On the endless sea, a news bird with a newly baked bounty slip quickly flew towards the Golden Melly.

When it flew above the deck of the Golden Melly, Luffy, who had been staring at Usopp upside down and making mahjong, suddenly raised his head, and the moment he saw the news bird, his eyes suddenly drooled, and he threw out his arms and caught the news bird!

“Wow, what kind of bird is this!”

Luffy, who grabbed the news bird in his hand, drooled, and shouted to Yamaji, who was lying on the other side of the deck and punched and kicked by Nami and Xia Yu to doubt his life: “Yamaji, I caught a bird, let’s bake it and eat it!” ”

“It’s a news bird.”

Xia Yu snatched the news bird over, and then took the news bird down with the bounty slip, and said with a smile: “Luffy, if my guess is correct, there should be your bounty slip here!” ”

“What’s so fun about bounty lists! I’m going to eat meat! I’m going to eat bird meat! Staring at the news bird that was snatched by Xia Yu, the foodie showed its true colors vividly on the side of the road, and reached out to grab it while talking. However, he just grabbed the news bird, suddenly woke up completely, and then simply released the news bird, and then snatched the bounty slip in Xia Yu’s hand!

“It’s really my bounty list!”

After finding his bounty from the stack of bounty lists, Luffy immediately laid it on the deck happily and shouted to Sanji and Solon on the side: “Sanji, Sauron, I’m rewarded!” ”

“Wow, I was photographed too! So, am I also being rewarded? Usopp, who was following Luffy, glanced at the bounty list, and became excited after seeing one of his backs appear on it!

Hearing Luffy’s bounty slip appear, Sanji and Solon immediately gathered around.

“Bounty, thirty million?”

Yamaji, who grabbed the bounty in his hand, stared, his brows instantly furrowed, “Whether alive or dead?” ”

“Was a reward of thirty million offered at the beginning?” Solon, who followed over, was bright, and then looked sideways at the sky and grinned: “This bounty is already very high in the East China Sea!” More formidable opponents are sure to follow! I’m really looking forward to it! ”

“Thirty million, thirty million!!!”

Luffy was also unusually excited, pulling Usopp while jumping and repeating his bounty.

“What’s going on with you guys!”

Nami, who was sitting on the side reading the newspaper, saw that these guys were actually happy because they were rewarded like this, and she couldn’t stand it, she stood up and shouted loudly like a dominatrix: “I am so happy to be rewarded, can I make people read the newspaper with peace of mind!” ”

“Thirty million, thirty million! Yes!! ”

Luffy and Usopp got carried away smugly, completely ignoring Nami’s roar, and continued to bounce arm in arm! Sanji, on the other hand, took all the stacks of bounty slips, and after carefully rummaging for a moment, he immediately frowned and asked Xia Yu: “Xia Yu, why don’t you have a reward?” When you are at the sea restaurant, but you defeated Creek! ”

“Maybe there was a mistake in the Navy’s intelligence!?”

Xia Yu, who didn’t care about the bounty at all, clapped his hands and said with a smile: “However, I want to be a little transparent more than being rewarded!” That’s how fun it will be later! What, don’t be lazy with a long nose, hurry up and make mahjong! If you haven’t made it in Rogue, I’ll throw you out into the sea for a few days swimming!” ”

“You… Why are you commanding me! I am the captain of this ship!!! Usopp, who was having fun, instantly stunned, and from the moment the Golden Melly set sail, he had been competing with Luffy for the position of captain. Although he eventually lost, he always regarded himself as the co-captain!

As the co-captain, of course, he must pose as the co-captain!

“Isn’t the captain Luffy?” The corner of Xia Yu’s mouth twitched, and he shouted at Luffy: “Luffy, Usopp is robbing your captain’s throne again!” ”

“Hey, I’m the captain, Usopp!”

“You are the captain, I am the deputy captain!”

“This way.” Luffy blinked, then smiled and said, “Go Usopp, make the wooden mahjong that Xia Yu wants, let’s play mahjong!” ”


Usopp instantly looked at Luffy with wide eyes, and then unwillingly ran to continue pouring wooden mahjong!

Of course, Usopp didn’t really mind that Xia Yu was calling orders to him, and the reason why he refuted it was simply to fight his mouth!


Usopp had just run to pour wood mahjong when Luffy suddenly snorted and said in surprise, “The front seems to… As if there is a warship! ”


Hearing Luffy’s words, Solon and Sanji tightened their heartstrings almost at the same time. As soon as Luffy was rewarded, did the warship start a hunt?

When the two looked sideways at Luffy’s line of sight, a small naval warship immediately came into their sight!

Soon, the warship entered this sea area and quickly approached the Golden Melly!

“Aha, Straw Hat Kid!!!”

Without waiting for Yamaji Solon on the deck to react, the warship that came at full speed suddenly slowed down after approaching the Melly, and finally stopped directly on the sea less than ten meters opposite the Melly.

As soon as the warship stopped, a loud laugh came over immediately: “I didn’t expect to meet you here?” ”

When the words fell, a young man dressed in a lieutenant costume immediately appeared from the warship, holding Luffy’s bounty slip, and said arrogantly: “This is the latest reward list Oh Straw Hat Luffy.” Of course, this is not the point, the point is these words written on the bounty list – whether alive or dead! ”


Hearing the lieutenant’s words, Luffy immediately curled his sleeves and raised his fists, grinning, “Have you been hunted down so soon?” What a thrill! Come on, I’m going to put you… Fly! ”

“Luffy, leave it to me!”

Solon, who was standing on the side, simply drew his knife out of its sheath and took a step forward at the same time!

But without waiting for Solon to kill out, Sanji, who was standing on the side smoking a cigarette and swinging cool, suddenly jumped up, and then kicked the lieutenant in the head crisply and neatly!


Chapter seven today, now start writing chapter eight! At this rate, you should be able to complete ten chapters by ten o’clock. Well, without further ado, the author Jun continues to go to the liver!

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