The years go by.

After a period of time, the white-bearded old man completely stabilized the realm of the Eternal Master.

After that, he officially became an eternal master of the Eternal Temple in the Void Region and obtained a part of the resources that belonged to him.

The resource consumption of the Eternal Controller is also very serious, so in order to improve the strength, the Eternal Controller also needs to divide the territory, and all the resources that are beneficial to the Eternal Controller are divided by them.

If a single person becomes an eternal controller, even if he becomes an eternal controller, it is very difficult at first, so many resources are useless to them, and the resources that help the eternal controller cannot be obtained.

Fortunately, Old Man Bai Beard was lucky, although the Eternal Hall of the Void Region was not a powerful force in the boundary river, it was not very weak, and he had the strength to obtain a lot of resources, so he didn’t need to worry about resources at first.


Source Sea.

At this moment, Ye Tian was also cultivating.

He was using the resources of that treasure land to improve his eternal will, and according to his expectations, there was no problem in ascending to the late eighth-order realm.

The other replica bodies use the secret of enlightenment to control the supreme legendary body, and the two are divided into cultivations.

I have to say that the secret of enlightenment is too amazing, after a urging, Ye Tian seems to be at an extremely high-end level to comprehend low-end things, this is the performance of understanding being raised to the extreme.

However, the Secret of Enlightenment also continues to consume the power of will, so it cannot be urged forever, and after a period of time, it is necessary to stop and restore the will.

However, even so, Ye Tian’s progress in controlling the Supreme Legendary Body was far beyond before.

In the blink of an eye, thousands of boundary river years have passed.

This day.

Ye Tian’s will was finally raised from the middle of the eighth order to the late eighth order, and his willpower increased many times.

In addition, Ye Tian’s supreme legendary body was also controlled by him for nearly nine percent, and after a while, he would be able to control ninety percent of the supreme legendary body.

“Progress is too fast!”

Ye Tian couldn’t help but sigh.

If he didn’t have the secret of enlightenment, he wouldn’t have been able to make such progress as he is now, and he would definitely stop at the level of controlling the Seventy Percent Supreme Legendary Body.

Even after another 100,000 realm river years, this is still the case.

But now, his progress is incredible.

After another thousand years of rivers, Ye Tian finally completed a breakthrough and controlled the Supreme Legendary Body Ninety.

In terms of will, he couldn’t improve anymore, and the resources he obtained last time to improve his will were exhausted.

From the late eighth-order will to the eighth-order peak will, its difficulty is indeed very large, many resources can not help it improve, if you rely on your own slow penance, the difficulty is even greater.

Therefore, in a short period of time, Ye Tian did not have any way but to give up the improvement of willpower first, and concentrate on improving and controlling the Supreme Legendary Body.

He now controls the Ninety Percent Supreme Legendary Body, and if he controls the Ten Percent Supreme Legendary Body, his body will transform and condense the Supreme Legendary Body.

This was a huge metamorphosis for him, so he had to go all out to impact the realm of the Supreme Master.

Once he condensed the supreme controller, from a physical point of view, he was almost no different from the eternal master.

At the very least, his physical strength is comparable to that of an Eternal Master, and if he creates another top-notch time-space control technique and obtains another Realm Master, his strength will be extremely terrifying, and he may even hope to kill a weaker Eternal Master, thus completing the second test arranged by that great being.

“The matter of controlling the realm soldiers also has to be upgraded in the schedule, I don’t know if the old man with white whiskers can give some news.”

He contacted the old man with the white whisker before, and asked the old man with the white beard to inquire whether there was an eternal controller who sold the method of creating the control realm soldier, or if there was an eternal controller to undertake the work of creating the control realm soldier.

He is not the Eternal Master, because he cannot participate in it, and can only seek the help of the Eternal Master.

Although the half-tooth controller had met him, he couldn’t go to the half-tooth controller to help, so he could only find a more familiar white-bearded old man to help.

This day.

The white-bearded old man informed Ye Tian that the news of controlling the realm soldiers was eyebrows.

Void area.

Ye Tian saw the white-bearded old man, and at this moment, the white-bearded old man could already perfectly control his breath, and there would be no situation where he could not converge his breath.

“Old man Whitebeard, is there any news?”

Ye Tian asked.

The white-bearded old man nodded: “I also want to create a control realm soldier, so I have been inquiring, and finally introduced by the Qinglian controller, I met an eternal controller, and the other party is an eternal controller who is proficient in creating a control realm soldier.” However, it takes a long time to create a control realm soldier, and there are many eternal masters who ask him to make an appointment to create a control realm soldier. Therefore, if you want to find the other party to create a control realm soldier, you need to wait in line. ”

“Is it feasible to buy the method and drawings and build it yourself?”

Ye Tian asked.

“Hard!” The old man with the white beard said: “I have communicated with several eternal controllers, it is not easy to create a control realm soldier, any eternal controller who can create a control realm soldier by himself is after countless years of building and failure, spending countless materials, and finally accumulating enough experience, if we go to build, it will take longer, it is not worth it.” ”

……. コ0…

“Then you can only wait!”

Ye Tian muttered.

The old man with the white beard said: “There is also a way not to wait, that eternal controller urgently needs a material called the Five Elements Boundary Crystal, at present, only occasionally born in the Five Elements Domain Sea of the Eleventh Boundary River, and the Five Elements Domain Sea is very chaotic, the rules there exclude the Eternal Controller, and the Five Elements Domain Sea is the place of the Eleventh Boundary River, we belong to the No. 13 Boundary River, if our half-step Eternal Controller of the No. 13 Boundary River passed, it is difficult to have any support, if you really found the Five Elements Boundary Crystal, if you don’t have enough strength, It’s easy to fall. Moreover, what that Eternal Master needed was not a five-element realm crystal, at least a hundred. If you collect hundreds of Five Elements Realm Crystals, you can let him create a control realm soldier for you in advance, and it is free to build. ”

“Five Elements Realm Crystal!”

Ye Tian hesitated and prepared to go to the Five Elements Domain Sea.

Strictly speaking, he had never been to other boundary rivers.

Last time, he went to the end of the realm, and although it was out of the thirteenth boundary river, he did not go to other boundary rivers.

Therefore, he was still a little curious about going to other boundary rivers.

“Old Man Whitebeard, I’m going to go to the Five Elements Domain Sea, but I’m a half-step eternal master, and I can’t go to other boundary rivers, so I can only rely on Old Man Whitebeard.” Ye Tian said.

The white-bearded old man immediately said, “Okay, I will take you to the Eleventh Boundary River, but when I get there, everything can only rely on you, and I can’t help you over there.” ”


Ye Tian replied to the seventh. _

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