I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 911 The train of life

The voices in his ears became more and more noisy as time went by. It seemed that more and more people were muttering "beside him". Among them, Tang Ye also heard a few familiar voices. The owners of these voices , seems to be someone he knows.

Tang Ye's life diary quickly flipped back, and he saw many people. Some of these were his colleagues, some were friends who were said to be friends but were not, and some were strangers who had only met once.

The train of life is going backwards like crazy. Tang Ye has really found that feeling. Life is like a train that can only move forward. On this journey, every person and everything you meet is what you see. of stops and road signs.

There were more and more mutterings around, which made people feel depressed, as if they were seeing countless overlapping figures in a dream. All of this was incredible, but only Tang Ye knew that these were all auditory hallucinations.

However, among the noisy mutterings, he seemed to understand the meaning of a passage.

"In this world, you can only see yourself."

"In this world, you can only see yourself? What does this mean?" Tang Ye frowned. He was a little confused. This passage brought out that feeling again, and it was the same as when he returned to the ground from space last time. Just like the black mist I saw, I always felt that this thing was very familiar, but I couldn't think of where I had seen it before. It was obviously the first time I saw it.

Tang Ye didn't think much about it. He remembered watching Neihan Duanzi and seeing a video before the end of the world. The content in it was to explain why people always feel familiar when they see something for the first time. These things are all There is a scientific basis. Although Tang Ye can't remember what the video is about, it's not a big deal.

Finally, his life diary turned to the last page. Starting from the first memory scene he recorded, the memories belonging to Tang Ye began to play again. The train of life arrived at the starting point and was returning to where it had been.

The first page of his life was turned, and it was the only scene in his life that Tang Ye remembered for the longest time. It was a teacher in the orphanage, holding his hand and teaching him to walk.

"Come on, let's take the first step. Come on, follow the teacher, take our left foot first, and then our right foot. Yes, that's it. You are so smart. Come on. The teacher will reward you."

"Thank you, teacher."

"Children, come here, let's go out for a spring outing today."

"Why are you throwing things around? You can't throw these things away..."

"Hey, what's your name?"


"how old are you?"

"I'm seven years old."

"Haha, I'm younger than you."

"You are younger than me, then you are my sister, and you have to call me brother."


"elder brother."

"That's great, I will protect you from now on."

"Well, brother is so kind."

"There is a kite there, but... the string seems to be broken."

"Don't bully my sister, I'll beat you to death."

"You can't defeat us at all. Do you think you are Superman?"

"Ha ha."

"Brother, I will marry you when I grow up."


"Come here, please fill in these things... You are already eighteen years old this year. We don't know what you think about why you don't accept adoption by others."

"I don't know, I don't think they're right for me."

"Don't know? Okay, now is not the time to dwell on this issue. You are already eighteen years old. It is time to enter the society and work. After writing these things, you can go out."

"Can't you continue to live here?"

"Yes, you have grown up, and we have watched you grow up. To be honest, we are reluctant to let you leave, but..."

"It goes without saying, I understand everything."


"I'm leaving, where is my sister?"

"You mean Chu Yunxuan?"


"She will continue to go to school."

"Ah? Why doesn't she come with me?"

"Because of her excellent grades, many kind-hearted people in society are willing to sponsor her to go to college. After college, she will have many choices when she enters the society. I think you don't want her to just hastily enter the society with you, right? "

"All right."

"That's it, the hospital will arrange work for you tomorrow."


"Brother, the kind person who sponsored my school went bankrupt. I don't know what to do..."

"It's okay. I have money. I will help you with your teaching expenses in the future."

"Um...Brother, I'm sorry."

"Why are you saying sorry? You should."

"Brother, I'm at the station, where are you?"

"I'm on Earth."

"Brother, I won't come this year. I will celebrate the New Year at my classmates' house."

"Then...well, please be safe."


"Are you coming again for the Chinese New Year this year?"

"I'm already in Lin City."

"Really? Then I'll come to the station to pick you up right away."

"Tang...you...oh, no need."


"You can just come to the old place."



"We've all grown up."

"Yeah, growing up...what do you want to say?"

"We have grown up, and we should see many things more... we should see them more comprehensively. People... people have to change. We are not living in a fairy tale world, you know?"

"Of course I know."

"Then why are you still so naive? Isn't reality bad at all?"

"I see."

"It's good that you know, but I'm sorry..."


"I won't come here anymore. Just take care of yourself. There's no need to give me money every month."

"What about you?"

"I also have hands and feet, and I met my boyfriend at school..."


"Young man, what do you want?"

"Two bottles of beer. By the way, boss, do you know where there is a barbecue place nearby?"

"Turn left on the road ahead and keep going. Turn left at the first intersection and there is a night market there."


"Why, young man, are you broken in love?"

"That's right."

"What the hell is the weather like today?"

"I'll go, the sky is red."

"Holy shit, there's someone over there who's crazy and biting."

"Bite?... I'm going to fake it. Call the police!"

"What the hell is going on?"

"Help, help me!"

"Oh, let me go, it's over!"

Memories flashed through Tang Ye's mind quickly, and he used his own methods to deepen everything he experienced.

Although Li Henian's memory appeared in his mind from time to time, inexplicably connected after a memory of his, he was quickly kicked out.

When he recalled his memories, he didn't know how much time had passed. When Tang Ye opened his eyes, there was bright sunlight shining on the floor in the room.

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