I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 652 That is... Shui Guanyin

The other party still ignored his words, but after taking a step, he stopped and turned to face Fu Yangyang with a simple smile.

"Brother Yang, I'll leave first, little brother. Thank you for taking care of me all the time."

After saying that, he took steps and rushed towards the Chen brothers resolutely.

People looked at his back blankly, as if he was very great. Compared with the two people's behavior of escaping for their lives, they were in sharp contrast to the soldier, which was very ironic.

He passed by the Chen brothers, and the two stopped, turned around and stared blankly.


This ordinary soldier roared, his desire for life no longer in his eyes, and he roared at the water glass-headed zombie whose whole body was burned black!


The zombie also roared, seeming to respond to his voice. There was excitement in his eyes, and he was very "grateful" for the food delivered to his door. Then he reached out with his big hand and grabbed the soldier. He hurriedly pulled the lead, haha Laughed loudly.

"Brothers, I've helped you solve these things, and I'll leave the rest to you! Hahaha!"


The water glass-headed zombie looked excited, grabbed him and put it into his mouth, but as soon as half of his body entered his mouth, before his teeth closed, he heard a "boom"! A ball of fire exploded in his mouth, followed by another ball of fire. The soldier's body instantly turned into blood and scattered everywhere, and his death was horrific.


Two lines of tears flowed from Fu Yangyang's eyes, but he held back more tears. From then on, he lost another friend.

Holding the zombie knife tightly in his hand, Fu Yangyang also had a will to die in his eyes. He was thinking that if this zombie hadn't died, he would die here too!

The huge body of the water-glass-headed zombie has been submerged in countless firelights, and its roars are rising and falling.

"Is he dead?" someone asked quietly.

"Should he be dead?"

The fire roared away, and people couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the rotten flesh on the ground. Although there were countless zombies coming around, the death of this fifth-level zombie made everyone really feel relieved.


There was a low roar from over there, and when they heard the sound, the people who had just breathed a sigh of relief suddenly choked.

"What! He's not dead yet!"

"Mad! You can't even kill them, we're going to be finished!"

All the soldiers were desperate, but Fu Yangyang's expression changed, he raised his corpse-cutting knife and said angrily: "Kill!"

He rushed forward, but was shocked when he saw the truth. The water-cup-headed zombie was indeed not dead, but it was not far away from death. The soldier just hung dozens of grenades on himself. These grenades were not from before the end of the world. The grenades were developed after the apocalypse to target zombies. They are so powerful that they explode together, making it difficult for even fifth-level zombies to resist.

At this moment, the water glass-headed zombie's limbs were twisted several times by the explosion, and its chin had flown to nowhere. Its head was twisted 360 degrees and then 180 degrees, its neck was twisted into a twist, and it turned its head sideways to look at the talisman. Yangyang roared again and again, extremely bloodthirsty, but his body could not move, his nerves were obviously damaged.


Unable to control the tears in his eyes, Fu Yangyang roared, his voice hoarse, and stabbed the corpse-decapitating knife into its head as he cried.


He used all his strength, but his strength was not great enough. The defense of the fifth-level zombies was also frighteningly strong. The tip of the knife only entered a little and then got stuck!


Fu Yangyang roared again, exerted force again, and the blade went in a little more. The water-glass-headed zombie opened and closed its big mouth and roared!


Try harder! The blade of the knife went in a little further, but after the tip of the knife touched its skull, it was difficult to go in at all.

"I want you to die!"

He picked up a piece of gravel stained with rotten meat and hammered the top of the knife handle hard!


The blade goes in a little further!



The gravel fell for the second time, and the skull of this fifth-level zombie made a cracking sound. It began to realize that the situation was not good, and its roar became more urgent.

A fifth-level zombie, it already has the wisdom of a human child and knows what death is.

Fu Yangyang gritted his teeth, and the gravel in his hand fell one after another. Finally, there was another sound of skull cracking, and the blade of the zombie knife finally entered its brain tissue, but the water cup head was not dead yet.

"I think you're not dead yet?"

He ignored the group of corpses around him, swung the gravel at the top of the knife, and smashed it sideways. Although the zombie knife had entered its brain, it was useless for a zombie that had evolved to the fifth level to destroy the brain. It is necessary to cut off the nerves connecting the evolutionary crystals in its brain to the body to completely end its life. It would be more effective to directly take out its evolutionary crystals. In this case, it is useless to just break a hole, and Fu Yangyang's power is Unable to support him in opening this zombie's skull, he could only open it with a corpse-decapitating knife!

He didn't know how many times he hit the hilt of the knife, but the zombie's head finally revealed a hole that he could put his hand into. Fu Yangyang stopped his movements and put his hand into its head. Then, a green evolution with a faint light appeared. The crystal and the neural network were pulled out by him!

"It's dead!"

Fu Yangyang shouted and raised the fifth-level evolutionary crystal in his hand high, displaying it in front of everyone!

"We...killed it!"


The remaining soldiers cried with joy. It was this zombie that disrupted all plans. Countless of their brothers died, and even the commander died. It was a heavy loss. Now that it is dead, those dead comrades can rest in peace!

Tears also flowed from Fu Yangyang's eyes. The Chen brothers stood beside him silently, with complex expressions flashing in their eyes.

Obviously they were the strongest group of people, but in the end it was a few weaklings who saved everyone and used their weak strength to kill a terrifying existence!

Looking at the figure holding the evolutionary crystal high, the two of them were at a loss. They had such strength, but what could they do? Facing the zombies and the extremely powerful high-level zombies, why don't they escape? Even worse than ordinary people. Just now, an ordinary person gave up his life for hope! Who can do it?

Even if it can't change much of the current situation, at least the moment when he died was absolutely great!

Fu Yangyang put down the evolutionary crystal in his hand and was about to say something, but a dull voice suddenly sounded at this moment, and the cheers of the soldiers stopped abruptly.


Boom! Boom! Boom!

This sound seemed to come from some ancient giant beast. The expressions on people's faces were sluggish. After a while, their feet began to tremble. They felt that the ground was shaking!

"What?" someone asked doubtfully, with a look of fear on his face after speaking.

"Look, there!"

A soldier pointed in one direction and said. Everyone looked and saw that the buildings were gradually covered by a huge shadow!

"That's...Water Guanyin!"

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