The years are like a shuttle, and a million boundary river years have passed.

For such a long time, Ye Tian has been practicing here at the Statue of Wanxiang, he mainly comprehends the many changes in the Dao of Time, and occasionally also comprehends the many changes in the Dao of Space.

The years of hard practice in the Million Realms River allowed him to master many changes in the Dao of Space and the changes in the Dao of Time in more than 10 million ways, while the changes in other Dao did not master much, after all, he was currently only concentrating on the many changes in the Dao of Space and the Dao of Time.

Other than that.

Ye Tian continued to use the Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboo to temper his controlling body, exhausting the power of the Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboo one after another, and his controlling body was already very close to the eighth-level control body.

But I have to admit that if you want to completely raise the control body to level eight, it is still very difficult.

This day.

The strength of the half-tooth controller broke through, and he became a nine-domain level controller, while the Yanyan controller broke through to the eight-domain level controller.

If they created an Origin Control Technique, it would naturally be easy to break through to become a first-level master.

However, even with the help of the Wanxiang Statue, it would take them a long time to create the Origin Master, and this was the gap in understanding.

Ye Tian’s own comprehension qualifications far surpassed them, plus there was also the secret of enlightenment as a help, so that they could quickly comprehend many changes in the Dao, and they could quickly create the Origin Control Technique, which they couldn’t do, and they had to spend a lot of time slowly creating.

After Ye Tian mastered the changes in the Dao of Time and Space more than ten million, he was ready to combine the many changes in time and space and other Dao to create a more powerful Origin Control Technique.

Although he couldn’t create top-notch Origin Control Techniques, more powerful Origin Control Techniques could still be created.

Therefore, he will spend part of his time in the future creating such an Origin Control Technique.

Unconsciously, hundreds of thousands of years of the river have passed.

On this day, a powerful Origin Control Technique was finally created by Ye Tian.

This Origin Control Technique combines many changes in the Dao of Time and changes in the Dao of Space, as well as many changes in the Dao of Thunder and Fire, and was named the Space-Time Rift Blade by him!

With the many changes of the way of time and space condensed into the blade knife of time and space, and then with the change speed of the way of thunder and the explosive power of the way of fire, they cooperate with each other and tear the enemy’s control body with one blow.

It can be said that the power of this Origin Control Technique is at least ten times more than that of Yan Qiao, but the consumption is also very large.

However, Ye Tian is not afraid of consumption!

He devoured the Black Silent Sea, and the last thing he was afraid of was consumption, so he could cast the Space-Time Rift Blade indefinitely.

With the creation of the Space-Time Split Blade, Ye Tian’s strength was already infinitely close to the strength of the five-realm-level controller, and as long as he raised his controlling body to the eighth-level level, his strength would immediately break through to the combat power of the five-realm-level controller.


In the following days, Ye Tian went all out to improve his controlling body, and he stayed at the Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboo, while urging the power of the Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboo to temper his controlling body.

In this way, he had been refining for a hundred thousand realm river years, and finally broke through by luck.


The body of control has been raised from level seven to level eight, and his physical fitness has skyrocketed a lot, and his strength has also skyrocketed a lot, directly allowing Ye Tian’s strength to reach the top combat power of a five-realm level controller.

However, after reaching the eighth-level control body, it would be useless for him to use the Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboo.

“It’s a pity!”

Ye Tian muttered.

At the moment, the statue of Wanxiang that is still of great use to him here is the Wanxiang statue, and the others are useless.


“Senior Brother Ye has become a five-realm-level master!”

The Half-tooth Controller and Yan Yan Controller were shocked at this time, how long had it been, Ye Tian had broken through a level again.

From the fourth realm level to the fifth realm level, it is a hundred times more difficult than their breakthrough!

They originally thought that their strength would break through quickly, but they didn’t expect Ye Tian’s breakthrough to be fast!

In the past few years, the half-tooth controller took the lead in creating a very ordinary origin control technique, which can almost be regarded as the weakest kind of origin control technique, but it still allowed his strength to step into the first-level controller.

In recent years, Ye Tian has been relatively low-key, so few people know that his strength has reached the level of a five-realm master.

This day.

Ye Tian took some Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboo and brought it back to the Terrans.

Of course, he only took away some very ordinary Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboo, and these ordinary Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboo were useless to Yan Yan controllers and half-tooth controllers.

And the Terran race has now also given birth to a small number of eternal controllers, such as Ye Tian’s family, which has recently stepped into the realm of eternal controllers under his cultivation at all costs.

Therefore, these ordinary Purple Thunder Heavenly Crystal Bamboos were also helpful to them.

Therefore, Ye Tian would bring it back to the Terrans.

In the following years, Ye Tian occasionally went to other places to see, not all the time on the side of the Wanxiang statue, after all, his strength could not skyrocket in a short time.

If you want to promote from the strength of the five-realm-level controller to the strength of the six-realm-level controller, the difficulty is still very huge, even with the Ten Thousand Phases Statue, the difficulty is still very terrifying, and the time spent is afraid to be described by the Billion Realms River Year.


This day.

Ye Tian received a notice from Master Venerable and went to Wanyuan Mountain.

At this time, Ye Tian’s four senior brothers and sisters also came to Wanyuan Mountain, and those official disciples also came, obviously there was something important.


Many disciples respectfully greeted the Ten Elements Ancestor of Master Venerable.

“It’s all here!” The Ten Elements Ancestor nodded lightly, and immediately said: “It’s a good thing to call you back this time, you often say that I don’t give you a chance.” Now, I am ready to give a chance by yourself, but it is up to you to grasp it. ”

“Master, I also have a chance?”

Third Senior Brother Hei Immortal asked.

His strength is very strong, except for a few great beings, he is almost invincible, and the opportunities that are useful to him are too rare.


Ten Elements Ancestral Road.

Hei Immortal immediately became excited, he wanted to cross that step too much, but unfortunately he couldn’t cross it, and he hadn’t made any progress in such a long time.

It would be great if this opportunity given by the Ten Elements Ancestor was sure that he would break the shackles.

Ye Tian was also very excited, after all, the Ten Elements Ancestor took the initiative to give the opportunity, except when he had just worshiped the master, this was the first time!

He was somewhat looking forward to what his chance was.

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