I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 888 I think you are more like trouble

Tang Ye's cold words finally caught the man's idea. He looked at him and faced the killing intent emanating from Tang Ye's body.

"Li Henian, the overlord of the United Unified District, I know you, but you don't know me."

"I don't need to know you."

"Indeed, this is in line with Marshal Li's style, but do you want to do it?"

"Otherwise?" Tang Ye asked back.

"I don't think there's any need to fight between us. Marshal, I'm not someone else. I know your background. You're a sixth-level new human being. If others really think that's the case, then that's a lot of fun."

Tang Ye's heart skipped a beat. The man in the peaked hat meant that he was a seventh-level new human being. He could see it!


"Marshal Li doesn't know, right? I just helped you solve a problem. Although the trouble is very small, it will save the marshal from having to worry about it in the future, right?"

"What's the trouble?" Tang Ye said calmly, but his pupils narrowed inadvertently.

The man in front of me is actually a new seventh-level human being!

This was the first time he saw the second seventh-level new human besides Su Sigui, and Tang Ye immediately began to guess the identity of this man.

"This trouble is not big, especially for the marshal, it is not a problem at all." The man in the peaked hat said, raising his head slightly. At this time, Tang Ye finally saw those eyes.

The peaked cap's eyes were filled with countless negative emotions, including madness, despair, and numbness. This look made Tang Ye immediately realize that this madman was in his eyes! A madman who likes to kill people!

To put it simply, he is a murderer. Such people usually become like this when they are stimulated. You never know what this person will do in the next second. One second he may be calm and like an honest person, and the next It could kill everyone in seconds!

And in the apocalypse, murderous maniacs with seventh-level new human strength are even more dangerous!

How could such a person help others solve their troubles? The only possibility is that the so-called trouble in his mouth is also the person he wants to kill, and he only indirectly eliminates a trouble for others.

"Since it is a trivial trouble for me, then there is no trouble. There are rules on my territory. Breaking the rules, and I still have a few sixth-level zombies under my command..." Tang Ye looked up and down at the man in the peaked hat. , a sinister smile appeared on his face.

He didn't say what he said next, but as long as people are not stupid, they can know what the next sentence is. He wants to feed the caps to the zombies and let those sixth-level zombies evolve to seventh-level.

However, the man in the peaked hat was not afraid at all. He opened his mouth and let out a twisted and crazy laugh, just like a lunatic who came out of a mental hospital.

"Marshal, you have not disappointed me. We are all the same people, the same kind of people. Why do you need order? Don't you think order is troublesome? Don't you think so? Hahahahaha..."

"Really, I think you are more troublesome than troublesome."

"Li Henian, there is no point in fighting you. Don't treat me like trash! Otherwise, I will kill all the people in the Peace Society! What hatred!? What Tang Fu? And Xu Haihai? They are nothing. ? Marshal Li, they call you a devil, may I ask, have you ever seen a real devil?"

A flash of violence flashed in Tang Ye's eyes. This guy is really crazier than a zombie.

"Then you want to try it?"

"Jiejie, I don't mind seeing the devil's methods."


Tang Ye's mouth suddenly split open. The man in the peaked hat in front of him was the most interesting person he had ever seen. He was the first person after Su Sigui who dared to challenge him!

As they spoke, the two people's extreme momentum and murderous intent erupted. A flash of scarlet flashed in Tang Ye's eyes, and a flesh-and-blood knife was pulled out from somewhere, and suddenly it turned into a bolt of lightning and rushed towards the man in the peaked hat.

"Jiejie, besides Su Sigui, you are the second one!"

"Su Sigui? Are you talking about that woman? But he can't do anything to me, and Marshal, I hope you are stronger than her."

The man in the peaked hat pulled out a bone knife from his back. He didn't know what kind of creature it was taken from and polished. The shining luster on it undoubtedly showed that the bone knife was smelted from anti-life substances.

Tang Yu, who was moving at high speed, saw a crescent moon icon on the bone knife in his hand. He immediately knew that this knife was related to the capital of the bright moon. And judging from what he just said, this knife was most likely from the capital of the bright moon. They were all snatched away.

"Really? I don't think so!"

Tang Ye waved the knife of flesh and blood in his hand, pulling out the afterimages, and the man in the peaked hat in front of him was shocked.

"Come on, Marshal, let me see how strong you are!"

He straightened his body and raised his bone knife high, ready to receive Tang Ye's blow!

The people around them, including Song Muyuan, were shocked by their momentum. They retreated a thousand meters away in a short time, and they were still retreating crazily.

This is just the outskirts of the United Area, a place where the weak live. Except for Song Muyuan, a sixth-level zombie, the other new humans at the scene are all first, second, and third level beings. Facing the strong ones above fifth level, They simply couldn't tell which level of new human beings Tang Ye and the man in the peaked hat were.

I just felt two qi and blood rising to the sky, covering everything here

Everything, that momentum is heart-stopping!

However, he also knew that Tang Ye was a sixth-order new human being, and the man in the peaked hat had the same vitality and blood, so they all thought he was a sixth-order new human being. He had no idea that both of them were actually seventh-order existences!

However, no matter whether they are level 6 or 7, it is not surprising. Once they fight, the destructive power is amazing. If they get close, innocent people will inevitably be hurt. Therefore, when gods fight, mortals are better off running away.

In an instant, Tang Ye and the man in the peaked hat began to fight. The flesh and bone knife collided with each other and made a crisp "ding" sound! A storm rolled up between the two of them, getting bigger and bigger, roaring in all directions!

The windows of the buildings on both sides of the street exploded with a bang due to the storm, and glass shards flew everywhere.

For a moment, dust filled the sky. The explosive force generated when the two collided trampled a large crater with a diameter of more than 60 meters on the ground. Some buildings were affected and collapsed on the spot.

"I go!"

The residents watching this scene from a distance let out a sigh.

"This guy is no longer a human being!"

"Death!" Tang Ye roared, and the power of the seventh-level zombie exploded, and the opponent also exerted force. Under the interaction of the two huge forces, both of them retreated in opposite directions.

Tang Ye moved his steps seven times before he was able to remove all the power exerted by the man in the peaked hat. However, the man almost flew up and retreated more than ten meters before stopping. It was not very embarrassing.

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