I am the zombie king of the apocalypse

Chapter 1460 The woman picking out the eyes

Shortly after dark, there were not many people on the streets. The once prosperous city seemed to turn into a wasteland that had been uninhabited for a hundred years at night. No one knew how much was hidden in the darkness. A monster that chooses people to eat?

Subconsciously looking around, under Tang Ye's deliberate gaze, he quickly found some graffiti of figures hidden in the darkness. He stretched out his hand and scratched their bodies. Nothing unusual happened. It seemed to be what he thought. Only after the restricted time comes, will these graffiti figures reveal a different side during the day?

He took out his cell phone and took a look at it. The time on it was already displayed as 8:43, and there were still 27 minutes left before the ban on travel. It was also at this moment that Tang Ye noticed that the cell phone he had received was not there. networking.


He muttered and swiped up the screen to see that he didn't even have WiFi turned on.

Tang Ye frowned. He couldn't remember when he turned off the WiFi on his phone, but he turned it on later. Just when he was about to put his phone into his pocket out of habit, his phone suddenly vibrated several times. It seems to be some kind of push message, and there is also the "swish" sound of the WeChat message being sent.

I don’t know how many mobile software notifications the original owner of this phone had opened. These strange sounds were like bees flapping their wings and flying for a while before stopping.

Tang Ye took out his mobile phone. His original idea was to turn off the push permission of the software. But when he turned it on, Tang Ye felt an indescribable strangeness on his face after seeing the content on it.

The total number of messages received was more than 600. Except for a small number of push messages from some software, the rest were all from Neihan Duanyou. You could feel their confused emotions even through the screen.

Your dad replied while masturbating: [? ? ? 】

Mr. Qin: [? ? ? 】

dragon:【? ? ? 】

'': [Brother, how did you do it? 】

Mr. Qin: [Brothers, I’m confused! 】

Lu Benwei Benwei: [Make a sound while you are still alive. 】

Divine commentary from ancient times is on the second floor: [The eldest brother is a ruthless person. 】

Divine commentary from ancient times is on the second floor: [My eldest brother was also a decent person during his lifetime. 】

The countless comments displayed on the screen all illustrate the surprise in the hearts of netizens.

Regarding these comments, Tang Ye did not comment. Under the night sky, a smile appeared on his face. The creator of this world did not seem to be omniscient and omnipotent. At least it forgot some things when it cleared some things. These comments!

Among his two memories, one is that he opened his eyes during the prohibited time in violation of the travel regulations, had a conversation with the man on the second floor of the hotel, the young couple Lu Xin Xiaoru, and then "awoke" in the zoo. Come.

One is to fall asleep in compliance with the regulations when the forbidden time is coming, and what continues after waking up is the latter. Then everything experienced by the former is false, but this comment of mine belongs to the former. Appearing in the continuation of the latter?

"Another BUG."

Tang Ye sighed in his heart and looked at the time again. Two minutes had passed.

"It's time to begin."

He looked at the graffiti of a figure printed on the wall not far in front. He walked over and flicked his hand. The flesh and blood on his palm was thrown off like water stains. After falling on the ground, it began to condense and merge into a figure with four heads. Big eyes with movable legs.

Nodding, the big eyes rolled, and the limbs moved toward the darker place. The eyes stared at the graffiti of a figure not far from him.

After inserting this eye, Tang Ye went to the location where other figures were graffiti, and inserted an eye not far from them one after another.

After a while, Tang Ye stopped. There were many figures graffiti in Xijiang City, some of which existed in some inconspicuous corners. But as long as you pay attention, you will find that you can find several in the dark at once. , but these are only outside the building. He peeked next to these graffiti just to observe the abnormalities that would suddenly appear in them.

After thinking about it, Tang Ye retracted a few eyes, sneaked into the building after nine ten, and then started to poke eyes next to the graffiti of figures existing in the building. In this way, time passed little by little, Tang Ye Ye had inserted eyes in more than ten buildings. When he jumped down from a tall building called Tianhe Building, he looked up and saw a graffiti of a slanted figure on the wall behind the trash can in the distance. .

Tang Ye was thinking about whether to insert an eye or not, but he thought that if he inserted one more eye, he would have a higher chance of seeing abnormal things in these figures graffiti, but he couldn't help but turned into a workaholic and walked over, controlling the flesh and blood on his body in the palm of his hand. He condensed a ball and threw it towards the ground.

After doing this, Tang Ye turned his head and looked around, but couldn't help but froze. He was next to the billboard not far away, and he didn't know when another graffiti appeared.

"So arrogant in front of me?" After thinking about it, it seemed that it was already the forbidden time. Tang Ye made a move, and a knife of flesh and blood suddenly condensed out. The next second, he moved his hand towards the knife that didn't know when it would come out. Throwing the silhouette of Graffiti, the flesh-and-blood knife came out of his hand, making a "swish" sound that broke through the air, and stabbed it hard into the head of the silhouette of Graffiti!

The reinforced concrete on the wall shattered in an instant, dust flew everywhere, and around the slender blade, there was a pit as big as a bowl!

But the graffiti figure did not behave as Tang Ye thought. The head of the graffiti figure was only missing a piece. Apart from these, there was nothing else.

"Strange, is there any premise?"

This scene made Tang Ye frown. This situation is a bit tricky now. He hates this kind of detective-like work. He always has to keep reasoning and reasoning!

But after a while, Tang Ye seemed to feel something, and suddenly turned his head to look in a certain direction. Among his multiple fields of vision, one of them suddenly hung in the air, and then he saw a pair of eyes!

The owner of these eyes has a scarf wrapped around his head, so it is impossible to see clearly what he looks like, but it is initially determined that he is an ordinary person. Judging from the eyebrows, he is also a woman?

"Is there anyone? Why would anyone come out during the restricted time?"

The eye he inserted didn't stay in front of the woman for too long. Every so often, everything he could see suddenly pulled down, and his eye seemed to enter a black plastic bag?

Tang Ye quickly turned his other eye not far away to observe the person who took away his eye. But not long after looking at it, the person turned around and picked up the eye he had inserted and put it into the bag again!

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