63. It Was There. (4)

The 5th layer of the labyrinth city.

With green meadows and ruins.

But even after half a year, the traces of the battle that took place that day still remained, and it appeared there.


With a black cloak fluttering, wearing ominous black ornaments on its waist and hands, and a hood over its head, it began to walk through the 5th layer.

Walking through the place where mercenaries fought the foreign god half a year ago.

Walking through the place where Alon once stood.

Finally, standing in the place where he ended the foreign god.

It began to tilt its head left and right, as if finding it extremely strange, as if it couldn’t understand something at all.

How much time had passed like that?

The thing that had been staring at the ground without any movement until just a moment ago.


It soon opened its mouth, a broad smile spreading across its face as if something was incredibly amusing.

“I never thought I could make it this far.”

A small murmur.

Murmuring in a voice that could be either male or female, it seemed to look around once, then wiggled its right hand.


After confirming the black ornament resonated, it turned its body.

“Interesting. Really, how much further can I go? This is getting interesting.”

With an innocent laugh, like a child who had found something amusing.

“If you can endure the next one, it will really get interesting.”

It began to walk towards one side of the fifth layer.

Walking towards the ground where there was no exit.

At some point, it completely disappeared.


Though it was a new story, Radan was loyal to the Great Moon.

If it weren’t for him, he wouldn’t have been able to gain such great power, nor would he have been able to avenge his family.

In other words, Radan’s loyalty was clearly directed towards the Great Moon.

But even so, the reason Radan’s loyalty seemed a bit faded was.

[Let’s kill them all. Right now.]

[That sounds good.]

[I agree.]

[Me too.]


Compared to Radan’s loyalty, the loyalty shown by the other members of the Blue Moon was overwhelmingly strong.

[So, where are those so-called agents?]

[From what I’ve heard, they seem to be spread across the United Kingdoms. There are about fifteen of them in total. I’ve taken down three, so now there are twelve left.]

[You didn’t kill them without figuring out their locations, did you?]

[Of course not. While I haven’t pinpointed all of them, I’ve identified the leader’s location and a few others.]

[That’s a relief.]

[Tell me quickly, right now. I’m going to kill them.]

[That sounds good.]

With a chilling golden gaze, Seolang’s words, and the sinister grin from a moment ago wiped away, Line’s eerie muttering returned with a completely expressionless face.

[I’m also planning to kill one of them after this meeting. It seems there’s an agent near Caliban.]

Seeing Deus, with his sharp eyes, holding his sword as if ready to dash out as soon as the meeting ended, Radan felt a surge of madness.

‘…No, I think we should make a plan first.’

Radan glanced around subtly.

Even at this moment, as he was glancing around, the casual conversations among the members about tearing and killing the agents were something Radan wasn’t quite used to.

Originally, the only one who acted like this was Utia, while the other members generally behaved very rationally.

‘There’s a big gap. And… honestly, I didn’t expect Line to become like this.’

Radan looked at the members and Line, who had changed beyond recognition in just a few years, and then spoke.

[I think it would be better to calmly share information and make a plan first.]

A cautious, yet extremely rational suggestion.


[Are you serious?]

[Radan, what if they harm the Great Moon while we’re making a plan?]

[That’s right!]

[I agree.]

Despite being the most rational statement, Radan took a deep breath as Deus, Utia, Seolang, and Line all disagreed.

[…Everyone, calm down. You’re too excited. First, we need to share information about the agents, don’t we? We need to figure out their strength first.]

Another rational statement.



[What is it?]

[Don’t tell me, Radan, are you a traitor?]

Radan felt dizzy at the absurd suspicion in Seolang’s golden eyes.

[Wait, hold on… Why am I suddenly being labeled a traitor?]

[But Radan, you’ve been opposing the idea of killing the agent since earlier, haven’t you?]

[It’s not opposition, it’s just that we need to check the situation accurately first-]

Radan stopped mid-sentence and closed his mouth.

He saw the dissatisfied gazes directed at him beyond the screen.

Realizing instinctively that no matter what he said, it would be meaningless, he raised the white flag.

[I’ll prepare right away.]

The four members of the organization nodded in satisfaction and resumed their conversation.

Watching them, Radan, who was reminiscing about the relatively ordinary organization from two years ago, excluding Yutia, suddenly thought of the Great Moon.

‘…There must be a hypnotic artifact.’

He came to that serious conclusion.

And about 30 minutes later.

[Ha- talking about it suddenly reminds me of the image the Great Moon showed us-]

Deus, who had been discussing the agent, suddenly launched into a surprise worship session, ending his fuss.

[Everyone, move immediately. We’ll have a proper meeting after we finish this matter.]

With Yutia’s words, the Blue Moon began to move.

The next day.

After resting at the mansion owned by Duke Altia, Alon set out in the evening when the royal banquet was about to begin.

Upon arriving at the royal palace.

“Let’s go.”

He greeted Evan and moved his body.


“I’ll be waiting.”

Evan, who lightly bowed and straightened up, witnessed it.

As his master walked towards the banquet hall of the royal palace, numerous nobles followed him in unison.

Watching the nobles, who could control Asteria, follow Alon, Evan once again realized Alon’s position.

‘Well… the Count’s fame is already immense… And he’s also the leader of Kalpa.’

Alon seemed indifferent to his newfound fame, but to Evan, who was witnessing it in real-time, the difference felt immense.

Unlike the past when he was ostracized or feared at balls, Alon had now become the leader of most of the nobles.

Is that all?

Despite the obvious fact that Alon would be openly checked by the king due to his accumulated reputation, many nobles still followed him.

In other words, the nobles currently behind him were those who believed that Alon could stand against the current king of Asteria.

‘…Well, just from the rumors, it’s enough to make one think that.’

As Evan assessed the situation.

Alon, leading the nobles, realized something was off.

‘Huh, huh… Something’s strange?’

He realized that the situation was turning a bit odd.

‘This makes it look like I’m going for a frontal assault, doesn’t it?’

He glanced back slightly.

Behind him, numerous nobles supporting Alon were following him.

‘No, this isn’t the image I had in mind…’

His plan was this: During the audience ceremony, a customary event before enjoying the royal ball, he intended to listen to the king’s sermon to some extent and create a plausible reason to maintain his faction.

However, in this way, openly rushing to fight would not end with just a scolding.

But there was nothing he could do about it, so he reluctantly arrived at the royal ballroom, opened the door, and entered.


As soon as he entered the ballroom, he couldn’t help but be amazed.

True to its reputation, it was the largest and most beautiful ballroom Alon had ever seen.

Standing in the doorway, staring blankly into space, Alon soon felt the gazes of the nobles focused on him.


From what Alon could grasp, the nobles’ gazes in the ballroom were one of two things.

One was a look of reverence for Alon.

The other was a blatant sneer. And naturally, the latter was overwhelmingly more common.

And he had a rough idea why the nobles below the ballroom were making such expressions.

‘They must think I’m going to get hit by the king for recklessly growing my power.’

Realizing that most of the sneering nobles were either noble faction or royalist faction nobles, Alon sighed lightly and moved to meet the king.

At the end of the grand ballroom, he could see her.

Crittenia Cyan, the 8th queen of Asteria.



From a distance, King Crittenia Siyan was incredibly beautiful.

The golden eyes, a symbol of the Asteria royal bloodline, shone brilliantly as they reflected the light from the terrace, despite the indifferent expression on her face.

Her stunning beauty was so lethal that it could cause any noble to commit the blasphemy of sneaking glances at her.

Of course, Alon was too focused on hoping that the upcoming events would unfold according to his wishes to prioritize her appearance.

And then.

“The one who serves Asteria greets the great one.”

Not long after, Alon, who had reached the front of Crittenia Siyan, bowed deeply and offered a formal greeting. The king, who had been silent until then, opened her mouth.

“Raise your head.”

An indifferent expression.

Alon naturally raised his head at her command.

“Are you Count Palatio?”


As the king’s voice continued, the nobles who had been sneering at Alon all smiled simultaneously.

This moment was the most important spectacle for both the royalist and noble factions, as it marked the legal downfall of the Calpa, who had been a thorn in their sides.

Thus, they all looked at Count Palatio with malicious smiles, but.

Unfortunately, it was fleeting. The nobles who had been sneering quickly wiped the smiles off their faces.


They all had no choice but to wear dumbfounded expressions.

The reason was.

“Yes, Count Palatio, I shall bestow upon you the title of Marquis.”

King Crittenia Siyan uttered those words.

Upon hearing them, Alon.


Unconsciously let out a bewildered sound.

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