I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1470 The gushing tide of corpses

"I can understand it a little bit, but if something happens to you here, will you outside change with your state? For example, if you get injured, you outside will also get injured."

"You can say that, but the form it manifests is not what you said."

"What's that like?" Tang Ye continued to ask, but Lu Xiaojie seemed to be in the mood to continue answering, and said impatiently: "Stop asking, just leave quickly."

Tang Ye just frowned, but he had no need to continue to argue with Lu Xiaojie on this issue. He was just curious about the physical sensation she could feel now, but it seemed that he should feel the same way?

Lu Xiaojie climbed on Tang Ye's back, pointed to the front and said, "Go forward."

Tang Ye nodded, took off the scarf on his head, and ran towards the direction pointed by Lu Xiaojie. As the dim light of the candle became farther and farther away from them, darkness slowly enveloped the two of them. Tang Ye was surprised to find that his night vision didn't work.

He couldn't see clearly what was ahead of him in the darkness. Only the candle in Lu Xiaojie's hand stubbornly illuminated the surrounding darkness so that the two of them would not lose their direction.

"Turn left!"


Not long after walking forward, Lu Xiaojie on her back suddenly spoke.

"Turn left?"

Tang Ye took a closer look and found a cross corridor in the darkness ahead. He quickened his pace and turned towards the corridor on the left as the woman said.

"Next, turn left!" Lu Xiaojie said again.

The next second, Tang Ye saw several forks in the corridor ahead. This was not a corridor on any floor at all, but a complicated underground passage in an old castle!

He once again followed what Lu Xiaojie said and turned around to enter the corridor that appeared again.

"Go forward, I'll let you turn again and again."


Tang Ye couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Walking here felt like he was walking in a maze. Maybe he could no longer find the stairs where he originally came in, but Lu Xiaojie remembered it so clearly, which showed how long she had been pondering here.

"Are you sure those bodies will be placed in these places?"

"Don't look at everything here from your perspective. Those corpses may be very important to Daria."

"Is it very important?" Tang Ye repeated in his mind, but the next moment, Lu Xiaojie's reminder suddenly sounded!



Tang Ye was stunned for a moment, and then he felt a force coming from his ankle, but this force was too small for him, and he hadn't even felt it yet.

When he lowered his head, Tang Ye saw a hand that was already withered and fleshy and rotten holding his foot! Looking at the arm, you will find that the hand is completely stretched out from the ground, and the ground is densely covered with graffiti of human figures, dyeing the ground of the entire corridor white, with only a few blank areas where some human figures can be seen. doodle outline.

Just as Lu Xiaojie's voice fell, the withered hand holding Tang Ye's ankle stretched directly, and more and more body parts protruded from one of the graffiti figures. Its hand was indeed holding Tang Ye, but it The power he possesses cannot trap him at all!

Uh...ho ho ho ho!

Only a roar was heard, and the owner of the withered hand was pulled out of the graffiti on the spot. Driven by Tang Ye's power, like an ordinary person hanging on a train, his body collided with the walls on the four sides of the corridor. Make a "bang bang bang" sound!

Not far away, the zombie's body was smashed into pieces, leaving only a small section of a severed hand hanging on Tang Ye's feet.

Tang Ye looked back and snorted coldly. Lu Xiaojie immediately said: "Stop dawdling, hurry up, there will be more and more in a moment!"

Without stopping for long, Tang Ye continued to move forward. After a while, as Lu Xiaojie said, more and more zombies crawled out among the dense graffiti of figures on the ground. Compared with the craziness of the zombies outside, here The zombies are truly crazy. They seem to not know that Tang Ye is a senior who is several levels higher than them. When they saw Tang Ye coming this way, they all roared and rushed towards him with their teeth and claws bared!

However, their bodies were too fragile. Before they could touch Tang Ye, they were torn to pieces by the strong wind set off by the other party!

"Slow down, it's too fast, I can't see clearly!"

Lu Xiaojie, who was on Tang Ye's back, was so hurt by the strong wind that she couldn't even open her eyes. After resisting for a while, she almost suffocated, so she had no choice but to speak.

Tang Ye slowed down a bit and turned to look behind him. One after another, zombies crawled out of the graffiti. Moreover, those graffiti were not what Tang Ye thought. A graffiti could only "pretend". "The next zombie is not one, but several or even countless zombies!

However, the place where he and Lu Xiaojie passed by was already crowded with these crazy zombies, roaring and rushing towards Tang Ye desperately!

At the same time, there were also a large number of zombies crawling out of the graffiti in front of them, as if zombies were constantly spewing out from the ground, giving Tang Ye a sense of absurdity as an ordinary person facing a zombie tide.

"After two more room doors, let's go in."

Lu Xiaojie pointed forward, and at the same time used a shovel to blast the head of a zombie that had just crawled out of the graffiti. Tang Ye followed her instructions and rushed through the two rooms, opened the door, plunged in, and then closed the door.

"I'm coming down." After putting down Lu Xiaojie on his back, Tang Ye glanced around. It was a very empty room with nothing but some exquisite wall decorations.

"What's in the other rooms?" Tang Ye asked. The roars of the zombies outside the door kept washing people's ears.

"It's the same as here, nothing. Come with me."

Lu Xiaojie raised her hand and waved to Tang Ye, then walked towards the other side of the room.

Tang Ye looked at the ground. Just like outside, it was covered with dense graffiti of figures. After the two of them came in, the zombies hiding in the graffiti felt that someone had come in. Rotten corpse claws stretched out from the graffiti. He walked out, but Lu Xiaojie didn't see any panic that ordinary people should have. As he walked, he smashed the head of an unlucky zombie with a shovel.

"You need a collaborator to come in, right?" Tang Ye didn't believe that an ordinary person could get through this mountain of corpses and sea of ​​blood. I'm afraid he would have died hundreds of times.

"It's very necessary. If there is a collaborator like you, it will save a lot of time and make it easier."

"Of course, collaborators like you don't come along every day."

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