I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 924 It seems they can’t be killed

According to Tang Ye's calculations, this black exoskeleton suit is so hard that it cannot be broken open by a fifth-level strongman. Let alone a fifth-level strongman, even a sixth-level strongman wants to break through this kind of suit. Defense is by no means easy.

Of course, it is not impossible, but it is difficult. However, there is no such exoskeleton suit in the United Unified District. In the current United Unified District, the Peace Society is the leading large force. It stands to reason that among them, science and technology The initiative for development lies entirely in the hands of the Peace Society.

However, Tang Yejian has never seen an exoskeleton suit with such amazing defensive power. Indeed, the members of the Peace Society are currently equipped with the best equipment in the entire United Unified District. Let’s talk about the defensive power of the exoskeleton suit. , and much stronger than those underground forces.

But even so, the defense of these exoskeleton suits is far inferior to the exoskeleton suits of the strong men fighting against the giant beasts controlled by Tang Ye!

The defensive power of their exoskeleton suits has surpassed all the exoskeleton suits in the joint command area!

Tang Ye suspected that the mercenary guild was researching it privately, but developing an exoskeleton suit required too much, and it was simply impossible for a public organization to complete it.

So, Tang Ye then thought about it, it was probably equipment ordered by the mercenary guild from super powers in other regions!

Such an exoskeleton suit can only be developed by the same super power.

How to describe this kind of armor? In short, it can be described as heaven-defying. Such amazing defensive power is enough to make the fourth-level new humans have the power to fight against the sixth-level new humans. Of course, this battle strength, Just a battle!

Any set of armor with strong defensive power cannot completely absorb the power coming from the outside world.

The defense is strong, at most it is armor resistant. If the power coming from the outside is too strong, even if it is absorbed to the limit by the exoskeleton suit, there will always be some residual power that passes through the suit layer and is transmitted to the people inside. .

If the aftermath of this power exceeds the endurance limit of the person inside the armor, it will be fatal.

But in any case, the zombie monster controlled by Tang Ye hit the strong men of the mercenary guild with all its strength, and the aftermath of the force did not kill them directly, right?

So, can we still see the level of defense of the black exoskeleton suit?

In front of this armor, the Peace Society soldiers who had gone to resist the mercenary guild and the powerful army composed of underground forces were of no use at all.

Tang Ye finally understood why the team of strong men formed by the Mercenary Guild to strike first this time were all new human strong men of level 4 or above. The black exoskeleton suits they wore were enough to make them stronger. These strong men can best save their lives when facing the army of the Peace Society.

It can be said that he is completely invincible.

When the two sides fight, with such an equipment gap, the armed forces of the Peace Society will only suffer heavy losses, and those strong men who attack the Peace Society will only be injured or killed by strong men who do not wear the black exoskeleton suit. !

Tang Ye didn't want to guess their identities, but he just needed to understand that the biggest threat this time was the strong men wearing black exoskeleton suits. They were difficult to kill, so what was the use of sending the Peace Society troops out? ?

A war without any results is meaningless. Instead of fearless sacrifices, it is better to turn back and think about how to deal with it.

Sitting on the sofa, Tang Ye looked out the window. The blue sky seemed to be covered with a film of war smoke.

At this moment, the deafening sound of artillery fire outside seemed to have turned into the most beautiful symphony in the world, making Tang Ye feel very calm inside.

Unconsciously, a plush rubber band appeared in his palm, and he squeezed it hard with his fingers.

"It seems that not every beautiful goal requires a beautiful process to complete. There are always some that require violence and blood to build a beautiful world."

He murmured in a very low voice. Maybe even someone standing in front of Tang Ye wouldn't know what he was talking about.

A few minutes passed. Tang Ye put the rubber band in his hand on the table, illuminated it with the stand of the desk lamp, then stood up and walked out the door. However, he suddenly stopped when he just walked out the door.

"It's really troublesome."

After thinking for a while, he saw Tang Ye turn around, come to the window, open it, and jump down.

Under the Peace Building, countless soldiers came and went, thinking about the area where the war started.

"What's going on over there?"

"It's a bit unstoppable. A total of six new fifth-level humans have appeared here. Are there any other strong men who haven't appeared?"

"Six fifth-level new humans, why so many?"

"Mader, there are already a lot of fifth-level new humans in the Mercenary Guild. This time we come here, we must have brought all the strong ones with us."

"Just wait a moment, our people will be here soon."


A soldier was talking with a communicator and walking back and forth anxiously. At the same time, he waved to a transport truck already full of soldiers and motioned to the driver to drive for support.

The transport truck's engine had just started, making a dull roar. Before it had gone far, Tang Ye suddenly appeared next to it and stopped the truck.

"It's the marshal."

When the driver saw Tang Ye, he naturally did not dare to disobey the orders revealed by the supreme ruler of the United Unified Region and stopped quickly.

"Marshal, what's the matter?"

The soldier driving the car asked respectfully, but Tang Ye did not answer him, but walked towards the non-commissioned officer who was communicating with the communicator.

"Give me."

The sergeant was a little confused, but in the end he handed over the communicator very obediently.

"Hello?" As soon as Tang Ye took over the communicator, a voice full of doubts came from the other side.

"Number, position." Tang Ye asked directly without any hesitation.

"Who are you?"

The person on the other side of the communicator was still a little confused and asked stupidly.

Fortunately, the soldier next to him reminded him in a low voice: "It's the marshal."

His voice was not loud, but the person opposite him was also a fourth-level new human being with extremely sharp ears, so he could naturally hear the contents clearly.

After realizing that the person he was talking to was Tang Ye, his tone changed drastically.

"Oh oh oh, report, number 1-00722, military rank is lieutenant colonel, and is currently responsible for the defense of the Guanghu 10th Battle."

"Yeah." Tang Ye nodded, and then asked, "What's the situation over there now."

Following Tang Ye's question, the other side was silent for a while, and finally replied: "It's in danger..."

"You mean you can't stop it?"

"Well, there are too many fourth-level new humans, and we found that they seem...unkillable..."

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