none of these extreme treasures made the copying talent have the power to attract it.

Obviously, these extreme treasures were of little use to him.

“Originally, I thought that these extreme treasures might attract copying talents and transform replication talents, but it seems that it is a little difficult.”

Ye Tian muttered.

He did not absorb these Extreme Dao treasures, although they can mutate the Perfect Grade Ancestral Fu, but he does not lack the Mutated Perfect Grade Ancestral Endowment now, because some Extreme Dao creatures in the Extreme Deep Sea have Mutation Perfect Grade Ancestral Endowment, he can copy it directly, and he does not need to swallow the Extreme Dao Treasure himself.

As the years passed, Ye Tian found a lot of treasures in the Extreme Deep Sea, but there was no way to transform the copying talent.

This day.

The Lord of the Ice Phoenix sent a token – Xuandao Order!

This token is a token to participate in a special trade fair, without which you cannot enter that trade fair.

And the Xuandao Order has a lot of fame in the deep sea of the Extreme Dao, even some Extreme Dao creatures who are perfect controllers of the Void Realm may not be able to obtain a Xuandao Order, I don’t know how many Extreme Dao creatures want to obtain it.

With the Xuandao Order, there is hope to obtain some resources that cannot be traded by the outside world and are restricted.

Although there are many resources in the polar deep sea, some resources are strictly restricted, and ordinary polar creatures or descendants of polar creatures cannot be obtained at all.

“Xuan Dao Ling is really good for me, you can go and take a look!”

Ye Tian said darkly.

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