Bick made a "please" gesture. Under the leadership of Ariana, Tang Ye came to the second floor with his hands behind his back, and then entered the bedroom at the back. Bick's wife first made Tang Ye a cup of tea and smiled at him. Laughing, he took the child and left the room, closing the door casually.

"Okay, you can talk now."


"It's a long story, so I'll keep it short."

"Well, that's better."

Bick swallowed, and finally told Tang Ye what happened to Daria.

The woman did not tell the Bick family her name personally, but her name was Leoris, which they learned from others. It is said that the woman was very beautiful when she was young and was very popular with the men around her, but after Among the many men pursuing her, she chose a man named Dagbot Angelo, and this man's profession was different from ordinary people. He was a mercenary, often wandering between life and death on the battlefield. She met him in a tavern. As soon as they met, she was attracted by his humorous way of speaking. In just six months, the two got together. But after they got married, Leoris discovered The other party's career, but it's too late to regret it.

Because as a mercenary, Dagbot did not go home for many years during his mission. Leoris, who was almost a widow, could only see Dagbot two or three times a year. It was not until she became pregnant that Dagbot finally He took the time to visit her, but the times were still few and far between. Sometimes he didn’t even see her once a month. If he did this for a long time, even if he made a lot of money on the battlefield, Leoris could live a wealthy life. Life also failed to make her happy.

Dagbot didn't seem to care about Leolis' mental state. Every time he came to visit, it seemed that he was just for the child in her belly.

After giving birth to Daria in ten months of pregnancy, Leoris suffered from postpartum depression as expected. She didn't tell anyone and raised Daria by herself with difficulty. Dagbot liked the child very much. Every time she comes back, she will be brought new dolls and new clothes to dress her up like a princess. Only at these times can the crazy woman Leoris feel the warmth of this home.

One day, Dagbot suddenly told Leolis that after this year, he would wash his hands in a golden basin, take the last salary, and live a normal life with her, and he would not lick the tip of a dry knife. She was looking forward to Xue's career and had great yearning for life, but the reality was often cruel. This hope did not last long. One day, she saw his body being carried to the door of her house. At that moment, the backlog After years of emotional outburst, she seemed to be a changed person, thinking that all this was caused by her child Daria, and her husband, who had been wandering between life and death for decades, had never had any trouble until After Daria was born, he was killed by his enemies!

In the past few years after getting married, Leolis has understood that the person who can imprison a man will never be a woman, only the child who is part of his body. There is not much bond between her and him, Leolis She is no longer the innocent girl she was in those days, and would not think that a man would stay with her forever because of her beauty.

Perhaps after Leoris became pregnant with Daria, the reason Dagbot went to the battlefield was no longer just for his own lavish life, but for the family with children. Daria was his most important Important concerns.

Does Leoris love him? She loved him, otherwise she wouldn't have thought that Dagbot died because of Daria's concern. Without Daria, he might have appeared in front of her as peacefully as before!

After Dagbot's death, although his mercenary group paid her a large pension, this did not make her change her mentality. She no longer had patience with Daria and would cry because of Daria. And angrily tears up things that belong to her, and even beats Daria until she dares not cry. Sometimes, Daria will be caught by her just when she is passing by, asking why she is there. it's here! He would beat Daria with everything around him and would not stop until she knelt down to beg for mercy. It seemed that only in this way could he ease his emotions.

Perhaps knowing that her evil deeds were heinous, Leoris began to become afraid. She was not afraid that her behavior would be known by others, but she was afraid that her husband's ghost would come back to settle the score with her!

Therefore, she joined the church and prayed and read the Bible all day long, trying to reduce her guilt in this way, but this method had little effect. She began to use money to buy some "consecrated" things, such as Pictures of gods and some items with exorcism effects, in order to prevent the ghost of her husband from finding her!

But gradually, she became even more crazy in order to collect these items with "exorcism" effects. No matter what kind of items, as long as others said they had exorcism effects, she would never verify the truth of these words. If it is fake, she will happily buy it with a lot of money. No one knows how many people have deceived her, but she still enjoys it.

She has never cared about Daria's life or death. Even Daria's opportunity to go to school was provided by well-wishers in society.

Days like this continued, and the money Dagbot had earned over the years and the pension after he died in the war were all quickly spent by Leolis. Poverty caught up with her, but Leiolisi Oris still didn't give up. She even wanted to sell Daria to other families for a mere 50,000 pesos. Fortunately, no one accepted it in the end, and she had to sell Daria with her. She bought her own mansion and moved here to share a house with the Bicks, which also allowed the Bicks to get to know her and her daughter Daria here.

While they were renting together, the Piccolo couple couldn't bear to watch Leoris' violence against Daria. They also talked to each other and bought Daria for 40,000 pesos, which was unbelievable. Yes, Leolis agreed, but she had a request, that is, the Piccolo couple must take Daria to live somewhere else.

But the Bick family is not rich, and they live in poverty. Being able to live here is already a blessing. Because of this requirement, they have to give up.

And just in the past few days, Daria suddenly moved into the small attic room under the stairs for some unknown reason, and stayed in it every day after school. This behavior made Leoris, who was already nervous, explode. She frantically asked Daria to leave, tried to break the door open with a bench, and even locked the door every day to prevent her from going home. Every time she came in, she needed Piccolo's help.

Then, there was what Tang Ye saw.

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