I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 914 The giant beast attacks

Each half-meter long fang can almost tear apart the wind trail. In a short period of time, this dark silver-skinned giant beast has reached its extreme speed.

"Fuck, come on, come on, come on, get out of the way."

Some gathered soldiers from the Peace Society noticed something unusual behind them. They were frightened when they saw it was a giant zombie beast, and then quickly got out of the way, fearing that the monster charging forward would hurt them. Although they were in the Peace Society, , you don’t have to worry about being eaten by zombies, but zombies don’t care about people, and they don’t think about whether they will accidentally hurt the same kind.

They are more like a machine that has been programmed to do fixed things according to the instructions of the program. Once there is something in front of them, unless the programmed route allows them to detour, otherwise they will just collide. Go up.

This is common sense to all members of the Peace Society.

You can walk beside zombies, but you must not walk directly in front of them, especially powerful zombies. They will not eat you, but they will trample you to death accidentally!

The soldiers in front separated in an instant and made way for them. A strong wind blew past everyone's ears, making a rumbling sound that seemed to tear people's eardrums. With the roar of the zombie monster, it passed by everyone, all the way. gallop.

"What's it going to do?"

"It's over, it's over! Its target is the mercenary guild!"


"When did we have such a zombie beast here?"

"have no idea."

The Peace Society soldiers at the back felt palpitated as they watched the giant beast rushing towards the battlefield. On the road in front of it, many buildings were hit by its body, and the corner suddenly exploded!

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and gather together!"

"Take your weapons and follow me!"

The commander who had already put on the armor roared, and led the soldiers to run towards the battlefield with weapons in hand. Missiles occasionally flew in front of them and fell to the ground, creating a brilliant firework, adding a little light and shadow to this apocalyptic world. .

As the armies of both sides began to gather, the sounds of guns and artillery became more intensive. The area where the battle was fought was covered by white smoke rising after laser weapons hit targets or buildings. Human civilization and technology have entered the end of the world. It is more developed and the power of weapons is greatly improved. Once it enters a war, the surrounding buildings cannot last long and are soon swept into a pile of ruins. In such a war, hiding behind a bunker has no effect at all.

The super lethality and penetrating power of laser particle ray weapons can easily break through walls and hit your vital points directly. Only the exoskeleton suit on your body can give people a sense of security.

The wind roared past, bringing a temperature of more than 40 degrees, and a strong burnt smell rushed into people's noses. This smell was very familiar. It was emitted by anti-life substances after burning their own energy. The war began. Got it!


Groups of mushroom clouds rose up in neat rows with red flames, just like large numbers growing in an instant. On the ground, countless buildings were melted by high temperature in an instant, and glass products were broken and fell to the ground. Turned into white powder.

On the criss-crossing streets of the central administrative area, loud and deep corpse roars rang from south to north, like a ghost floating past. It is trying its best to avoid the buildings it encounters along the way, but its body is so huge that it is inevitable that some buildings will be touched by it and then directly collapse.

Amid people's screams and watching the giant beast approaching, the residents could only choose to escape. In the end of the world, zombies are the most dangerous. Even if peace prevents zombies from attacking humans, these ordinary people still have the right to fight. The instinctive fear of zombies.

Its scarlet eyes reflected the rising firelight in the distance. After passing by the group of Peace Society soldiers, it no longer continued to move forward, but turned a corner, lengthening the distance to the target, and ran sideways. Go and ensure that you won't be discovered by the enemy until you get closer.

As the distance got closer, it heard the roars of the Peace Society soldiers, and the noisy shooting sounds became clearer and clearer.

Quickly adjusting its position, the giant beast judged which side the enemy's army was on, and then accelerated its pace and ran.

"You guys, go over and draw their firepower!"


"Over there, someone is coming, bring me up!"

"The outcome today depends on us. Here, almost all the strong men from our entire United Unified District are gathered. If this battle is unsuccessful, then I believe you all know the next result! Everyone wants a piece of the pie, but this is Things are the prerequisite for us to share the cake, so I don’t want to see anyone fishing in troubled waters. If anyone dares to do so, no matter you are a high-ranking or leader of that force, your blood will be spilled here!"

Among the team of strong men gathered by the mercenary guild, one person stood on top of a three-meter-tall push chariot and shouted loudly. The hunter-killer exoskeleton suit that was so black that it lost all visual dimensions was extremely conspicuous.

No one responded to his words, but no one showed a disdainful expression on their face. Although many of the people gathered here are fourth-level senior bounty hunters from the mercenary guild, some of them are underground forces. senior officials and leaders.

Their status is unquestionable in the last days, but now they are being given orders by one person? It is simply impossible for them to readily agree, because their inner pride does not allow them to do so!

It's as if an ancient general was being commanded by a highly skilled martial artist.

But they couldn't show their displeasure, because now there are two new sixth-level humans gathered here, and these two new humans have reached a consensus and have the same interests. One of these two new humans is the strongest in the mercenary guild. Hunter Jin Ye, one is Lu Jinyu, the leader of the underground force Sanqi Dao who suddenly evolved to the sixth level a week ago.

His evolution made the members of Sanqi Dao ecstatic, but they did not spread it to the outside world. But yesterday, the news that Lu Jin was a sixth-order new human was spread in the circles of underground forces. All of a sudden, Sanqi Dao became a The leader of underground forces.

The two new sixth-level humans are just sure to win over the Peace Society, which is why they dare to come. The agreement of interests between the two strongest men also allows the underground forces in the United Unified District to learn about the mercenary guild's opposition to the Peace Society. There was no reason for sanctioning him when he started.

When a big sword is pointed at the group of people who represent justice, they will also change their original rules.

And the person standing on the roof of the pusher is one of the most loyal henchmen of the sixth-order new humanity.

The only sound at the scene was when the war was going on. Other than that, none of the new human beings of level 4 or above who belonged to the underground forces below made a sound.

"I hope you will remember what I said!"

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