"Don't worry, there will be that day."

Zhang Liang said with deep meaning.

"yes, I'm looking forward to it." Han Fei relaxed, his eyes scanning the window incessantly, the noise was very annoying, but it was full of human breath.

"By the way, how is the progress of the compilation of the canon? It should be soon. Zhang Liang suddenly asked.

Han Fei shook his head slightly: "To show the national prestige of Daqin, we can't be in a hurry, this canon is the pursuit of perfection, our purpose is to book a hundred schools of history since the book contract, as for astronomy, geography, yin and yang, medical divination, Confucianism, skills, martial arts words, prepared into one book, just the compilation team has more than three thousand people, how can it be so easy to complete." "

"Sell newspapers! Sell newspapers! In the Imperial Daily, the imperial court announced that there were other worlds besides Daqin, and there were completely different worlds from Daqin. "

The newspaper seller was shouting, and in a short time, the newspaper in his hand was swept away.

Most of the restaurant was talking about other worlds outside Daqin.

"I heard my friend say it, I still can't believe it, I didn't expect that there were really other worlds..."

A man in a long robe looked at the newspaper in his hand and exclaimed.

"No wonder, no wonder, the eldest brother told me a few days ago that they are going to fight again, and I wonder that the world has been unified, what other war to fight, it turns out to be to fight the other world."

The companion of the long-robed man suddenly realized.

At the other table, there were also three people talking, the three read a newspaper together, the other two because they didn't buy the newspaper, one urged: "Read, show me after reading." "

Another person couldn't help but say, "Is there any introduction in the newspaper that the otherworld is?" "

The person who bought the newspaper shook his head and said, "The newspaper does not introduce what kind of world the otherworld is, but according to my opinion, the word 'wan' of the so-called heavens and realms does not refer to reality, but to the imaginary 'world', and the heavens and realms may be endless worlds." "

Next to it, there was a cold snort: "Who dares to make a big fuss here, the heavens and realms are false, but it will certainly not be an endless world, nine is the extreme, and the number of worlds will definitely not exceed nine." "

The person who bought the newspaper frowned slightly, ignored it, and continued to discuss with his companions.

The person who spoke up was unforgiving, and mocked: "How? Weak heart? Scared? Don't dare to argue? "

"I know you?"

Guozi looked at him expressionlessly.

"What if you don't know?" The person who spoke out had a stalk in the neck.

Guozi face chuckled: "I don't know you, and you don't know me, so are you full and have nothing to do?" I'm talking to a friend, what are you plugging in to make fun? I don't want to pay attention to you, you still have a lot of energy? Do you have a big face or a big ass? "

The person who spoke out suffocated and flicked his sleeves fiercely: "Shaft! "

The national character face rolled up his sleeves, revealing a strong . Leng said: "Get out!" "

Watching this episode, Han Fei said with interest: "Do you think this is 'endless' or 'nine'?" "

"Hahaha, Han Fei, Han Fei, you are talking to me again."

Zhang Liang laughed:

"But this time you are mistaken, I know not much more than you, as for this 'ten thousand', I guess it is endless."

"The hero sees the same thing!"

Han Fei toasted and smiled.

The two toasted, and Zhang Liang teased: "You are more and more able to put gold on your face." "

"Endless world, endless civilization, the collision of cultures, what a wonderful thing it should be, can I see that day?"



When the group of people from the Guest Secretary Division learned the news of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Realms, they did not react very much.

The Emperor Taiyi, the elder of the guest secretary, is from the fairy world, and because he has glimpsed a corner of the future through the fragments of time and space, he has seen the future Great Qin Empire that rules the heavens.

And GOD was originally from the dragon world.

And Zhuang Zhou, Xun Cheng, Ghost Guzi, Chu Nangong and the group of people all witnessed Ying Zheng from the "immortal world" at that time, and they have long known that there are other worlds outside Daqin, but it is still a little surprising that this world is not the "immortal world".

However, the debate about whether 'ten thousand' worth is endless or the extreme number of 'nine' has intensified, not inferior to the popularity of the news of the heavens and realms that has just been exposed, and even two genres are about to form.

From ordinary people to rich merchants, aristocrats, powerful people, and then to the guest secretary division, this group of guest secretaries have their own supporting views.

When Ying Zheng heard the debate between these two schools, he was crying and laughing.

The Guest Secretary Division is also divided into two schools and argues endlessly.

Xun Chong became the boss of the 'endless' genre of the Hakkei Division, and Oniyako became the boss of the Hakkei Si's "Nine Extremes" genre, and the two lobbied the Hakka Secretary in the Hakka Division to support their views.

Donghuang Taiyi did not participate in it, and his gaze always carried some pity when he looked at Ghost Guzi, and said in his heart:

"If one day this guy knows that the views he supports are completely wrong, I don't know if he will collapse?"

At this time, Ghost Guzi was spitting as he said: "You see, the sky has nine weights, the earth has nine springs, the heaven and the earth are nine heavy, and the world must also conform to this law, the number of nine realms." "

On the other hand, Xun Cheng was also expounding his point of view: "If the heavens and realms are really nine, why call it the heavens and ten thousand worlds, why not call it the nine realms of the heavens, the heavens and all worlds, it must be expressed as an endless world..."

Even GOD, a generationally educated person, began to get confused, hovering between the two genres, repeatedly jumping sideways, and Gein's views of both genres sounded quite plausible.


But said that in the world of martial arts, when the two schools were arguing endlessly, Jing Wusi was finally formed and launched an operation to purge martial arts.

The Mingjiao had been dissolved, some Mingjiao had been recruited into the army, some were dismissed and some were dismissed and some entered the Jingwushi.

For example, the original high-level of the Ming Sect all became the backbone of Jing Wuji.

Yang Xiao, Fan Yao, these people have certain abilities, after training, it is still possible to be a county guard, but after all, they have been in the rivers and lakes for most of their lives, and they are capable, but they are also contaminated with strong habits of rivers and lakes, if they are really allowed to serve as officials of the imperial court, they may not really be able to adapt.

Jing Wusi is actually the most suitable institution for them, it is an institution of the imperial court, and it is the most suitable for dealing with the affairs of the rivers and lakes.

Some of the jianghu people, part of the black ice platform, shadow secret guard, Luo net, and bad people jointly built the structure of Jing Wuji.

Of course, Black Ice Platform, Shadow Secret Guard, Luo Net, and bad guys have their own tasks, but they will help Yasutakeji run smoothly in the early stage, and they will slowly quit Yasutakesi later. _

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