“Got it, Daddy, it’s not to see our savior come back.”

Bista said with a smile after hearing his father’s loving reprimand.

This time, after the success of their efforts to win over the navy to assist them, it also brought great motivation to the various teams of the Whitebeard Pirates.

“Now is not the time for us to be happy.”

When Whitebeard heard this, he said this to him.

“Wait until this time to solve Kaido, we will feast for three days!”

As soon as the words changed, good guy, Roy is now wondering in his heart.

[This guy, why did he drink more frequently after the prohibition came out? ] 】

[It seems that it is not to not drink, but to find a reason to drink.] 】

After hearing Roy’s inner voice, Whitebeard was silent for a while.

If you look at it this way, it seems to be true.

But after defeating Kaido, let alone celebrating for three days, if you follow the previous words, you can’t stop for a month.

When he thought of this, Whitebeard’s heart was much calmer.

With a burst of cheers from the side, Roy and Marko finally walked in front of Whitebeard.

“This time things went well.”

It wasn’t until the words came out of Daddy’s mouth that a stone in Marko’s heart was put down.

He was ready to carry the pot for Roy.

But now it seems that Dad still sees the long term.

Thinking of this, Marko shook his head and lamented his ignorance.

If Dad is really confused, how can he find Roy’s potential stock.

And decisively put him in the position of captain of the second team.

This was unprecedented in their pirate group, and not long after they came out of the position of intern, they directly became the captain.

“You two hurry up and go to rest and rest, after a day of running, you must be tired.”

Whitebeard saw that Roy was already behind him, looking powerless.

But if you think about it, it seems that this kid has always been in this state.

[This is almost the same, the old guy rarely said a human word. ] 】

After hearing this, Roy felt a little happy in his heart.

After saying hello to Whitebeard, he turned around and left directly.

I didn’t notice the black lines on the white-bearded face when I greeted him.


“Katakuri, there is nothing going on over there in Wano Country now, right?”

Until then, Katakuri and Kastad had also remained on the desert island, although they were no longer in shape, and they could only rely on supply ships to support their logistics.

“Yes, Mom.”

Katakuri gave a brief answer.

And at this moment, he still missed the masked opponent in his heart.

I don’t know how things are now.

“By the way, Mom…”

“That intruder I said before… How’s it going? ”

Katakuri finally spoke.

“Oh, you said her, the problem has been solved, you don’t have to worry about this.”

Auntie didn’t give him a clear answer, but what surprised Katakuri a little.

That guy in the mask turned out to be a woman!

No wonder her insight is felt when fighting, meticulous.

If this were not the case, his domineering appearance would definitely play a greater role.

But it’s useless to say that now.

Listening to Aunt’s tone, nine times out of ten, she has already been solved.

I don’t know why, but there is some regret in my heart.

“Brother Katakuri, what are you thinking, mother has already hung up the phone.”

Knowing that Castard’s voice reached his ears, Katakuri reacted and slowly put down the phone worm in his hand.


Although Katakuri said this, his eyes had betrayed him.

If it weren’t for something on his mind, Castard wouldn’t have believed it.

“By the way, the notice goes down, everyone gathers.”

The day of the attack is set for the day after tomorrow, and here they must cut off all hidden dangers.

“Brother, didn’t we just go for a spin this morning?”

After hearing this, Castard asked helplessly.

“I said, let them assemble quickly.”

Now is the most critical moment, and there must be no trouble.

When their ship reappeared near Wano Country, Bista was also a little upset.

“Daddy, those annoying bugs are here again, but today seems to be the second time…”

Their every move was exposed to Whitebeard’s eyes, but this had no effect on either side.

“Goo la la, yes, it looks like they’re going to be moving soon.”

After hearing this, Whitebeard said with a smile.

“In that case, then I will directly take someone to solve them, and I have long seen that these guys are not pleasing to the eye.”

When he said this, Bista’s hand was already on the hilt.

But Whitebeard shook his head.

“Forget it, they’re not a guy to mess with.”

Although it is not a problem to solve these people, it can even destroy some BIGMOM’s manpower first.

But the only problem is that the Navy their men are not yet in place, and now make such an action, in case of letting BIGMOM advance their own plans.

That’s a failure.

“Just let them go around outside, it won’t affect us anyway.”

Whitebeard looked at Bista already a little belligerent, and a smile gradually appeared at the corner of his mouth.

“Don’t worry, it will make you release it in two days.”


All Nations, Cake Island.

On the eve of the big war, their side was ready for battle.

But suddenly I heard news from the border.

Say they found the warships of the Navy.

“What? Navy? ”

When Aunt heard the news, she didn’t believe it at first.

Without any warning.

“How could they be here at this time?”

Although Aunt and Kaido also anticipated that the World Government might interfere when they were drawing up their plans.

But it’s probably too early.

“Sitting on the benefits of the fisherman, it should not be this time.”

And Kaido is now a little stunned.

“Those bastards won’t interfere with our plans.”

Hearing this, Auntie shook her head.

“We will leave directly tomorrow morning, and by then those navies will already be over on our side even if they react.”

Auntie didn’t seem to be worried about the situation at all.

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