For Ye Tian, the first level was not difficult.

Time passed slowly, and at this time, he had almost comprehended the Dao Patterns on this Boundary River Life Corpse, and naturally had enough understanding of its own abilities.

Subsequently, he deduced and finally simulated the other party’s ability.


A ray of light burst out from Ye Tian’s hand, shattering the surrounding time and space.

After this trick was displayed, it was immediately judged to be qualified by Banya Ancient Tower and passed the first level.

In this way, Ye Tian came to the second level.

Although the second level is also a test of understanding, it is much more difficult.

The test of the second level is to comprehend a Dao map, which also stipulates that within one-tenth of the years of the boundary river, you can thoroughly comprehend it, and if you understand it thoroughly, you can pass the second level.

And the rules contained in this Dao map are extremely chaotic, completely incompatible with the rules of the outside world, which are the rules created by the eternal controller himself, and are only suitable for the Banya Ancient Tower.

Therefore, one’s own realm is not suitable for the understanding of many Taoists at all, and at this time, you can only rely on your own understanding to understand from the beginning, which is a test of the strength of understanding.

In the second level, some Peak Legend Realm Lords are afraid that they will not be able to break through, but the Peak Legend Realm Lords 19 with high talent can still easily break through.

Ye Tian sat cross-kneeled and began to comprehend this Dao map.

After a long time, Ye Tian finally understood it thoroughly and passed the second level.

At this time, he came to the third level, which was also the last level to test his understanding.

The third level is the Void.

A figure appeared, and the moment he appeared, he said lightly: “Tester, the Buddha-figure only performs the secret technique three times, observe carefully, if you can learn this secret art through three observations, even if you pass this level.” ”

As soon as the words fell, countless power flow routes appeared on this figure, which were easily displayed.

Then, the aura of this figure became more and more powerful, and at a certain moment, a punch was blasted out, and many time and space were shattered.

Judging from the effect displayed by this figure, this secret art is a secret art that can increase the strength.

In fact, at Ye Tian’s level, except for the Space-Time Supreme Technique and the Space-Time Control Technique, there are almost no secret techniques that can have an effect on him, and if they are useful, the effect is also average.

For example, the secret technique displayed by this figure is actually average, and the strength of the increase is not as good as the time and space supreme technique that can increase the strength.

This is just a test, not a powerful secret technique.

Soon, this figure began the casting of the second secret technique, the third secret technique.

After three casts, the figure disappeared.

Ye Tian must learn this secret technique before he can enter the fourth level, otherwise he will be eliminated.

“This level should be difficult for many Peak Legend Realm Lords, and if they rely on ping qi or countless resource treasures to accumulate to the fourth or fifth level Peak Legend Realm Lords, I am afraid that they will not be able to break through this level.

Ye Tian said darkly.

But he didn’t panic at all, and after three observations, he almost remembered this secret technique, and he only needed to understand it for a while to practice it.

Time passed slowly, and after a period of time had passed, Ye Tian had already practiced this secret technique.

Immediately, he performed this secret technique.

At this time, Banya Guta informed him that he had passed the third level and could enter the fourth level.

The fourth and fifth levels test the mastery of the Dao, and the more Dao you control, the easier it is to pass the fourth and fifth levels.

Coming to the fourth level, Ye Tian saw a sea of rules.

At the same time, Ye Tian found that his power was imprisoned, and the only thing he could do was to control the power of one path after another.

Banya Ancient Tower prompted: “Control many Dao, form a bridge of Dao, and you can pass through this sea of rules and enter the fifth level.” ”

Obviously, if you control too little Dao, you will not be able to successfully reach the fifth level.

Although the Dao is strong and weak, even if it is the most powerful Dao, it is not enough to have too few of them.


A kind of Dao power appeared on Ye Tian’s body.

With the power of the Dao that controls time and space, and then superimposed with the power of other Dao, he turned into a bridge, constantly extended, and advanced in this ocean of rules.

Time passed slowly, and soon Ye Tian crossed this ocean of rules.

In this way, Ye Tian easily passed the fourth level and entered the fifth level.

The fifth level is a bit dangerous, according to those peak legendary realm lords outside, once they can’t break through the fifth level, the doppelganger will be directly shattered.

Of course, you can also give up directly and leave the Banya Ancient Tower.

But once you enter the fifth level, how many will be willing to give up?

At the fifth level, Ye Tian’s power was still blocked, and he could only control the power of one path after another.


An attack appeared in the fifth level void and slammed into Ye Tian’s body.

At the critical moment, Ye Tian controlled the power of the Dao of Time and Space and protected his body.


Under the blow, Ye Tian’s body did not move.

But immediately after, dense attacks bombarded.

As a result, Ye Tian controlled the power of many Dao to bless his whole body, forming countless layers of Dao shields.


The layers of shields were shattered, but Ye Tian controlled too many Dao, so he could protect himself from harm.

Layers of shields shattered, and layers of shields rose.

After a long time, the attack disappeared.

And Ye Tian also passed the fifth level.

When Ye Tian passed the fifth level, he immediately attracted the attention of many peak legendary realm lords.

After all, if you can pass the fifth level, you will be a very genius, and you will definitely not be a lonely person.

If he can pass the sixth level, 587 can enter the Half-tooth Secret Domain.

Sixth level.

This level is a little difficult for Ye Tian, because he has not yet carried out the time-space fusion to the peak, and this level tests the perception and understanding of the use of time-space fusion.

Although it is only used, the fusion of time and space cannot reach the peak, and it naturally has some impact.

Fortunately, Ye Tian successfully fused the control-level time ancestor and the control-level space ancestor, so there was hope of passing.


A time ball and a space ball appeared in front of Ye Tian.

Banya Ancient Tower reminded Ye Tian: “By fusing these two balls into a space-time ball, you can pass the sixth level, and each examiner has three chances to try, and the time is one boundary river year.” ”

Ye Tian perceives the time ball and the space ball, and the inside of each ball is composed of countless time forces and space forces, containing countless changes in time and space, and if the slightest change is not controlled, it will fail to merge.

Even the fourth peak legendary realm lord who carried out the fusion of time and space to the peak extreme, the hope of passing this level was extremely slim, and those fifth peak legendary realm lords could not pass it successfully.

This is the ultimate use of space-time fusion, which requires an unimaginable level of understanding and perception of space-time fusion.

In a short period of time, Ye Tian was also unable to do it, but fortunately, he had a realm river year, which was enough for him to pass this level. _

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