I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1481 Excitement and Anger

The headless corpse began to move slowly, and the tentacles growing out of the neck began to entangle with each other, then retracted toward the body, and finally reassembled Tang Ye's head.

"I'm a little curious now. Are you stupid or am I stupid? What do you seem to have exposed?"

The monster with a spider body and a human body didn't answer. It kept making strange noises and struggling at the same time. The ceiling cracked inch by inch due to its movements, and the corridor behind Tang Ye was blocked by gravel in a short while!

Soon, the power that a head can burst out can no longer withstand the fierce struggle of this monster. After a while, the tentacles are torn off one by one, and Tang Ye also strides towards it!

But it was still a step too late. Just when he was about to touch the opponent, the tentacles protruding from his head were finally torn off. The monster, which was nearly the size of a van, flew out like an arrow from Li Xuan, wiping down several pieces along the way. Big piece of wall!

How long can this fragile corridor withstand the burst of speed from both parties?

After a while, Tang Ye felt an obvious earthquake. When the frame shook, it seemed to collapse at any time!

"Let you go!"

Tang Ye roared, his voice became hoarse, and the strong violent energy spread to the surroundings! He chased furiously towards the place where the monster escaped. Every step he took left holes in the ground!

It seems that he realized that the frame here was unstable and there was a risk of collapse at any time. In order not to be caught up by Tang Ye, the other party deliberately hit the wall while escaping. This made the situation worse, and large pieces of the material fell off from the ceiling. The two of them hit the ground, and the dust that stirred up obscured Tang Ye's sight!

The cracks on the ground extended as Tang Ye moved, and the cracks on the ceiling also spread to form a very irregular oval. The next second, there was only a "click" sound, and it fell from the ceiling, trying to block Tang Ye. In Tang Ye's sight, at the critical moment, a huge flesh flap dragged the falling gravel. Tang Ye's figure flashed past, knocking away all the gravel and quickly closing the distance between himself and the other party!

Moving at high speed, things around the corridor simply passed by in a flash. Tang Ye visually estimated that he was less than 20 meters away from the strange thing, but his sight would be blocked by the surrounding darkness. The candle in his hand The brightness of the light emitted was limited and he could not see further. In this situation, he could only vaguely see the rear half of the monster, and he did not dare to slow down. The surrounding environment was not so friendly to him. Once If he loses the other person's figure, he will most likely lose it even more.

At the same time, at such a fast speed, the power used cannot be underestimated. The two sides continued to accelerate. Gradually, the corridor environment in Tang Ye's sight began to slowly become distorted. The originally exquisite decoration changed horizontally. There were pieces of rotten walls here and there. Pieces of large or small gravel were knocked up from the ceiling and the ground. The straight corridor was destroyed and twisted at this moment!

At any time and at any time, it may not be able to withstand the speed that he and the monster burst out and collapse!

The skin and flesh on Tang Ye's back cracked again, and more flesh flaps were squeezed out from the flesh and blood fibers to support the corridor that could collapse at any time. At the same time, it exploded at a faster speed, getting closer meter by meter!

The originally wide corridor became narrower. Wherever Tang Ye and the monster passed by, a layer of the wall would be scraped off without hesitation. The monster running in front seemed to have noticed that something was wrong, and it could not escape Tang Ye at his speed. With Karma’s pursuit, it’s only a matter of time before he gets caught!

In desperation, its body, which was moving at high speed, drifted and turned upside down like an off-road vehicle, opened its mouth full of terrifying fangs, and made a sharp sound of "咿~咿"!


Seeing the opponent's movements, Tang Ye immediately remembered that he had hit the opponent just now, and quickly controlled the flesh and blood on his head to deal with it. Suddenly, the flesh and blood on his ears began to squirm, forming a vortex and squeezing inward. After a while, Tang Ye's ears disappeared, and the surrounding sounds suddenly stopped. The whole world became a silent world in his eyes, but this time he thought about it again.

The other party did not do this. The strange noise coming from it lasted for a while. Tang Ye saw that the lower body of the other party's spider began to bulge into a round lump and kept moving towards his body. He realized that this might be the other party's attack. Immediately control a meat flap to insert straight into the ceiling!

With one force, Tang Ye's entire body was lifted up. At the same time, the unknown round lump-shaped object bulging from the opponent's spider's body also moved into the human's throat!


As the tone became sharper, a large amount of white liquid spurted out from the opponent's mouth. Tang Ye immediately defended himself. All the flesh flaps and tentacles immediately gave up supporting the surrounding wall structure and intertwined with each other in front of Tang Ye. Together they form a large round shield of flesh and blood!

After the white liquid spurted out from the opponent's mouth, it hit Tang Ye like a boring cannonball!

In mid-air, white silk threads began to pull out from around the white night liquid, extending towards the walls around the corridor. In less than a second, a network was formed!

And just after Tang Ye saw clearly that what the guy spit out was spider silk, before he could make any move, he felt a huge resistance preventing him from continuing to pursue!

This spider web seemed fragile, but the moment Tang Ye bumped into it, the spider silk stretched across the corridor was immediately stretched to a very long length, but it did not break, which shows that it is full of resilience!

Under the pull, the force endured by the spider silk caused the walls on both sides of the corridor to explode instantly, and a large piece of the ceiling was suddenly empty! A large piece of gravel hit the road where Tang Ye passed with a "bang"!

"Get away!"

With a roar, Tang Ye untied the tentacles in front of him, and the flesh and blood squirmed to form a dark red blade of flesh and blood in his hand!

Holding a bloody long knife as long as an adult's height in his hand, he slashed down from top to bottom at the spider thread blocking him in front of him!


Tang Ye felt a strange but familiar resistance coming from the edge of the blade. He hadn't felt this kind of obstruction for a long time. After the ninth level, no matter what he solved, he basically cut it in two, and basically had no chance to use the second sword. , and what he met today made him feel strange, but also a little excited, mixed with some anger and imbalance.

I am excited that I have met an opponent who is on par with me, but I am angry that I am in such an environment and do not have much time to play the game patiently with the opponent.

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