019. Subjugation War (4)

The first time I met her was during the war.

When I was released from prison and deployed to the battlefield as an imperial convict soldier.

– Sword Master? You managed to rise to such a position from prison.

“My masterpiece.”

“Yes, and the Empire is your botched work.”

“Haha! Your tongue is still as sharp as ever!”

The Crown Prince introduced me to her.

Because she was the one who could best understand my strategic value.

Thus began our connection, and thanks to the damned Crown Prince, we clashed at every turn.

But at least, officially, we acknowledged each other.

I was a strategic weapon, and she was the best advisor.

However, her disposition was the problem.

“The next siege defense will be fought here. You take your brother and cut off the enemy’s supply line.”

“That sounds dangerous.”

From noble mtl dot com

“Yes, our side will suffer about 30 to 50 casualties.”

“Wait, you’re saying that many of my men will die.”

“If we do nothing, hundreds or thousands will die.”

I really hated this woman.

Her attitude of not seeing people as people, just sitting at her desk and sending others to their deaths.

So I was sharp, and she somewhat ignored me.

As long as we faced each other, it would be like this for life.

I once thought so, and what changed that was the defense of the Yuiten Fortress.

The battle where she died.

The situation was dire.

If that place fell, there would be less than five strategic points left before the capital.

Yet, we had no means to defend it.

Supplies were delayed, and for a month, we couldn’t even properly maintain our weapons or eat well while defending.

It was then.

– I will use myself as bait. Gather all the explosive artifacts and place them in the outer fortress. I will be there.

– Erilda!

– To hold out for a month, we must cut off all the core forces. While I hold the special forces, strike the main force. Don’t forget to organize a separate unit to disrupt their formation.

Erilda Orteair intended to buy time for supplies by using herself as bait.

It was because it was the most efficient and certain lure.

Indeed, the name the barbarians feared the most was Callios Van Orteair, but the one they first targeted to kill was Erilda.

Her strategy was that brilliant.

Because she saw humans only as numbers, and even saw herself as a number, her strategies were the greatest threat to the barbarians.

The prince opposed, but was ignored.

The situation was too dire for even the prince to do anything.

It was the night before the operation.

Erilda invited me to dinner.

I asked.

– Are you tired? Did you want to escape by committing suicide?

The words did not come out nicely.

However, Erilda answered calmly.

– No, actually, I want to fight more. This is the only way, so I’m doing it this way.

– There must be another way.

– There isn’t. The other methods have the risk of self-destruction.

– Without you, isn’t it self-destruction anyway? Your Highness and I are just ignorant people who only know how to wield a sword.

-That fool is hope. The aura flowing from your swords is more meaningful to the soldiers’ morale than a hundred strategies.

She ate hard bread and pig’s gruel soup for her last supper.

Considering her picky nature, it was quite memorable.

Of course, there was something even more memorable.

-What if I run away?

-For the first and last time, I ask you. Stay until the end and protect the Empire.

-What should I do…

She scoffed, not even thinking of running away.

That day, for the first time, I saw this woman smile.

-Do you not trust the Imperial Army?

This woman… really had an unfitting smile.

-Yes, you can’t trust them. They couldn’t even defeat a single barbarian tribe and had to drag you out of prison. We know. The Imperial Army has weakened. Without you, it will collapse. That’s why I’m saying this.

I don’t know what she thought of me.

-Especially you, Yuren. We can’t do without you. You’re the only one who can control that damned brother of yours.


-Live. Not me, but you live.

-…Why go so far for the Empire?


-Because I love it. This country where I was born and raised.

That day’s smile gave me a chance to change my perception of this woman, even if just a little.

Erilda died like that.

After luring all the enemy’s special forces into the outer castle, she self-destructed.

To buy a month until supplies arrived.

After Erilda disappeared, the Imperial Army rapidly declined, to the point where the capital fell within half a year.

The half-year she bought became the time for the imperial citizens to flee.

Again, I say, I dislike this woman.

Unless that mindset changes, I will never like her in my lifetime.

Nevertheless, I acknowledge it.

This woman was necessary for the empire, and she was one of the people who cared for the empire the most.

Because she resembles someone I must protect.

“Your Highness, the Princess.”


“I won’t grant it. Instead, I promise this.”

So I promised.

“I will somehow save the Crown Prince and return him to the capital. Even if it costs me my life.”

Erilda raised her head.

She let out a hollow laugh, as if to say, what nonsense is this?

Yes, she is a woman who cannot believe in the meaning of such promises.

So I spoke in a way she could understand.

“Inventory and companion. I’ll use them when it seems really dangerous.”

In my view, this woman’s problem is one.

She’s too calculating, unable to believe in miracles.

That problem led to her death.

“Until then, please trust the Crown Prince.”

So, I wanted to show her a miracle.

Erylda glared at me, then clenched her teeth and replied.

She probably didn’t understand yet.

“…Don’t forget those words. You’ll use inventory and companion in dangerous moments.”

“Of course. But for now, let’s eat. I’m going to cook, shall I make something for Your Highness too?”


Silence seemed to be an affirmation.

It was the moment when a sneer was about to escape.


…The ground trembled.

* * *

Drenor moved swiftly.

The knights he brought along were the deputy commander and three top experts who could keep up with his pace.

As they chased the life signals across the plateau, at some moment,



Drenor realized.


Brown skin, a body that could be twice the size of a human.

And the fangs that jutted out fiercely and the dense muscles that covered the entire body.

The lowest-ranking entity among the commanders, the Commander.



The number was three.

At some point, orcs had gathered around.

There were hundreds.

Drenor felt a sense of dismay.

‘They knew we were coming?’

In other words, the strategy had been seen through.

And the fact that there were so many orcs and three commanders implied something.

Orcs cannot cooperate with beings of the same rank.

Because the logic of power dictates that they must distinguish between superior and inferior.

But they cooperate.

What does this mean?

It means that there is a higher entity that encompasses them, a champion who commands thousands of orcs, leading this group.



The vice-commander spoke as if he had noticed something.

Drenor felt a surge of anger.

‘We’ve been had…!’


There is no sign of the champion anywhere.

And they even mobilized the commander to tie us down.

The champion’s objective was clear.

‘Your Highness!’

The barracks.

“Breakthrough at one point! We must return to His Highness!!!”


The Swordmaster’s aura shook the space.

* * *

Kallios surveyed the area around the barracks.

It was at that moment.

‘…There are scouts.’

Kallios’s mana was different in density and concentration from that of ordinary humans.

Even at the current level, if spread widely, it was a detection ability approaching the highest level of an expert.

There were enemies targeting this side.

They were probably scouts sent by the enemy command.

Did they know he was the leader of the group?

If so, that was impressive.

‘They deliberately let the scouts live.’

They spared the scouts to let them know that there was a command among the orcs.

After that, considering the vigilance of this side, they made the strongest force… Sir Drenor, enter the plateau.

Then, what remained were himself, Yuren, and the three knights and soldiers.

They had gained a strategic advantage.

So, what should be done?

Kallios opened his mouth.


“Yes, sir!”

“Go back to the camp and bring Lord Pharos. Time is of the essence.”

There was no escape.

But, the killing intent was directed at him.

In that case, rather than chasing the soldiers, they would put all their strength into this side.

‘If I bring Yuren, I can reinforce my side’s strength.’

His strength was certainly above his own.

So, two experts.

If they held out until Yuren arrived, they might consider retreating.

The troops near the barracks were fine.

The key commanders were coming for him, and there were Erilda and three knights.

With Erilda’s strategy, they could hold off up to a hundred.

‘If we hold out until Lord Drenor arrives with the young master, we win.’

Kallos made his decision and shouted.


“Yes, sir!”

The soldiers quickly returned.

Not long after, the enemy appeared.

Kallios let out a hollow laugh.


Indeed, he knew how to use his head, a champion.

About fifty orcs were with him, as if to guard him.

Kallios examined the champion.

A body twice as large as his own, a great sword as massive as his body, and an imposing presence adorned with splendor.

In terms of strength, an upper-level expert.

But considering the gap between orcs and humans, it was even greater.

In simple strength calculations, an orc had three to five times the power of a human of the same level.

Kallios himself was still at the level of an Expert Lieutenant, so this was a fight he couldn’t win.


‘What a disgrace it would be to stay behind stubbornly and then die.’

He had no regrets about his choice.

If he abandoned the people for his own safety, he would never forgive himself.

Besides, it was a good opponent.

A high-level orc, that is.

“Nice to meet you.”

Kallios greeted as he took his stance.

What came to mind was none other than Yuren’s teachings.

– Every sword has meaning. This is especially true for those created a thousand years ago when human swordsmanship was first founded. Yes, Imperial Swordsmanship.

After much persistence, he was able to hear about the sword intent (劍意) that Yuren used.

It wasn’t direct teaching, but it was certainly a theory that shattered some part of Kallios’s common sense.

– Imperial Swordsmanship is designed to counter other races. The swordsmanship itself has an affinity against them.

– Is that so? I didn’t particularly feel that while training…

– That’s because Your Highness’s level is low. You haven’t had the opportunity to develop your perception.

– Then how do you use it?

– It’s not about using it.

His first real battle, tension was rising.

-It’s the feeling of understanding.

I studied the history of swordsmanship.

It was then that I realized something.

‘There certainly exists in imperial swordsmanship.’

None other than the swordsmanship to face the orcs.

Kallios gripped the sword with both hands.

Then he pointed the tip of the sword at the champion.

And he lowered his waist.

It was a stance.

But, if we delve into the history of this stance, it is so.

Humans are weaker than orcs.

Human swords are, of course, weaker than orc swords.

How could one overcome that?

Or how could one deal with the randomly charging orcs?

The founding emperor, while pondering that, came up with one trick.

It was a trick that utilized a certain habit of theirs, which he could know because he had been a slave to the orcs.

“Ak Sar!”

The ancient language of the orcs.

The words of a ritual that, due to their faith, took on a compulsory nature.

And the promised stance.

It was a challenge for a one-on-one duel.

At that moment.

“…Gur, Zaka.”


The orc stripped off his adornments.

A red aura… energy surged over his sword.

He assumed the same stance as Kallios.

In an instant, the 1 vs 51 became 1 vs 1.

From now on, it was entirely up to Kallios to endure.

The feeling of energy sweeping through his entire body, the pressure of facing an unknown swordsmanship was indescribable.

His survival instinct was awakened.

All his senses, his thinking became sharper.

In an instant, countless possibilities flashed through Kallios’s mind and vanished.

As he entered a state of excitement, his mana became a bit rougher.

Kallios smiled and thought.

‘This is…’

It might be quite a good study.

If he could survive, that is.

* * *


The orcs attacking the barracks were cut down in droves.

The three remaining knights were expert lieutenants.

As members of the Royal First Knights, they were well-versed in both offense and defense.

I shook the blood off the switch.

I had just realized another characteristic of this thing.

‘It consumes mana well. It also outputs in the desired form.’

Since my mana is highly specialized in cutting, using non-bladed weapons has always been difficult.

But this one is different.

Despite being in the form of a switch, its sharpness was unparalleled.

Anyway, that’s enough reflection.

“Your Highness.”

“Little Lord! We must bring my brother quickly…!”

“Your Highness.”


I clapped my hands right in front of the panicked Erilda’s nose.

Startled, Erilda quickly regained her composure.

I spoke.

“I will go without you telling me. But more importantly, Your Highness, you must keep your wits about you.”

About a hundred and fifty orcs had charged into the barracks.

From noble mtl dot com

But, it’s just a regular orc.

Three expert mid-level knights, two wizards, and fifty regular soldiers.

If they paid a little attention, defending the fortress itself wasn’t difficult.

“I believe you know what you need to do.”

Erylda clenched her fist and then spoke in a firm voice.

“Keep your promise. You must save the prince somehow.”

“Of course.”

Erylda turned around.

After briefly surveying the battlefield and taking a deep breath, she shouted.

“Form the phalanx! Sir Laura, fall back, and wizards, prepare confusion spells!”

Erylda was proficient in all strategic tactics.

Though it wasn’t her specialty, she was excellent as a field commander.

‘They should hold here.’

Sir Drenor?

He’s a sword master.

He’ll manage on his own.

The most dangerous one now is the crown prince.

But, the crown prince isn’t a fool.

At least he knows exactly what needs to be done and even sent the soldiers back, so I can give him a score of 90 for that.

Additionally, I taught him the meaning of the flag ceremony and the techniques of the ‘fear fire ceremony.’

For now, I will endure.

‘I can’t last long, though…’

I mounted the horse.

Following the direction the soldiers had indicated, I rode towards the Crown Prince.

I steadied my breathing.

I really don’t want to use it, but just in case.

‘…I have to think about pushing myself.’

I gathered the mana that was spread throughout my body.

And then,


I concentrated it in my heart.


ⓒ papapa.


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