He was probably the least interested of the three in this position.

No, it’s not so much disinterested, it’s taboo.

For a fish toucher like him, a promotion is not a good thing.

But he is the existence with the highest reward among the three.

And it’s still straight up.

Even the previously high-profile supernova Ace has gone through several battles to reach the current bounty of 400 million.

To him, good fellow, directly on 1.38 billion Bailey.

Every time he thought of this, Roy felt a colic in his heart.

“Uncle, I want to withdraw from this competition.”

Roy pretended to hesitate and said the words that had been held in his heart for a long time.

“Now is the critical juncture, I have no strength, no courage, and no qualifications…”

However, before Roy’s words were finished, Whitebeard directly interrupted him.

“Goo la la, little ghost, are you going to teach me how to do things?”

This statement made Roy unable to refute it.

I have to say that ginger is still old and spicy.

[This whitebeard really can’t get by with me. 】

[When the time comes, I have to find an opportunity to fix you.] 】

Good guys, now they’re all ready to rise to physical attacks.

Whitebeard just finds it funny.

In that case, the position of the captain of the second team is none other than you.

“Roy, it’s okay, daddy must have a reason for doing this.”

Seeing that Roy was stunned back by his father, Ace comforted on the side.

[You know a fart! ] 】

“That’s it, little brother Roy, even if that’s the case, you have to wait for Dad to tell his answer.”

Titch echoed from the sidelines.

But looking at his expression, it didn’t seem so sincere.

In his eyes, it is estimated that Roy was only pushed forward by relying on this relationship with Whitebeard.

But what made him more curious was Roy’s reward.

Although he also knows that the level of the bounty is sometimes not based on strength, but in Roy, there seems to be no threat in him.

Although the last time it cost him ten years of life, the knife was indeed very strong.

But this trick of desperation does not seem to be a problem, right?

Anyway, this time the captain position of the second team, he must get.

In this way, it will be more convenient for his future plans.

[This guy Tichy, I don’t know what kind of calculation he is making. ] 】

[Also, after lurking in the Whitebeard Pirates for so long, I still haven’t seen what I want, if it were me, I would probably be in a state of complaining now. ] 】

What lurks?

What do you want?

Now what Roy was thinking about was really something that Whitebeard couldn’t explain.

“Goo la la, do you say it or let me say it.”

Seeing that the voice below became messed up again, Whitebeard cleared his throat.

Everyone’s eyes quickly converged again.

“Goo la la, after my observation for a period of time, I finally decided that the position of the captain of the second team should be handed over…”

When he said this, Whitebeard also deliberately paused and looked at Roy.

After meeting Whitebeard’s eyes, Roy shuddered.

“Don’t be me. 】

“Don’t be me. 】

Roy repeated the meditation in his heart.

“Goo la la, Roy.”

The voices in my heart instantly produced a convergence.

【Wow! Whitebeard, you are such a bad person! 】

[Quickly withdraw ah! ] 】

[I just want to touch a fish quietly, why is it so difficult!] 】

After hearing Roy’s inner voice, Whitebeard only felt gloating.

Stinky boy, this is my gift to you, uncle, goo la la.

In this way, the factors that interfere with Roy will become cluttered.

It’s just that now, when Whitebeard has just announced the position of captain of the second team to Roy, there is already a mess below.

It’s not that Roy is not worthy of this position, but according to the strength he has shown, there is still a long distance from this position.

Of course, if daddy is calculated according to the bounty, then that’s another story.

“Goo la la, what’s wrong, smelly boys, look at your reaction, do you have any opinions?”

Whitebeard knocked on the table, and there was a sudden silence below.

“Goo la la, if you have something to say, don’t hold it in your heart, say it boldly.”

Now Roy was completely immersed in grief, as if he had put himself out of the matter.

“Dad, I think there’s something wrong with that.”

Sure enough, as soon as Whitebeard’s words fell, Tichy, who was defeated, stood up.

Originally, he planned to silently lurk under Whitebeard until his purpose was achieved, but because of the appearance of Roy, the little ghost, it directly disrupted all his plans.

Now I finally let go and found another path, but I didn’t expect that Whitebeard would give the position of captain of the second team to a hairy boy who didn’t dry up.

And the Navy side doesn’t know what kind of madness it is, and even marked a reward of 1.38 billion Bailey for this kid.

This wave of operations is really stupid for Tichy.

“Goo la la, you think something is wrong, but it doesn’t hurt to say.”

“Roy, he has not been here for a long time in our pirate group, and he doesn’t know much about the second team, and I don’t think he can do it.”

Tichy also seems to be open-minded this time.

“It’s the same with Ace, I think of the three of us, I’m the one who is best qualified to be in this position.”

When he heard this, Whitebeard nodded silently.

The Tichy in front of him and the unknown son he knew before have undergone subtle changes.

I don’t know when, but as Roy said, his ambition seems to have been ignited.

“Goo la la, I decided this way, there is a reason for me.”

Alas, I can listen to you, but as for listening, then forget it.

Looking at Tichy, he still seemed to be a little unconvinced, but Ace didn’t care about this in comparison.

Seeing that Roy’s gaze had become dull, he stepped forward to celebrate.

“Congratulations, Roy.”

But Roy’s mind now has only one twisted word coming to mind.

[Roll! ] 】

“Daddy, it’s not fair!”

Seeing that Tichy’s appearance seemed to become extreme, Marko immediately stopped in the middle.

“Don’t be like this, daddy must have his consideration for doing this.”

Marko explained, but now it is estimated that no two people can listen.

After that, Whitebeard didn’t waste much time on the matter, leaving only Marko and Roy.

“Goo la la, why do you think I chose to give the position of captain of the second team to Roy today?”

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