Faced with the sudden malice of the Abyss Corpse King, Ning Yuer felt like she was facing a formidable enemy, but the Corpse King Lieer's stop made her confused.

The power of the Corpse King was terrifying. The Abyss Corpse King did not pay attention to the people of the same kind next to him at first, but Lieer suddenly attacked, making him a little stunned for a moment, and his body that was several hundred meters long was thrown away!

It hit the ground, and after a loud noise, the ground shattered!

At this second, the malice towards Ning Yu'er was transferred to Lie Er, who roared and wanted to fight back. The next moment, Hatred drew out the bone knife, and Lie Er had a sinister smile on his face.

"Big Fat Dragon, are you sure you want to attack me?" The EEG information directed at the Abyss Corpse King was very rude, but it was this rudeness that made the angry Abyss Corpse King calm down immediately.

Seeing that it was being honest, he snorted with disdain and retracted the bone knife. Lie Er, who was not far away, turned and walked towards Ning Yu'er with a smile on his face.

Seeing the other party's vigilant look, Lieer motioned for her to relax, and then spoke, with a tone that was half serious and half joking.

"Don't worry, I just want to watch a good show, and I don't want to kill you yet."

"What do you want to do?" Ning Yu'er was still very vigilant, but she was more relaxed than before. Although she was asking, her eyes kept wandering between Tang Ye and the Extreme North Corpse King.

She knew that her body could not sustain it for long, so she had to find a way to replenish her strength, and the Extreme North Corpse King was a good choice.

But she is not a fool. If she pays attention to the Extreme North Corpse King, the radiation corpse king and hatred in front of her will not be so calm.

The majority is their advantage.

Sighing secretly in her heart, she wanted to follow her plan, but seeing Tang Ye turning into a physical storm in the distance, her selfishness finally stopped her.

One of him or himself must be alive.

So, we can only wait, wait for him to fail, then find a way to get rid of him, and then...

Eyes are the windows to the soul. Lieer never answered. He stared at her eyes. After a while, it seemed that he really saw something. He glanced at the vortex of flesh and blood in the distance that covered most of the sky. He smiled, laughed. Very brilliant.

Very good!

The smile only lasted for about half a second and disappeared. He cleaned the dust on the stone pier, then leaned on it with half of his body, and asked comfortably: "What does he have to do with you?"

"Why should I tell you?"

"It's okay if you don't tell me, how about I guess?" Lieer's tone was very calm. Hearing this, Ning Yu'er took a deep breath and said nothing. Although her face was pale and bloodless, it seemed to say: You can guess as much as you like. Guess.

The other party didn't care at all and said calmly: "I guess you care about him very much, so, hehehe~"

"Then what?" The girl's face was expressionless and her tone was casual.

Lieer smiled, stood up, crossed his fingers with his hands, and pressed lightly, making the bones crackle.

"I have been called the Corpse King by you for several years. In the past few years, nothing has changed in me. I have always been curious, is there a tenth level above the ninth level?"


"So today I have a chance, even if it's not me, it would be nice to witness it with my own eyes."

"If so, you will die miserably."

"Not yet... By the way, you really want to win. Maybe, this is an opportunity. Oh, you can't believe it. When I was still confused, as long as I ate enough, I could evolve, level one, level two. , Level 3, until... A fool dropped a nuclear bomb in my city. He thought he killed me, but in fact, I became stronger because of it. My recipe is no longer that of you humans. There are my kind, any little creature that can move."

"Since then, I have understood that only in danger can one grow, and only in pain can one refine oneself. Therefore, I never think that something has an absolute limit. What if there is only one last chance?" Lie Your words are like the devil from hell, whispering, inducing people to step into the abyss step by step!

Ning Yu'er didn't speak, her face was pale without a trace of blood, and she just stared ahead blankly, as if there was no Corpse King beside her.

At this time, Lieer separated his hands and continued: "This is your last chance. If you miss it, it will be gone. Go ahead. Your evolutionary crystallization is also a huge source of nourishment." After saying that, Lieer lay down before recovering. The posture on the stone pier only heard a cold snort coming from Ning Yuer's mouth.

"Do you think I will believe it?" Of course she would not be so stupid that she would commit suicide for an almost impossible hope just because of Lieer's words. She also knew what the other party wanted to do, except Tang Ye, who could The only one who can deal with the ninth level is himself.

Once he does something stupid, all the pressure will fall on Tang Ye.


"I know you won't believe it, but do you think I need you to believe it? Hehehehe~ Don't worry, I know very well what you are going to do, and I will keep an eye on you..." After saying this, Lieer paused. After a while, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the soldiers who were desperately trying to get close to Tang Ye, "Do you know why those idiots would use their lives to feed Li Henian? It's because they have no choice! The same goes for you."

"Ma'am, think about it, you have enough time before he gives up."

After saying that, Lieer left, laughing. He was looking forward to his reaction and his changes after she made her choice.

A sliver of hope that is almost impossible to exist.

Or utter despair!

How to choose?

What does the question maker least want to see?

Ning Yu'er didn't react, ignored what Lie Er said, and only looked at the vortex of flesh and blood...

The mother's nest shook the world as it moved, and its body got closer and closer to the vortex's influence. Suddenly, a loud noise was heard, and the huge body of the mother's nest began to collapse, and its flesh and blood was decomposed and absorbed!

It couldn't feel anything and was still moving forward. Its body was getting smaller and smaller, and it was constantly being deprived. It didn't ask why from the beginning to the end.

"Boss, we are here!"

With his consciousness a little blurry, Tang Ye saw Chen Zhouan, Yan Jie, Gong Xiao, Hong Heixin and other supporters and acquaintances, and they were also rushing towards him!


Tang Ye roared and wanted to refuse, but his body had been transformed by the majestic activity. His roar only made the sound of the wind more joyful!

He wanted to stop, but he couldn't. He had lost control of his body. He could only watch as everyone rushed into it, their bodies were crushed, and their nutrients and vitality were drained!

"Get out of here! Get out of here!!"

He roared heartbreakingly, but no one could hear him. He only saw countless figures disappearing, and the parts of their bodies were mixed with other pieces of meat, never to be seen again!

Yan Jie tightly grasped a protruding bone spur and held on tightly, with a ferocious face, enduring the severe pain of being crushed, with blood and tears in his eyes!

"Boss, uh... if you succeed... don't... forget, let the world remember our names, in this world, I, we existed..."

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